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2k Thunderscorn


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Hey all!

With the GHB17 out and allies added, it makes certain factions more playable. Thunderscorn being among them. Now you can keep your allegiance and fill in gaps in your army. Here is an initial take on making a Thunderscorn list with the new options available.



6 dragon ogres w/ glaives 

6 dragon ogres w/ glaives 

6 dragon ogres w/ ancient weapons

6 dragon ogres w/ crushers


Brey shaman

Brey shaman 


Total: 2,000

Brey shaman provide heals, mystic shields, and mortal wounds in a pinch. Chimera also helps with mortal wounds as well. Otherwise seems pretty basic and straight forward. I've been looking for an elite army, and 23 models seems pretty on target.

Thoughts? I'm not expecting to take tournaments with it, but it should provide for a decent game.


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I actuly think a shaggot are better than 3 dragon ogres! So I would switch to two units that only have three and two more shaggots, then you get two smaller units to capture objectives and such to. But I guess 4 shaggots with the old model would look a bit dull

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