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1000 pt LVO narrative list


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Hey guys, I'm attending Las Vegas Open this year and signed up for the AOS Narrative Mega Battle where everyone brings 1000 points. I'm bringing a mounted force because I like the idea of being the bloodthirsty flanking force that rushes in and crushes some infantry. I'd like your thoughts on the list as I've yet to obtain the models and want opinions.

Brass Stampede Battalion:

1 Jugger Lord

3 units of three Skullcrushers w/banner and horn

3 units of one Gorebeast Chariot

I know the list isn't exactly super survivable with most of them have 4+ saves pre-Rend, but the point is for it to hit hard, kill some things, and if they die Khorne's happy anyway because we all know he doesn't care where the blood comes from. It also allows some mortal wounds to be thrown out via the Murderous Charge buffed by the Brass Stampede's rules as well as the Gorebeast Chariots hammering people and if I'm lucky enough to get off the 8" charge on them, they get 6 attacks with the Gorebeasts.

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