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Andrew G

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Posts posted by Andrew G

  1. 2 hours ago, Jgroover said:

    Hate to report but it went terribly. I ended up getting last place out of six participants.

    Game 1 vs. Legions of Nagash
    Result: Draw
    His army: Nagash, 2 necromancers, 40 skeletons, 30 grave guard and some dire wolves
    This one actually didn't go that badly and I would have won but I left a unit of brutes .1 inches away from claiming a home objective because I am stupid. I threw everything at his skeletons and necromancer and ignored nagash and the graveguard the whole game while being battered with 9 spells a turn. 

    Game 2 vs. Seraphon
    Result: Major Loss
    His army: 80 saurus, slann, carnosaur, various other BS. 
    This one sucked, I feel like I played it right but feel there is absolutely no way to compete with that many bodies with that many attacks while they are being constantly reinforced and teleporting everywhere. It was over fast. Seraphon just feel stupid. 

    Game 3 vs.  Legions of Nagash
    Result: Major Loss
    His army: 60 skeletons, arkhan, mortis engine, 10 grimghast reapers, 2 morghast
    This one I played HORRIBLY. I let him go first and he proceeded to kill my weirdnob with pendulum, severely wound my warboss and debuff my mawkrusha with 4 different things. Then he blocked me with palisade and shackles. On my turn 2, with halved movement on the maw krusha I was only able to get it in range of 4 units for waagh, which I did 5 times and only one of them passed the roll. The rest of the game was just me running around trying to steal objectives while dying to spells. 

    All in all, I feel like I played terribly. I also feel like my list does not have what it takes to compete against these armies, and I am not sure that Ironjawz has any answer for either Seraphon or spell spam. I will say that the two defensive artefacts from hysh were incredible. Every single army picked hysh just to take them and I don't see much reason to stray from it. I am feeling decently deflated after feeling positive about Ironjawz going into this. 


    Sounds like game 1 and 3 were both winnable.  Seraphon is obviously pretty busted right now, so I wouldn't use that as a benchmark for comparison. 

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