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Semi-Competitive Chaos 925 Points


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Hey all, I've got a 925 points per player doubles tournament coming up (so 1850 points per team) and my team-mate is, in response to the one or two Kunnin Rukk' lists we are expecting, using a Stormcast army composed of; Lord Relictor, Gryph Hound, 10 Judicators (bows) and 4 Fulminators. Fulminators look to be the hard counter to Arrer Boyz and the rest of the list will do well at laying down covering fire. I'm thinking my list needs to bring a good chunk of infantry and maybe some strong magic, so Disciples of Tzeentch seem like the safe bet. How does this sound; 

Lord of Change (General) - -1 to-hit in combat, +1 Rend on all melee weapons
Gaunt Summoner on foot
Gaunt Summoner on foot 
10 Tzaangors 
10 Tzaangors 
10 Chaos Marauders 

Lots of medium and light infantry, magic dominance and lots of spells variety. Nothing in the army can stand up to Kunnin' Rukk but ideally they would be moving on an opposite flank to them and allowing the Fulminators to do their work. Of course, that's before accounting for the opposing team-mate who could very well be bringing nasty shooting of their own which is definitely the big counter to my list. I can easily replace the Tzaangors with Chaos Warriors bearing shields if I'm really worried about shooting, the higher Bravery is also a big plus. Alternatively, I could replace the Tzaangors with Marauders for cheap Battleline and chuck in a Soul Grinder as an anchor for my force....but my list would then have obvious scoring problems which my team-mate's low model count army wouldn't really absolve. I also should point out that Kunnin' Rukk is of course just one of many lists we will play against so list tailoring against them isn't the best idea, but I'd think my team-mate's Stormcast army should do fairly well in most cases as long as I shore up his weaknesses? 

If that doesn't look too good alongside my team-mate's Stormcast army, I have lots of options to choose from but many of them would sadly invalidate my Tzeentch allegiance. I have two Hellcannons but losing out on Destiny Dice would be a big hit, plus our list would become hugely susceptible to fast moving melee armies that can absorb those wounds. Honestly, the Lord of Change with Bolt of Tzeentch abusing the Destiny Dice for that and Infernal Gateway has won me a lot of games, he's just a power-house and can reliably dish out 12 mortal wounds on any given turn (we play it that Destiny Dice do affect the number of mortal wounds dealt so I can make Bolt of Tzeentch do a guaranteed 6 mortal wounds, and before the big bird suffers wounds Infernal Gateway averages out to inflicting 6 mortal wounds). Is he too good not to take, as is the Tzeentch allegiance trait? 

Hell, I can even pack some power Skaven units in - Stormfiends, Thanquol, a Warp Lightning Cannon and a Hell Pit Abomination - alongside my Tzeentch stuff, but that means regular Chaos allegiance. I've also thought about running my Sylvaneth (6 Kurnoth Hunters + a Treelord Ancient) or Death (lots to choose from including a Mourngul) instead but obviously those don't belong in this thread :D Thanks for any and all suggestions! If I had Sayl the Faithless I'd probably just run the Stormfiends but, sadly, no Sayl unless I can manage to find a good proxy in time. Is that combo even worth it in such a small game with only 3 Stormfiends? I guess not. 

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