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Strike and Fade vs. Fight on death



So I was watching a Season of War livestreamed battle report of Sylvaneth vs Ironjawz. In it, the commentators were saying that the tournament ruling for Strike and Fade was that it would happen before fight on death eg. Hallowed Knights or Death Frenzy. Video of the comment here.

Looking at the rules, it does say Strike and Fade happens immediately after the attack is finished, which ends when wounds are allocated (13.3.1). Then it says a model is slain once it reaches the wounds allocated, but is not removed until after all wounds are allocated (14.2)

I only ask because in my playgroup we have 3 armies with abilities like this and I play Sylvaneth, and it would be good to know what the general consensus is before it comes up. Definitely feels like an FAQ is needed.

Edited by Domize
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I think you've answered your question pretty conclusively and have all the right citations. I'm confident in saying Strike and Fade Away happens before fight-on-death.

As you mentioned, the core rules state that the attack sequence is finished when you've allocated all the wounds. The core rules FAQ states that "before" and "after" always mean "immediately before" or "immediately after", so you would resolve strike and fade away immediately after the fight is resolved (which we have established is at the moment that wounds have been allocated), then fight on death immediately before the model is removed.

The only other possible interpretation I can see is that they're simultaneous, since allocating wounds and removing the model happen one after the other, the argument would go that immediately after allocating wounds and immediately before removing models are therefore the exact same moment. However in this interpretation, strike and fade away would still happen first, since it's the sylvaneth player's turn, and they resolve their effects first.


EDIT: to clarify, I'm specifically talking about fight-on-death abilities that let the model fight before being removed, which afaik is all of them, but aos has a ton of rules, wouldn't be surprised if there was an exception out there.


Edited by Dogmantra
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