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Posts posted by Nicholunch

  1. The comet did amazingly. Positioned it right in the middle of his keepers turn 1. Was able to hit two blocks of marauders, all the keeper and sylleske. Did like 18 mw spread around. Threw the spell portal out near his 20 marauders that were kept for teleporting with syl. Cast the spell that does mw on 4+. Killed like 12 more. Threw the swords at the block in the middle objective. Did a bunch of mw. Shot them with the handgunners and my drake torpedo and hurricanum. Only had about 4 left. 19 drakes shot at the 3rd marauder unit that was untouched. Wiped em out. I did a little more than 70 damage turn 1.

    Knight incantor was the general with unbinding trait. Her job became dispelling and recasting comet each turn. Luminark took the wounds from the command ability but was able to heal each turn from spell and then artifact.

    • Like 3
  2. On 1/17/2020 at 8:08 AM, Maturin said:

    If you have the time, could describe your whole game ? Do you have pictures ? I'd like to understand how you weren't wiped out of the board T1 (Slanesh can charge T1, right ?). With the units you took, against a charging Maw Crusha+GG, you'd have been in a very bad shape.


    On 1/17/2020 at 8:50 AM, Rune said:

    Wouldn't it be possible to just screen it out?

    Put 20 of the Handgunners up front and sacrifice them.


    On 1/17/2020 at 10:09 AM, Myrdin said:

    And they do get to Overwatch on the charging unit as well, which is not insignificant either as that pretty much equals to a whole round of shooting. With good rolls unit of 20 firing could theoretically wipe a Mawcrusha in overwatch no ?

    Sorry for the delay in responding...

    I ran against Slaanesh and marauder spam in 2018 Focal Points. So my screens mostly just had to deny them from taking my objectives and get too many points. I bunkered my beards and drakes to the back end of one objective and the handgunners on the back end of the other. It was positioned enough so that they couldn't teleport or setup inside my territory. The wizards in the backfield. 

    If I was running against ironjawz, I'd take my handgunners and screen across my territory. I've been charged enough first turn to let them in to close with their 2" piggy and maw range attacks. Let the handgunners stand and shoot and won't care if they die. Their job will be to forgo a massive charge. If I am made to go first turn...that's trickier cuz then I'm susceptible to a double turn. So a second screen would be needed on setup, just over 3" behind. I'd need to do nothing turn 1 but cast as much into their area to soften the blow...or send my irondrakes out wide to create two fronts for them to choose from. 

    That's kind of what I did against Slaanesh. Turn 1 he couldn't reach my units without an amazing charge roll. (10-12") So he took the center objecting and moved everything up. Screen his keepers with 60 marauders across the front. I went bottom of turn 1 and spread my duardin out a little wider to make slaanesh choose which way they went. Took out 55/60 marauders first turn with spells and shooting and battleshock. Didn't get the double. Longbeards barely hung on enough to keep from a 2 keeper charge to my duardin. Very surprised at that. Went bottom of round 2 and did lots more spell attacks. Bridged out to an objective, shot off sylleske, a chariot, 2 keepers. Got the double round 3 and took the board.  

    Setup pic


    end of turn 1


    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Myrdin said:

    Where exactly is this written ? Would prefer to know where to point at, in case my opponent is asking about a proof that I can do that.

    Page63: AMPLIFIED SORCERIES only says the spells are empowered regardless of from where they are from

    WARRIORS OF THE REALMS - does mention Malign Sorcery, but nothing about you taking any of the basic realm spells.

    See Malign Sorcery, Forbidden Power, and Cities of Sigmar allegiance abilities.

  4. 3 hours ago, Rune said:

    Welcome to the other side mate! 

    Where can I find that artifact, seems to be different ones listed in 1d4chan


    It's a once per battle, heal d3 after combat. Aqshy relic. Should be on id4chan. Search aqshy artifacts.

    I didn't realize it was once per game until I played with it. Not ideal, but saved me one cast for that round.

  5. Whew! What a city! I just played my first game and it was awesome. So much fun! I'm a Tempest's Eye city mainly but wanted to try this one out. I saw some great ideas on your posts here and put together a list that packed a PUNCH! I was able to table Slaanesh by round 3. Things just went amazing.

