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New member from Finland/Romania/road

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Hello, everyone. 

I'm fresh joining this site (lurked a wee bit before, to be honest)

I'm a young chef/cook/foodmaker originating from the far northern realm of Europe, Finland, but am currently residing in beautiful Romania. 

I've been working around Europe for few years now, and due to this, I haven't been able to keep up with the miniature painting hobby I once deeply loved. But now it seems that I am finally settling -at least for a bit more- and I can continue. 

I have great interest and appreciation for all the models and armies of Warhammer (although Age of Sigmar lore isn't as familiar as the older ones) and my main favourites were the armies of Greenskins and Dwarfs, sharing my shelves with few particularly good looking models from other races too. 

I'm sorry for ranting about this for so long. 

Good to be back in the hobby, and really looking forward to post up something as soon as I get some practice under my belt again. 



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