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1500 pt Tourney Coming Up


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Hey All!

I have a 1500 point tournament coming up (my first one for AoS).  I've got a rough idea of a list together for my KO but I'd love some suggestions  Specifically, whether to run two Khemists or an Admiral and a Khemist

Skyport: (Not sure, might do either Zilfin or Urbaz)


Arkanaut Admiral

Aether Khemist


10x Arkanaut Company 3x Skyhooks

10x Arkanaut Company 3x Volley Guns

10x Arkanaut Company 3x Skypikes

10x Grundstock Thunderers - Aethershot Rifles

3x Endrinriggers - Chainsaws



Part of me is thinking Zilfin for the deep striking Ironclad for a three drop list.  Urbaz is nice to counter only having 1 Khemist in the list (unless I run 2).  I also heard Mhonar and Thryng are pretty solid as well, but haven't had a chance to try them yet.

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The way to look at running khemists is; do I gain more by buffing the unit than just buying a new unit. 
For example, a khemist buffing 40 arkanauts with 12 skyhooks is alot more points efficient than a khemist buffing a 10 man unit. 

In the list you have provided I only really see the khemist being worthwhile to use mainly on the thunderers, secondly with the endrinriggers. 
However I would not pay the points to buff 3 endrinriggers, its more effective to just buy 3 more guys for the list. 

Your skyport all depends how you want to play the ironclad I think. 
If you want to deep strike it in then use zilfin, but apart from that I'd probably go urbaz for the multiple khemist buff. 

The navigator to get his effectiveness has to sit on the table, for 100 points to move the ironclad an extra d3 and potentially get a dispel off I'm not sure is entirely worth it in a tourney list. 

My thoughts would be to run urbaz, and use the ironclad with "the last word". 
Drop the navigator. 
Its upto yourself on the double khemist vs khemist with admiral, both have pros and cons.
Battleshock bubble and melee combat of the admiral is nice, but being able to buff nearly all your units with 2 khemists is pretty solid. 

Also is there any reason you have gone for different types of special weapons in every squad apart from thats what comes in the box? 
3 units all with skyhooks buffed by the khemist can be a nice ranged threat. 

My last point is if you drop the navigator to either run 3 endrinriggers and 3 skywardens, or a 6 man unit of skywardens. 3 endrinriggers pack a punch, but have minimal survivability. I think a 6 man unit of skyriggers have a sort of tau jump around and shoot feel, then can pile into combat where needed. 
6 skywardens would be armed 2 volley guns, 2 drill cannons and 2 skypikes (custodian wields one of the skypikes) 

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