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Noobies 1000 pt Deathrattle. Help would be appreciated!


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Hello all! this is my first post, and first army post, on this site. I am a new AoS player, with Death as my faction of choice. I was hoping i could get some critique on the Army list that follows, like what you would change or add and why, if its good, that sort of thing.


Necromancer 110

Wight King with Baleful tomb blade 120

Black Knights x5 120

Grave Guard x5 80

Skeleton Warriors with Spears x20 160

Skeleton Warriors with Spears x10 80

Skeleton Warriors with Swords x10 80

Legion of Death 110


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Welcome to Death - if you read through the forums for awhile you will definitely pick up some good advice and improve your list building / gameplay from the tips and ideas scattered throughout the threads.

I'll try and give a brief rundown of things I would change about your list:

a) I wouldn't recommend small units of Grave Guard - Personally I wouldn't take Grave Guard at all, but if you are going to use them, small units are the absolute worst way to use them. skeletons are straight up better than GG, especially at lower points levels.

b) Skeletons are a bit of a math hammer unit, essentially the best way to run skeletons is as 10, or 40. As a brief summary running them as 20 is the most inefficient set up available, sometimes that's what you have to do as points dictate but I would definitely recommend not taking a unit of 20 if you don't have to. 30 is viable, 10 or 40 is best. The only reason I would ever run 20 is because I couldn't take any more in the unit due to points restrictions and I'm expecting them to sit on an objective and not fight anything. Myself and others have gone into more detail on the maths on this forum and on reddit to fully explain the reasoning behind this if you wanted to know the full story I'm sure you can find it.

c) Legion of death is a lot of points for 1000 point games, and I think you would find that you don't need it to do well at this points level, Death really needs to maximize what it's putting down on the table to keep up with other armies so you will want those 110 points - trust me. You also don't get the best use out of it as you have to take minimum units of skeletons which don't benefit as much from the legion abilities. Legion of death is better in higher points games where you can take the black knight / graveguard tax as minimum units, and then max out on your skeleton blocks to take advantage of the move and regen bonuses.

d) Personal preference, but I'd find something else to replace the black knights - opinions are definitely mixed on the Knights, I find them underwhelming as ******, I think everything they can do, other units can do better. However, that being said, some people do run them & enjoy them, and have success with them. I think in this case, you have enough skeletons that you could easily jiggle some points around to have something more fun in your list other than the Knights.

e) With all of those suggestions in mind you wouldn't need the BKs / GG to make up the Legion of Death requirements, you could drop a unit of skeletons and run the 2 minimum for battleline, and you would have more points spare for some toys and fun units. I'd strongly recommend playing GA: Death instead of Deathrattle at this point in time, maybe this will change in the future but there's no reason to play pure Deathrattle at the moment.

Using your army list as a structure to move forward with, a lot of what you had in mind is still fine, I would use something like this:

Wight King


40 Skeletons - Spears

10 Skeletons - Whatever you have / want

Optional : 10 Skeletons - As above

This gives you either 410 or 330 points to play around with depending on how many units of skeletons you want. With that in mind, you would have to give some more information on what other units / themes interest you as to what else I could recommend, there's lots of good choices to fill out your list - if you wanted to keep a 'skeleton' theme, chariots, necropolis knights, ushabti and morghast are all really good and fit in to that theme. The chariots and the knights are easily convertable without breaking the bank, the ushabti are a lot harder to convert and I wouldn't recommend buying any TK models on ebay for your first army because you need to know what condition things should be in and also how much things are worth (and what constitutes a good deal). If you wanted to move away from just a skeleton theme, then I'm sure there will be lots of suggestions.


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Mortis engine would not be a good addition. A mortis engine helps with spell casting and debugging enemy wizards. Arkhan benefits mostly from this as he’s already a +2 to cast, +3 with the mortis engine. All though the reliquary is an amazing ability, it will do nothing for your army in terms of healing. Individual models can’t heal wounds if they have a wound characteristic of 1, so half that ability is already wasted.  Now if I was fielding arkhan and some morghast then I’d definately take the ME. 

Id take some punch with the remaining points you have.  Morghast archai and harbingers are amazing, and suite the aesthetic theme of deathrattle. 

A way I’d use the morghast harbingers in this list is keep them off the table ready to summon in, stick the sword of unholy power artefact on your necromancer then in a crucial hero phase insta-summon those bad boys in and enjoy your 3D6 charge into combat.

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1 hour ago, Tereducky714 said:

I'd like to keep with the skeleton theme for now, and expanding on it later. Would a Mortis Engine be a good addition to what you suggested, with the 40 and 10 skeletons?

In that case then, I'd probably recommend morghast harbingers or if you're feeling more adventurous in terms of the hobby side - (converted) necropolis knights, they both fill a similar role in a 1000 point list.



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