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Hello from Texas

Jason Davis

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Hello all, 

New to Age of Sigmar and to tabletop gaming, and not exactly sure how much I'll be able to get into it because of money, time, and talent, but love the feel of the game (even having only played with pieces of paper at the moment -- models after the paycheck comes in, I hope...) I adore the creativity I've seen peeking at people's hobby blogs. 

What really brought me around though was Tyler Mengel's reinvention of the Tomb Kings. Loved it, and the fact that the way Games Workshop wrote the lore left room for him to work with. Currently writing a bit of custom lore (nowhere near as good, admittedly) for the Collegiate Arcane, which will be up in a blog post soon. 

Really looking forward to getting to know everyone! 

- Jason 

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