    Take aways:

    The Hurricanum/Luminark combo was sweet! +1/+1 for casting. That 30" laser is nice, the buffs are nice, and the beefy wizards to mine for casting bonus is great. Gave the luminark the Aqshy artefact to regain wounds on d3 at end of Combat. Kept him at 0 the entire game. 


    Luminark - cleansing brooch
    Knight Incantor - general
    Battlemage - Chamon, HH artefact with all spells
    Battlemage - Hysh

    20 Handgunners
    10 Handgunners
    10 Longbeards
    20 Irondrakes

    Everblaze Comet
    Quicksilver Swords
    Umbral Spell Portals
    Soulscream Bridge

    Hallowheart Battalion

    Ran a total of 30 handgunners together to provide screens for my wizards. Ran 20 irondrakes and 10 longbeards with Hurricanum and bridges for a teleporting death squad. Ran 2 battle mages, 1 knight incantor, and luminark as my mage bunker with a comet, quicksilver swords, and spell portals. 

    Everything just worked out so good.

    • Like 2
  6. 14 minutes ago, stus67 said:

    @Nicholunch I was at Nova and met that guy. Pretty cool dude. Just really glad I didn't get matched against him lol

    Yeah, I'm glad I didn't face him at Crucible (orlando tournament) too! The Blades of Khorne guy, Chris, that I had on a previous batrep won the Crucible tournament. Beat Will! But they play a lot together so it's always a good matchup there.

    • Like 1
  7. Running a Tempest's Eye Duardin based list with a KO theme. I did a battle report with a friend that won the Nova GT this past year and his Slaanesh army. This was a few weeks ago and I was still warming up to the army but definitely learned a bit. I changed my list slightly for the tournament the next weekend. Added 10 more Arkanauts (40 total) and 1 Gyrocopter, taking out 10 drakes and dropping the emerald lifeswarm. Was the right move. Gotrek and shooting is great against the meta armies right now...but tough for board control as duardin usually are.

    For the tournament: 3W, 2L
    Game 1 - Major loss against SCE. They had A LOT of deep striking units. Their ballistas and evocators got in behind me and cleaned me out from behind. Lesson 1, always let the other play go first if I have the choice. Lesson 2, don't sacrifice getting deployed on from behind without proper defense. Lesson 3, focus fire. Kill the damn unit off the objective you want if you got the shots.

    Game 2 - Major loss against Nurgle. Made me go first on starstrike, bridged to the middle-right half. Shot lots and lots of blight kings and his general. These seem to be the bane of my shooting existence. Played everything right...except focus firing the one unit off the objective. Finally learned by game 3!

    Game 3 - Major win against Ironjawz. Made me go first on focal points. I bridged to the middle, killed his shaman and warchanter, almost killed both Mawkrushas turn 1. Turn 2, Gotrek finished off one Mawkrusha, shooting did the the one in. Player conceded. 

    Game 4 - Major win against Gloomspite Troggoths. Made me go first on border war I think. The 4 objective version of knife in the heart. I didn't bridge, but ran up a little. Used CP and shot the skyhooks. Killed his troggoth hag first turn. He spent 2 turns running and charging. I survived the initial charge and killed all his trolls. Ran gotrek up the left, killed the other half of his trolls and bridged to the other corner with my runelord for the major on round 3. 

    Game 5 - Minor win against Sylvaneth. He went first on relocating orbs. He took out all 40 Arks in turn 1 with Durthu. 0.0 ...I replied by taking Durthu and running gotrek up the middle to chase the orb. He held the middle, I positioned to bunker if the orb came back my way and it did on round 3. I made him go first, took the objective and got 3 points for the tie. Did more points than him for the minor.

    Bridges were super versatile. Gotrek, although small model, has a big radius because noone wants to fight him. Great for objective bunkering.


    • Like 2
  8. That said! Here's a list I'm working on for a local AoS GT... 

