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First Try. Death 1000p Tournament list


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I am about to dip my toes into some Flesh-Eater Courts, but not the Alligience.

Firsly I love the models of the Crypt Horrors and the undead in general. So this is what I firsly came up with. 

General - Crypt Haunter Courtier - 80p

- Wizard Command Trait & The ring that resurrect him once.

Crypt Ghouls 12 x 2 - 240p

Crypt Horrors 3 x 2 - 280p

Fw Mourngul 400p

Total 1000p

Almost could squeeze in a battalion but I wanted to field my centerpiece the Mourngul.

Where thinking about switching the CHC to an Abhorrant King but decided that I wanted to have the shot of getting back Crypt Horrors rather then Rerolls from the King. Will expand differently in the future.

And probably won't field the Mourngul that often in more casual games. 


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5 minutes ago, CanHammer-darren said:

Can't take 12 ghouls. Have to be in bunches of 20

crypt horrors are not even half as good without reroll to hit. You might as well take flayers. 

Vargulf way better than courtier

mourngul is very very strong at 1000 points. You may not have friends after

According to Generals Handbook minimum is 10 for Crypy Ghouls. So then I guess I downgrade them to 10. Where can I have to buy in groups of "X"n?

Thinking about the survival aspect, also can just grap another box of CH and don't invest in a Terrorghiest.

Flayers are ridicilous looking and the vargulf won't see daylight unless they make a new model. Regardless how good it is. 

Our group of people in the store ate quite the hardasses and cheese list if we go for a store tournament. Unless we go for a narrative theme tournament. So I expect the same treatment aswell. 

But maybe I should switch out the CHC for a king for rerolls, but if they die I can't get them back. :/

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Well if you need to fight cheese then mourngul it up. But competitive lists don't always equal best looking models. So saying you wanna be competitive then refusing to run a vargulf is a bit contradictory. 

My 1000 points list that usually tables people:

ghoul king on terrorgheist

6 crypt horrors




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My 1000 point list that I'm trying at the minute is:
Isabella Von Carstein
2 Units of 10 Zombies with full command
2 Mournguls

Obviously leaves you very short on heroes but the Mournguls have great staying power which kinda makes up for it!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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