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Man you guys I am terrible at completing armies.  Right after saying what a breeze that 'ardboy was, I tried batch painting another four of them and totally ran out of steam.  Catching that case of Death Guard fever that was going around didn't help things either.  Add a move into a new apartment into the mix and you have a perfect storm of me neglecting my little green dudes.  Now that the move is all over, it's time to change all that.


As I said I started batch painting those ardboyz before getting derailed.  Got the blue grey armor and the rusty metal bitz done months ago, just finished the last of him this morning!   Gotta just remind myself that these guys are basic troops and getting them done is more important to me than making each one perfect.  Besides, the black and white checks en masse should distract away from any little imperfections in the individual models. 


And of course, since every warhammer enthusiast knows the best way to revive interest in an army is to go buy more stuff for it, I got myself a Maw Krusha!  Bucha orruks are just a no-good rabble without a leader anyways.   I'll save painting him up until the start collecting box is done, but I've  started  putting him together so I'll have a big fun paint project ready to go when I'm finished.

The mega boss up top will also be the first conversion for this army.  Man, when I was a kid I used to convert each and every model in an army but I've been slack lately.  Gotta have a unique leader though so here's a WIP of King Krool! 



Fairly simple conversion, just a head swap with Azhag the Slaughterer so far.  Got the metal  Azhag on eBay for fairly cheap, only to find that the crown had been pretty severely dremmeled down.  Never to be defeated, I broke out the green stuff and plasticard and created a crown I think I like more than the original.  I'd like to try magnetizing the wrists and feet on him too.

Storywize, Krool is the former leader of the Cloudtoof tribe.  He once attempted to claim a particularly cantankerous Maw Krusha as a mount, but ended up being carried away to the ruins of a human kingdom hidden away in the clouds.  Losing his grip on the Krusha's leg he fell through the roof of an abandoned castle and landed before a gothic throne and enchanted crown.  Placing the crown on his head he finds that he can now easily command both beasts and the simple minds of the gargants and troggoths that live in the ruins.  He spends many happy years leading gargants into battle against the troggoths, then visa versa as the crown fills his mind with delusions of grandeur. Only the arrival of a Weirdnob Shaman named Wurrgrim snaps his attention back to the mortal realms.  Now, leading an army of monsters he sets off to reconquer his tribe and challenge the pretender Gordrakk for the title of king of the orruks!

More to come!

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