    CoS: Tempest's Eye

    Aether Khemist - general, Hawk-Eyed (CT), Patrician's Helm (artefact) 140
    Celestial Hurricanum w/ mage - Celestial Visions (spell) 280
    Runelord - adjutant

    30 Arkanauts - skyhooks 360
    20 Irondrakes - retinue, grudgehammer 300
    10 Longbeards - shields 110

    Gotrek 520
    Gyrocopter 80

    Endless Spells
    Soulscream Bridge 80
    Lifeswarm 50

    2000/2000 ... 2/8 KO ... 1/4 Allies

    The idea is that the core unit will be able to blow away anything. +1 to hit, +1 to wound, rend -2 for each shooting. Longbeards for buffs and screen. Runelord for dispell and buffs. Khemist to buff hooks. Hurricanum for buffs and MW output, endless spells, screen. Gotrek for killing monsters. Gyro for objectives and screening. Bridge to move core anywhere within 24" OR move Gotrek anywhere in 24". Lifeswarm to bring back lost shooters or longbeard screen OR heal GOTREK! The damage output is strong. Each big unit capable of putting out ~20 damage per attack. Gotrek and Irondrakes putting out more with extra fight and shooting. Arkanauts not as much but added 8" range over irondrakes.

    Alternatives: take out Khemist and Arkanauts and add --- 1 Runelord, 10 Irondrakes, 10 Longbeards, 1 Gyrocopter, 1 Gyrobomber

    Thoughts, tips, suggestions, whatever is greatly appreciated! Playing a wide range of armies: DoK, Slaanesh, FEC, SE, Khorne, Nurgle...all the big'uns.

  9. 11 minutes ago, overtninja said:

    That's a bummer, though probably better than the alternative that you need 4 units from CoS before you can add a stormcast or other ally. Hopefully the Warscroll Builder gets updated soon!

    Actually, I think it's a little different. You don't necessarily need 4 units of Cities. 1 in 4 units allowed as KO and 1 in 4 units allowed as Stormcast is technically a limit to the whole army. So for example, if you take 1 in 4 as KO, that means 3 in 4 needs to be Cities. If you take 1 in 4 as KO and 1 in 4 as Stormcast, that means that 2 in 4 needs to at least be Cities. Or if you take 1 in 4 as KO, 1 in 4 as Stormcast, and 1 in 4 as Allies, then 1 in 4 needs at least needs to be Cities. 

  10. 6 hours ago, overtninja said:

    have you tried putting in 10 units and then putting another Kharadron unit it? It could be that instead of 1/4 KO being allowed, it's 1/5.

    I did try putting 3 or 4 more Cities units into my list and it didn't change the error. I think there is a bug that it's not accounting for the 1 in 4 when adding more than 1 unit of KO and Stormcast.

    And the warscroll builder on the website doesn't account for Cities of Sigmar as a faction yet with new points and new battleline association.

  11. 1 hour ago, Charlo said:

    Confirmed on stream today that yes, they all count towards it.

    So you could actually have four units in Tempest Eye be:

    • One Cities Unit
    • One SC Unit
    • One KO Unit
    • One Allies Unit

    As they all need to be "one in 4 units in your army"

    So wait...allies are apart of the city? Could Gotrek be considered part of the Tempests Eye and get +3" mvmt first turn?

    Or just that the 1n4 rule for allies applies similarly for the sole satisfaction of the ratio of units?

  12. A quick rules question for Cities... the 1 in 4 limitation for Stormcast Eternals and Kharadron Overlods in Tempest's Eye has me wondering if SE or KO can count towards filling that for each other. For example, if you have 4 Cities units, 2 SE and 2 KO units, then you've satisfied enough of the 1 in 4 requirement for both SE and KO?

  13. Woohoo! Yes, was looking for a TE discussion. Just posted this in the general Dispossessed discussion but it's more apt here.

    Working on 2 list options... Mixture of Dispossessed/Kharadron/Stormcast/Gotrek

    List 1: Tempest's Eye

    Aether Khemist - General, +1 to wound trait, no battleshock artefact 140
    Knight Incantor 140
    Knight Azyros 100

    20 Arkanauts - skyhooks 240
    10 Irondrakes - grudgehammer 150
    10 Irondrakes - grudgehammer 150
    10 Longbeards - shields 110
    10 Longbeards - shields 110

    Celestial Hurricanum 220

    9 Endrinriggers 360
    Gyrocopter 80
    Gyrocopter 80

    Screen with Longbeards, also dispell pesky endless spells. Khemist buffs riggers on first turn, send them out to kill and die. Khemist buffs with trait on ranged units and CA to run and shoot on necessary unit. Knight Azyros heads out to screen and provide reroll 1s to hit buff. Every one marches forward shooting. Hurricanum provides +1 to hit, command trait provides +1 to wound. Arkanuats 3+h/2+w/-2r against units, 2+h/2+w/-2r against heroes and monsters. Drakes are 2+h/2+w?-1r. Gyros are slaying horde units and grabbing objectives.


