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Warmachine Power Attacks in the Age of Sigmar


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Sorry if something like this has been done before but my search fu is weak.  One of my favorite parts of Warmachine is the ability to make Power Attacks with Warjacks/Warbeasts/certain models.  I feel it adds a very cinematic feel to combat and is something I'd like to add to Age of Sigmar.  I'm thinking that one or more of these maneuvers would be appropriate for behemoths, cavalry, chariots, larger infantry (Kroxigors, trolls, minotaurs), and some characters.

The maneuvers are: headbutt, slam, throw, and trample.  Something like trample could really make cavalry, chariots, and behemoths really good but could also be game breaking.  For instance:

"Trample:  during the charge phase pick a non-flying cavalry, chariot, behemoth or model with the trample rule to trample 2d6" forwards in a straight line chosen by the controlling player.  The base of the model must be able to fit onto the board without overlapping other models or impassable terrain at the end of this movement.  Trampling models can move within 3" of enemy models.  All models that are contacted by the trampling model during this move are immediately subjected to a single attack from the trampling model.  Any models the trampling model passes but fails to kill are given a single attack back at the trampling model.  If a trampling model ends its move within 3" of enemy models it is eligible to fight in the combat phase but does not count as having charged.  A trampling model must move greater than 3" before contacting the first enemy model and must move the full 2d6" otherwise it stays in place and no attacks are made."

This would make bubble wrapping a little less effective and make a thundertusk very hard to contain so I'm not sure if this is too powerful.  I'm also not familiar enough with all the warscrolls to know if a rule like this already exists out there and I'd thus be devaluing said model.

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