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Posts posted by gorthorbeastlord

  1. On 9/5/2018 at 11:16 PM, That Khorne Guy said:

    Hello! I won the best overall award at NoVa over the weekend and made an account to chat. 

    The barghest fiends are on 50mm! They are awesome models. Worth the price! Puppets of war has them.  

    The Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster's command ability is 16 inches in the hero phase, unlike the others.  So he can make the other 3 run and charge at +1 to each roll on turn one since I start with 3 command points! Nifty trick when paired with spending 50 points for an extra CP and one getting a 6 on the run roll with the command reroll.  


    One of the Insensate Rage always hits heros on a 2+ with the king of blades relic, rerolling 1s if he charged! I send him after heros and fish for outrageous carnage procs. 

    The Unfettered Fury doesn't degrade attacks or weapon skill.  His whip can drag heroes or monsters off objectives as well.  But his big deal is piling in 6 inches in an 8 inch radius.  This gives a charging Bloodthirster an 8 inch threat range!

    As for summoning,  I don't generally use them for that. Most of the time I use blood tithe for out of turn movement or fighting.  A good example is losing an initiative roll, and moving a Bloodthirster 16 inches away from something that will kill him.  Like ogres in my 4th game.  

    I've also played the list for a long time. You kinda know what it can  and can't handle.  Feel free to message me on FB with any more questions! Cheers!


    Which Facebook is yours if you don't mind me asking?


    I'm also curious what your parings were and what your strategy versus death is.


    My thirsters have a tendency to get mortal'd out!

  2. On 11/7/2017 at 10:55 AM, Wallack said:

    I wonder if they'll h ave a scan of the cards or just the text and info.


    On 11/7/2017 at 11:02 AM, Gaz Taylor said:

    I think they mentioned proper images of the cards but I was sitting right at the back so couldn't hear very well


    On 11/7/2017 at 11:42 AM, Wallack said:

    That is great because I plan to print a second copy of the cards to use at home and didn't really want to start scanning all the cards.

    I'm 90% sure it's just card names and what box they're in -- they're trying to sell product after all

  3. On 10/28/2017 at 7:28 AM, dtw said:

    This probably counts as conjecture rather than rumour but it occurred that the availability of tokens in the base set dictates a max war band size. There are 15 of some tokens and with the Deathrattle being 7 models, that puts any other warband at a max of 8.

    And is this US Q1 (Jan-Mar) aka UK Q4 (Jan-Mar) or actually UK Q1 (Apr-Jun)?

    There's only 7 spots to place models during set-up

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, plasticgoblin said:


    To buy upgrades you spend glory points but are they counted at the end of the 3rd round? To me if you spend it you don't have it anymore but saw few battlereports where people count spent points.

    It may give some tactical options. You need to manage and decide if that upgrade is really worth it.

    Spent glory points still count towards your final glory tally to determine the winner of the game.

  5. Warhammer world will probably have a WU day, maybe Wu Wednesdays? Local areas might have to adjust schedules for MTG overlap, but gw is pushing organized play bigtime and still fostering casual hobby days. Should be loads of events so long as people keep buying Warhammer underworlds

  6. Cheers, we'll see it for sure in a couple weeks then, I'm definitely pre ordering these lads this weekend and it'll be a mad dash to paint them ASAP!


    I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a generic card with the blood reavers that I wasn't missing.


    I guess until they're in our hands there's only one question to ask, which orruk will you paint first?

  7. In a couple of the review videos they're mentioning a daemon weapon which damages the user? I don't have a card like that in my shadespire box so it must come with one of the expansion warbands or my set was short some cards.


    Anyone else have any ideas about this?

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