    Option 2: Tempest's Eye

    Aether Khemist - General, +1 to wound trait, no battleshock artefact 140
    Knight Azyros 100

    30 Arkanauts - skyhooks 240
    20 Irondrakes - grudgehammer 150
    10 Irondrakes - grudgehammer 150
    10 Longbeards - shields 110

    Celestial Hurricanum 220

    Gotrek 520
    Gyrocopter 80

    Fewer models, BUT Gotrek! Same battle tactics as above but gotrek rip roars in one direction while the rest of the army focuses in another. Gotrek is so much fun...but he is a lot of points. 30 arkanauts firing twice is brutal with the added buffs. 20 drakes firing 40 shots only missing 1s is brutal.

    Would love your thoughts, tips, etc.

  14. Working on 2 list options... Mixture of Dispossessed/Kharadron/Stormcast/Gotrek

    List 1: Tempest's Eye

    Aether Khemist - General, +1 to wound trait, no battleshock artefact 140
    Knight Incantor 140
    Knight Azyros 100

    20 Arkanauts - skyhooks 240
    10 Irondrakes - grudgehammer 150
    10 Irondrakes - grudgehammer 150
    10 Longbeards - shields 110
    10 Longbeards - shields 110

    Celestial Hurricanum 220

    9 Endrinriggers 360
    Gyrocopter 80
    Gyrocopter 80

    Screen with Longbeards, also dispell pesky endless spells. Khemist buffs riggers on first turn, send them out to kill and die. Khemist buffs with trait on ranged units and CA to run and shoot on necessary unit. Knight Azyros heads out to screen and provide reroll 1s to hit buff. Every one marches forward shooting. Hurricanum provides +1 to hit, command trait provides +1 to wound. Arkanuats 3+h/2+w/-2r against units, 2+h/2+w/-2r against heroes and monsters. Drakes are 2+h/2+w?-1r. Gyros are slaying horde units and grabbing objectives.


    Option 2: Tempest's Eye

    Aether Khemist - General, +1 to wound trait, no battleshock artefact 140
    Knight Azyros 100

    30 Arkanauts - skyhooks 240
    20 Irondrakes - grudgehammer 150
    10 Irondrakes - grudgehammer 150
    10 Longbeards - shields 110

    Celestial Hurricanum 220

    Gotrek 520
    Gyrocopter 80

    Fewer models, BUT Gotrek! Same battle tactics as above but gotrek rip roars in one direction while the rest of the army focuses in another. Gotrek is so much fun...but he is a lot of points. 30 arkanauts firing twice is brutal with the added buffs. 20 drakes firing 40 shots only missing 1s is brutal.

    Would love your thoughts, tips, etc.

    • Like 1
  15. Didn't finish my Legions of Sacrament army in time and so I did a new battle report with trusty KO again. Fought Blades of Khorne: Goretide. It went surprisingly well! When reviewing the game afterward during editing, I wondered if I used the Urbaz ability correctly or not. Would love to know what you guys/gals think. It's a loosely worded rule, 'Where there's war, there's gold.' I also forgot to field my Knight Incantor ally...so that was my fault.

    My two cents... There is a precariously set comma that makes me think it's read: one of your units within 3" can pile in and attack, or shoot as if the shooting phase. That comma makes me think the shooting is not tied to the 3". But I could easily be wrong!

    • Like 2
  16. Hi guys/gals! I've been working on this army for a while. Almost finished. This is what I have that I put together, thinking would be a fun army to play. I've started a battle report channel and want to field these guys very soon. Would love some tips and suggestions on the list, tactics, and artefacts/spells that are best. Do you mind helping?

    Arkhan the Black Mortarch of Sacrament (340) - Overwhelming Dread?
    Vampire Lord (140) - Black Gem? - Aramanthine Orb?
    Necromancer (130) - Fading Vigour?
    Necromancer (130) - Decrepify?

    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280) - ancient blades
    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280) - ancient blades
    10 x Skeleton Warriors (80) - ancient blades
    10 x Skeleton Warriors (80) - ancient blades

    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)

    Terrorgheist (300)


    My thoughts were, use the 10x warriors for bait or bubble wrap so I can get my 40x warriors in range to charge. Use the spirit hosts to grab objectives and terrorgheist to flank or pressure flankers against me. Heroes to buff the skeletons and lay down some mortal wounds where they can. While playing objectives and taking tactics from another discussion, I think setting a couple gravesites near potential action, near my deployment, near objectives, and possible their backfield if possible will be ideal. Use Arkhan to get to the backfield for times that taking an objective back there is most needed. 

