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Max Molay


I started playing Warhammer back in the days of 8th edition, with my first army being Dark Elves. After playing for 6 months, I felt like I had a good understanding of 8th edition. Soon afterwards, the first book of the End Times hit (Nagash). I felt like my painting was improving, however its proberly still not the best you've seen :D. When book 3, Khaine arrived, was ecstatic, I've always wanted an excuse to use some other pointy ears on the table. By this time we had a solid 10 players at the school who where all getting the hang of the game, we meet most Saturdays to play games, and have had a fair few laughs while playing. I began to listen to the Bad Dice Podcast, listening to the guys talking about their Warhammer experiences was a real eye opener, and the show was great background noise for painting. Listening to Ben (one of the Hosts of the Show) Talking about his Dark Elves helped me reveal my inner filth. I painted a Malikith conversion (Riding a Carmine Dragon). 

After entering my local armies on parade with my Elven host ( Including 3 Phoenixes ) and getting a silver, I began to think about a new army ....

Age of Sigmar dropped after i had been playing for about 2 years, after painting about 5000 points of "Host of The Eternity King" I was discussing a new army with friends at school. I wanted a non-horde army because of *cough* Laziness *cough* and I hate painting Cav ( After a tormenting experience trying a paint 1200pts of Brettonians). I eventually started to think about an 8th edition list that I had written as a joke at the time, but it started to grow on me. The list was a follows...

Nagash 1000

9 Tomb Kings Chariots: FC, Banner of Swiftness: 540

Terrorgheist, Rancid Maw: 235

Terrorghiest: 225


This army would be easily transferable to The Age Of Sigmar (bear in mind this was during the first few months of AOS, Aka The Age of Rage). Our school club to this day remains split, with all of us able to play both game systems. After looking at costs and Tomb Kings being unfortunately scrapped by GW, the list went through several evolutions and now looks like this, (8th Edition format)

Nagash 1000

5 Tomb King Chariots: FC, Banner of Swiftness: 320

10 Skeleton Archers: Light Armour: FC: 100

5 Skeleton Horsemen: Light Armour, FC

Terrorghiest: Rancid Maw, Infested: 250

Mortis Engine 240


I wanted to snow base the army, and this was made all the easier by GW bringing out the Vallalhan Blizzard paint (Im already on my 3rd large pot ^_^) I was inspired to do so by seeing Ben Curry's Dark Elf Army. So i started to build the Army, I already had a Terrorghiest and a mortis engine, 3 of The chariots came from an old Battalion box, the other two came from Warhammer World in Nottingham ( Best School Trip ever !!). Again, I already had some Skeleton Archers ( a gift from a VC player). So it began, Painting a new army after years of Adventures with the Elven Folk. Hopefully you guys will enjoy looking at all the progress of the painting. Let me know if there is anything i can improve on. 


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