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Grombrindal MP Point Value


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I want to try him in our Thursday night league, we are startign up again. Everyone is ok with it for a single game so I'm just trying to be fair on a points value.


We keep out Thursday night league to 1000 points. P

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I have never actually played him but he does look very tactically powerful, if I were going to try to point him I would probably guess between 200 and 240. Obviously he isnt worth that if you roll a 1 when he dies or cant use his hero phase buff. But i think those things have the potential to be powerful enough to justify at least 200 points. Again all this should be considered in the context of "I have never actually used him".

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Used him last night. 180 seems to be a good number meaning everyone was happy with that value in the group. 

His abiliiteis are ridiculous but my opponent actually said he thought 180 was too high. It's easy to keep him knocked over with a 6+ save. 

He kept him surrounded by a ****** unit that poured out regular wounds. He kept getting up but he spent more time on his side than his on his feet. He died turn 3. 

We all agreed to drop him to 150. Everyone was scared til they saw how easy it was to hold him down. 

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Good to hear! I am actually in the email chain about your thursday night game, so I was already planning to ask how it went. Now you posted here and saved me the trouble! What you say definitley makes sense. I was only thinking of the versatility in being an assassin or buff character, but didnt think about how easy it would be to shut him down if he actually popped up behind enemy lines. I guess his utility is going to be more of a one off assassination chance and then tying up a single cheap unit. Or he could give a runelord rerolls which is big for Thorek, but probably much closer to 150 than the 200 I suggested

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