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Hello from Canada


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I've been a member for a while and love reading the different threads but I'm not very used to writing on forums. I tend to wrote things more excited than I think I should.

My name's Kerry and my wife and I have been into AOS for about a year and a half now and we are loving it! We don't get a lot of time to play because of work and life in general but we do some hobbying with painting and collecting models. I've been collecting khorne, some skaven from the spire of dawn box and found a virulent horde box at a local shop recently, I picked up the deathrattle box and got the new death battlebox for Christmas, we bought the blightwar box as well and I can not wait for the new nurgle army to come out! My wife collects sylvaneth and stormcast and does a good job at beating me in most games we play lol 

We are thinking of getting more into the gaming side of AOS when things slow down at work. We live in the west coast of Canada and have been trying to get more active in the community around here. 

Thanks for reading the rant and I look forward to talking some Warhammer!

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CANADA! I used to live in Montreal. Loved it. Unfortunately I never made it to the west coast, though. Now I am in the UK, so no chance of making that trip anytime soon. 

That's a great rant! I am in the same boat in that I expect work to slow down soon, hoping to spend more time painting minis and putting them on the table.


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