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Hey everyone,

New to the site (obviously as I'm here) and thought I'd say hello! A bit about me, I've never actually played a game of AoS or 40K but I use to paint Space Marines (badly) when I was a teenager (probably like 20 years ago, I remember them being metal?) with a friend and then never really again. Massive fan of the Horus Heresy books and fluff in general.

About a year ago I picked up the AoS starter box and really enjoyed painting painting the models but again never really got into the playing aspect of it. Fast forward to now and I'm back into painting full swing and with an aim of starting to play. I've started spending a bit more time at my local GW store and aim to get some starter games - the manager there was kind enough to offer me a few games with me once I get my units sorted.

As I mentioned, I've only really ever painted so have bit of a random collection of models but I've decided to go full Tzeentch. Mainly for AoS to play and some Thousand Sons on the side (because I love the fluff and models) more slowly as a personal painting project. So any tips would be more than welcome!



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Thanks! West London but work in central.

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to painting these guys. I'm starting with some Chaos Warriors that were originally going to be Khorne based but I've stripped them, sprayed them and just need to pick a colour scheme. I've been pouring over the battletome.

I also grabbed some of the acolytes to start next, those models have some amazing details. I'm jealous of their ripped abs... :(

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