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Mixing it up!

Tim the Enchanter

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So, I have 2 lots of the Khorne starter set models.

leaving the reavers aside means I have a few characters, couple of monsters and some blood warriors.

along with a Khorne daemon prince and herald and some bloodletters I have a nice little mix.

i was thinking of adding some wrathmongers, skullcrushers a couple of characters and a bloodthirster and some more bloodletters and for giggles scyla! 

now, to add some colour and spice it up I would like to add a small contingent of mixed chaos units.

firstly sayl the faithless and nightmaw for shenanigans ;) a doombull and..some fimir...not strictly chaos I hear you say but they look so awesome!

a big project and no doubt I'll want more infantry I think but it's a plan!

i'll use this community to post my progress :)

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