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First post!



I've been in the hobby for just under two years now, so I have absolutely zero nostalgia for the old world. My first introduction to the classic High Elf range was actually when most of the range got squatted last July / August when the Cities of Sigmar book was announced. Reading through all the outrage, I realized I really liked the look of the range. That was the start of this journey to hunt down as many OOP High Elf kits and models as I could on eBay, FLGSes and other places...

Some of you may have seen me share paintjobs on Reddit (under the same username); I figured a TGA blog is just as a good a place to chronicle a longer term project!

One of the nice things about painting purely for display is that I don't need to bother with legal unit sizes or army lists. I just paint the models I enjoy in the quantities I enjoy! No spearmen in this army.

First up - Island of Blood / Spire of Dawn






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