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Posts posted by Trayanee

  1. 47 minutes ago, EvDJ said:

    ..why do people assume they're trying to make the universe all rainbows and unicorns. If you've read the Harry Potter books, which are aimed at 9-12, you know kids books can be plenty dark. the first book has a disembodied, evil, mass murdering spirit wizard taking possession of someones body, so they can drink the blood of a slaughtered unicorn...sounds pretty grim. 

    Yes, I have read them and while I agree the first book is aimed at 9-12 and the content is at that level it is not so with the sequels. The series has grown up with its original readers. When it concluded the people who started at 10 were 20 and the content is certainly at that level or at least 14+. I wouldn't let my 12- child read Deadly Hallows as it would definitely make me get up a lot during the night because of him having nightmares...

    • Like 1

    13 hours ago, Captain Marius said:

    I think the rationale to keep rules and/or points available for every model/faction is at odds with the obsession many GW customers have with 'balance'.

    Sure in Open/Narrative you can balance sides simply by adding/removing models, but since Allegiance Abilities were added the amount of extra, free rules for factions is becoming even more disproportionate. I think a game using TKs/Brets vs Idoneth, DoK or any of the more recent battletomes is gonna basically suck - the newer factions have access to more artefacts, spells, prayers, rituals, mount special abilities, waaay stronger battle and command traits, and for KO, DoK and Idoneth even more free rules based on your army's city/temple/skyport etc. I think all these extra rules make for very one-sided 'unbalanced' games against armies just using their warscrolls.

    I see no evidence the discontinued ranges would ever get this kind of rules attention, or even many of the legacy factions, and while sure you can play Open/Narrative or agree not to use Allegiance Abilities, i think Matched play is king, to the extent that it has by far the biggest impact on GWs investment and release strategies. So itd be sensible not to expect any of your models to 'always' have rules, and some to be unplayable sooner rather than later.


    Mixed order uses mostly just warscrolls and still get to top8s so it's not that bad. People wouldn't blame GW if they weren't so blatantly pushing old stuff out just to sell more of the new. First compendiums had battalions, named chars and were pretty competitive, so they nerfed them to the ground a year later and now they will introduce Legends and basically say "we are removing this from matched play completely because some people still dare to play it, but as an excuse, you can now buy more of it"

  3. 11 minutes ago, hughwyeth said:

    Dude, AoS has had more new models than 40k this year. AoS has 2 new factions this year. 40k hasn't had any new factions. AoS has Malign Portents. 40k just got a new edition, and AoS stil had more models and new factions. GW are putting a lot of effort into AoS, even though it's the smaller game. 

    I doubt GW could have done more for AoS in recent months. The amount of content since December is through the roof actually...

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    So that rumor is from a comment on a Shadespire Spanish blog, right ? Very interesting. Maybe as @Gaz Taylor and @Chikout  said, then we will get : 

    - A Magic supplement + Wizard Stromcast (thus not needing a proper battletome for their rules).


    I hope not. Stromcast need so many changes that a new battletome is really desired...

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  5. 27 minutes ago, Mordeus said:

    The forgotten nightmare one scares me as a kharadron and dispossessed player... Hope not too many of them have it. Could make some units downright indestructible.


    Its listed as a battle trait so every unit should have it If the army has ID allegiance/abilities.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Aryann said:

    Is there any info of how Scourge Privateers relate with Deepkin? I thought that SP would be incorporated to Deepkin. 

    I just hope they will be allowed as allies for the Deepkin. Kharibdyss should be paintable to match them...

  7. 4 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Some influence from WHFB stuff but an entirely new range, no legacy models repurposed, a new visual language. Not to put down the evolution of particular subfactions we got with DoK or Sylvaneth, but this feels bigger. Only the Kharadron and Fyreslayers have had that so far.


    I would say Kharadron and Stormcast. Fyreslayers aren't even DoK level. Just old slayers with new lore each unit looking almost the same.

  8. 1 hour ago, bsharitt said:

    For people familiar with D&D, I think the best analogue for order is the lawful alignment that can range from good to evil. In fact in D&D, one of the biggest conflicts is between the lawful evil devils and the chaotic evil demons. Sure the devils are evil, but at least they want some order and structure in the world, it's just a matter of basic principles compared to the lawful good people. I'd say Order, Chaos, and Destruction in AoS are basically Lawful, Chaotic, and Neutral respectively for the most part with ranges of good to evil found within(but probably far less good if any than evil in Chaos) with Death being it's own Lawful Evil thing.


