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Painting Stormcast Vanguard

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I am primarily an airbrush painter.  I prime with it, I base with it… ect.  Now, normally I paint certain features separate and then attach them.  The new Stormcast Vanguard units have thrown me for a loop.  So many capes, trophies, ropes, bags, clips, holsters, guns, shoulder pads ect.  These are truly beautiful models.  I genuinely respect the level of detail that GW has managed to achieve in these new 3d sculpted kits, but how would you go about painting them without going mad.  Given all the nooks and crannies behind the capes, I knew I had to leave these off, and the shoulder pads glue on top of that so they are out too.  Now I have several pieces of sprue with hundreds of bits all blu tacked to them (and I still have to keep in mind which cape goes to each model, as they only fit one specific pose…). 


Anyone care to share how they have tackled these guys? 

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I would do them the same way i did my lord aquilor set the legs seperate, assemble the upper torso with cape, leave the accessories off for now, paint everything and then assemble and touch up. i think its the easiest way to get a good result without doing everything in sub assemblies. 

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