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Dispossessed hammerers


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Hi guys,

i plan on having some hammerers in my upcoming dwarf force . Been thinking about tactics and ways to play with them and curious, do you think using a unit of 20 or two units of ten each would be more beneficial? They are quite an impact hitting bunch so maybe ten with two attacks on a grudged target might work just as well and give me strategic options , and support my other stuntys in the fight . Or should I just have a huge hammer to strike the anvil with 20..

whats your experience / thoughts?



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Thats a tough one! Just from my personal experience I think it will depend a lot on what your opponent has and what you are trying to accomplish with the hammerers.

When I run them as just 10, it is important to make sure they are well "hidden" and will be doing the counter-charge rather than being charged. The 10 are sufficent for most minimum sized units, but do seem a little lacking against some of the higher wound count units (like I wouldnt even want them on the same side of the board as a blob of 30 anythings). 

With 20 they are a lot less vulnerable and will probably survive the attacks from most things. If you are doing that, I would be careful with what you did choose to send them against because it would be a tragedy to have them annihalate a lesser unit only to be countered by something scary.

if you are planning to use them against a monster of any sort, I think 20 would be quite justifiable. Even fully buffed, it would be a stretch to 1 shot a monster with only 10 of them. Whereas with 20 you probably could use the buffs elsewhere and still take care of it as long as you were hitting first. 

And of course we can have the classic discussion of large vs small units. Large gives you more benefit from a single buff and completes a larger portion of your attacks in a single combat phase activation. Small encourages enemy overkill and gives you an additional "keeper of the gate". Large gives you more models for objectives requiring models and just its exisence can be a distraction/threat making the opponenet act a certain way. Small goves you more versatility in where you put their attacks and is easier to hide until they are ready to attack. And you could probably go on just about as long as you wanted making arguments for both :P.

One last thing to consider is how it fits with your army as a whole. If it is at all possible to use the Grudgebound War Throng, I try to bring it.  Rerolling all 1s to hit, sounds like a little thing, but it feels huge every time I do. That formation requires 3 "elite" units, and I would say that 2 units of 10 with the formation is better, in all situations, than 1 unit of 20 without it.

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if you really want those hammerers id say go with 20. At least is they are close to a dispossessed leader the enemy will have to kill all 20 of them in order to wipe them out.

I'm assuming you're using them for casual play? if so then it really depends on what you'll be facing. if your going up against an army that is mainly close combat then 2 units of 10 aint so bad either. But against competitive builds where shooting is fairly dominant 20 is your best best. 1 wound models with a 4+ save is not that hard to take out, especially since they are slow.

How many points you playing and planning to use them in, and why hammerers? what sort of army comp you going for.

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Hi each,

 thanks for the great responses. Seems like it is very situational. I am going to be playing mainly friendly/casual up to 2k eventually. I'd love to play tournaments with stunty's but not all my models will be gw so not sure how I will get on with that. 

The reason for hammerers you ask bimli, well I just think they are cool lol. Dwarves crashing into units with two handers has a massive appeal ;)


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