    Change is good!....Most of the time at least :)

  9. 12 minutes ago, Killax said:

    For the same reason they made AoS without points from the getgo.... The start of AoS was a large experiment and it's rather obvious more people want a broader line of models to choose from within one faction.

    The easiest way to give awnser to that call is to merge certain faction logically. It has happened with all the Chaos Battletomes so far, occurs within Legions of Nagash and quite frankly should do so. As a lot of splits make no sence (e.g. Warherds and Brayherds) and armies who didn't get split are still doing great (Seraphon). 
    In reality there also no smaller factions as those divert to the Grand Allegiance which makes the faction huge again. It's just that most don't have to do this because their Allegiance wasn't split up into splinters. 

    I agree with you that we don't need more (useless) Battalions (for Matched Play)...


    I am still not convinced. The merging seems to be the fast and not the best solution to me. If we can agree that AOS is going to be there for many years more, there is plenty of time to develop all the smaller factions into something more. It just takes time. Hard merging closes many doors in my eyes and its currently done just because of the playerbase being impatient. There is of course also the opportunity for firestorm-like soft merging via multi-faction allegiances. For sure there are always exceptions like the herds you mentioned. 

  10. 52 minutes ago, Envyus said:

    Rather just a have a general gobbos release then just the Moonclan. 

    I kind of want them just to make a big sweeping change to the game with an Age of Sigmar 2e merging all the tiny factions with the ones that make sense and such. Importing some of the 40k rules, like character targeting and strategems. Making it so named characters get specific warlord traits. 

    Why would they merge the factions they have split on purpose when AOS was born? It doesnt make sense and I doubt its going to happen. Maybe some minor swapping of units but not more.  All the small factions are opportunities for the future and there are hopefully many years for them to expand them with DoK like releases. Smaller factions allow for easier balancing and in the end offer more variety because large factions always end up with FoTM builds while the rest of units eats dust on the shelves.  Also the burden of knowledge in AOS is already quite high with warscroll abilities, allegiance abilities and battalions so I dont think we need more complexity for now.

    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, meet.the.doctor said:

    If I remember corectly from christmas twitch with Forgeworld team, most of them were focused on Necromunda (YES!) the rest on Heresy, BUT there were a few that were doing something for AoS. But they seemed to be so terrorised about not saing a clue of what is to come. The GW rumour machine is insane.

    Anyway the closest faction to apear is Fimir in my opinion. From GHB16 we knew that Balefiend Dirach was supposed to apear to make Fimir battleline. Later on we got Noble and we know 2 more are sculpted. Probably GW waits with them for a good moment to release, but man, Destro would use some OP stuff to smash faces right now. 

    Now thats what I wanted to read. Thanks a lot. Its always nice to have something to possibly look forward to in distant future, because you arent completely denied and on the other hand nothing is confirmed so its not a letdown If it goes south in the end.

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  12. A slightly off-topic question for the exalted rumourmongers. Is there a chance there will be an AOS release from Forgeworld in not that distatnt future? And I mean full faction/subfaction release like Legion of Azgorh or Tamurkhan's Horde? I suspect the answer is no, but I still have to ask because I like their stuff a lot.

  13. I dont know much about 40k, but I have read through the article and it seems like most of their december releases are not customizable easy to build variants of some existing models. Is it really something we should be interested in? I mean, its nice to have some cheap alternatives but its definitely not something we should be angry not getting right now. I dont like new Lord Celestant model much, but given the fact I plan to field my SCEs as Ogres in KoW too, he actually fits pretty well :-D 

  14. How exactly these rumours work? I am still new here but after seeing the last I somehow expected that they reveal what it is after some time but now it seems they just keep publishing images and never give answers until they eventually release the stuf...

  15. Are there any AOS releases rumoured till the end of year? I mean something new or at least Blightwar-esque with a few new minis? I started follwing AOS a few months ago and it seems to me that the first half of the year was pretty rich when it comes to new stuff while in the second one there is just Shadespire which is really a different game and doesnt bring much to AOS itself.

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