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240 pt. Morghasts vs. 240 pt. Necropolis Knights


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I wanted to get some opinions on these units vs. each other in a general Grand Alliance Death army that doesn't focus on Tomb Kings.

I've never played with any TK stuff, seems fun and all but it's hard to find.

How do the Necro Knights fair when there's no Settra around?

Are they worth taking in a non-TK list without Tomb Herald to regenerate?

Are they worth the gamble of taking units of 3? (@ their new increased price)



Morghast Archai are very hard hitting with Rend -2 and 3 damage.

Morghast Harbingers work well as a ranged summon, that can charge 3D6 and become an assassin for a turn.

Do you think we should look towards Necro Knights in our Grand Alliance Death armies?

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Necro Knights may as well have been banned at that points cost (50% increase is savage) they are a 5+ save vs pew pew (or vs melee in the hero phase when that happens on occasion).

They are hugely dependent on synergies to do damage, which have also gone up in price.

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Well in the world of maths/theory-hammer, they are still slightly more resilient than Morghasts overall, and can be resurrected (but can't be summoned). They're slightly harder-hitting also, and easier to buff. They are slower, but more reliable on the charge.

I've personally always found Morghasts to be underpowered/overcosted, while Necropolis Knights were one of the strongest units in Death, being slightly overpowered/undercosted. Now they're much more in line with Morghasts.

Personally I feel 200pts would have been about right, for them and Morghasts both. But like I say, that's theory & maths talking more than experience.

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I have some experience with both, and I'd say that they are both niche units at their current prize, much like Blood Knights. Out of the three, Necro Knights have the highest potential due to synergies, and even without building synergies for them they are comparable to the others.

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I also want to point out: The Icon Bearer brings back one model per turn anyway, and any Death Wizard can bring back another one on a 5+, so for units of 3 having a Tomb Herald nearby was often either completely redundant, or only useful for saving you a casting slot.

Though with 3 different ways to resurrect them, there's something to be said for running a unit of 6, rather than 3. In larger games at least.

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