    Any ideas for what artefacts, spells, list changes, etc. that would go well with my list? i.e. Should I run 6x Spirit Hosts or just two 3x Spirit Hosts as written above?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  17. On 8/15/2019 at 4:18 PM, Kramer said:

    Absolutely nice write up, curious to see how your opponent played it that you got through turn 2 unscathed enough to go for both witch elves hit like a truck and you don’t have a big defensive ally in your list. Well played! 

    Battle report is up!

    I accidentally rolled a couple extra rail gun attacks in the first turn (they had grapnels, not railguns) but I think the rest was already overkill for the amount of sisters left in that small unit. I think I survived that turn 2 charge because my 20 unit block of arkanauts was sacrificed. He took out my two ballistas and 20 man block all in that turn. It was a significant hit to my force for sure, but not game ending.

    And so you know, I'm actively converting my arkanaut special weapons to skyhooks. I'm gonna keep a few volleyguns just incase they get a little better in the near future or more useful for me. But decided to convert my skypikes to skyhooks with some old drakeguns I had around.


  18. On 8/17/2019 at 2:49 AM, Ironbreaker said:

    How do you guys keep your flying stand stable while gluing? I can't seem to get mine to stay still. The frigate slowly falls over each time. I've tried making a frame but that doesn't help.

    My plastic stand broke and so I used a wooden dowel. Screwed it in on both ends. For the model side, I cut the ****** head off and was able to thread it into the bottom of the model with glue around it. It's super sturdy. Painted the dowel green and put trees around it to hide. Couldn't think of anything better at the time as tournament was like a week away.large.00100dPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20181016201507159_COVER.jpg.8af02f7727267fa01ef4aa335b32037a.jpglarge.00100dPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20181016201840979_COVER.jpg.dcb0ab1c529a6b7a03e89c932ea69b38.jpg


    • Like 4
  19. Got a game in this weekend. 2000pts vs Daughters if Khaine. Recorded it for a battle report and plan to release it this upcoming weekend. I'll share it later if you're interested.

    Here was my list:

    Barak Urbaz Allegiance

    Aether Khemist - aethersight loupe, general

    Aether Khemist - Chamon spell that unbinds

    Lord ordinator - Ally

    x10 Arkanaut Company - skyhooks

    x10 Arkanaut Company - skyhooks

    x10 Arkanaut Company - skyhooks

    x10 Arkanaut Company - skyhooks


    x2 Celestar Ballistas

    x6 Endrinriggers - grapnel

    x6 Endrinriggers - grapnel


    I had to split the units into smaller groups so I had enough ally slots for the ordinator and 2 ballistas. Urbaz allowed me to have smaller units and still buff enough in one turn. Ordinator buffed my ironclad and ballistas. 

    Because they were split, it was less probability to get all 12 riggers to grapnel, but there's more opportunity for different directions and not all lost to battleshock. Same with the company. I suggest going 2nd and if the ironclad is stuck at the front line, he gets buffed by the ordinator. 


    Played knife to the heart. Had a chance to defend the rushing witches and later in the game win by taking both objectives in the same turn. I got back-to-back turns on round 3 and that was the game winner.


    I felt the ballistas didn't do as well as hoped. The ironclad was a boss with the ordinator. Skyhooks performed well and rivet guns shredded the witches. Pistols were nice as they got closer and had the back-to-back turn.

    • Like 3
  20. 5 hours ago, stato said:

    Love it!  Really need to get myself an Ironclad, got 2 more frigates to paint up first though.

    It was a quick and dirty paint  job. About all i have patience for. Yeah, l have 1 frigate in the box. Got assemble and paint him too.

    If anything, the extra ones are great for table terrain in a Skirmish match.

  21. 1 hour ago, Amradiel said:

    I'm going to use my Admiral in 1000 point games and Brokk in 2000. Both are so damn cool. I also have a Navigator and two Khemists that will be included in various ways. 

    Agreed! Although a tournament...I had the admiral painted and ready go. I didn't have the 10 extra Arkanauts painted yet. The army had to look badass. 

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