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Events UK: Battle Bunker 2017 AoS Championship 9th-10th December,North East


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Event Title: Battle Bunker 2017 AoS Championship
Event Author: discoking
Calendar: Events UK
Event Date: 12/09/2017 09:15 AM to 12/10/2017 04:00 PM

Not to be outdone by 2017 40k Championship I'm excited to announce the Battle Bunker 2017 AoS Championship!
Players will battle thru 5 games over 2 days with 1 becoming the Battle Bunker 2017 Age of Sigmar Champion!

Generals Handbook 2017
Matched Play
5 Games/2hr30mins per game
5 of the 6 GHB2017 missions
Fully painted armies are not required 
Armies must be on round bases

Round 1 will be randomly determined thereafter the Swiss scoring system will be used

Win - 20pts
Minor Win - 13pts
Draw - 10pts
Minor Loss - 7pts
Loss - 0pts
Each Favourite Game Vote - 10pts
Painted Army - 10pts

2017 Champion - Awesome Forgeworld Trophy
Best Army on Display - Trophy + certificate
Favourite Game - Trophy + certificate
Best in faction - Trophy + certificate*
Butcher Award for most kills - Trophy + certificate*
Tactical Genius Award for most VP's scored - Trophy + certificate*

Awesome spot prizes throughout the weekend!

Included in your ticket is entry to a AoS Skirmish campaign on Friday night and a Path to Glory campaign on Saturday night.

Timetable of Events:
AoS Skirmish 7.00pm - 11.30pm

Registration 8.45am - 9,15am
Game 1 9.30am - 12.00pm
Lunch 12.00pm - 12.45pm
Game 2 12.45pm - 3.15pm
Game 3 3.30pm - 6.00pm
Path to Glory - 7.00pm - 11.30pm

Game 4 10.00am - 12.30pm
Lunch 12.30pm - 1.15pm
Game 5 1.15pm - 3.45pm
Awards 4.00pm - 4.15pm

Full details will be in the event pack.

Entry into the tournament is £25 and can be paid on the day or beforehand instore. 
Alternatively you can secure your spot by paying a £2.50 deposit via PayPal at this address battlebunkeronline@gmail.com and putting your name and AoS2017 in the notes.

Facebook event page:  https://www.facebook.com/events/189161761626068

* trophies for these catagories depends on number of entrants


Battle Bunker 2017 AoS Championship



Edited by discoking
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