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Phil D

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Posts posted by Phil D

  1. Event Title: Witney Warhammer One - Secrets of Dinorwig
    Event Author: Phil D
    Calendar: Events UK
    Event Date: 02/20/2021 12:00 AM to 02/21/2021 12:00 AM

    Hi Narrative Players,

    On the 17th & 18th of July 2021 we will be hosting a Narrative event weekend at The Corn Exchange Witney for 20 players. We encourage you to save the date in your diary now.

    Your story will be played over 6 scenarios of varying size (maximum of 2000 points), with faction “subquests” between rounds.

    The armies taking part will be split into two forces, Liberators (Order & Death) and Resistance (Chaos & Distruction), who will either attempt to liberate the region and re-establish a former beacon of Order or resist the invasion and maintain the status quo.

    Each of these forces will be led by a participating Commander (We are looking for volunteers 😊) whose role will be to unite the disparate warlords into a single fighting force and to share information to discover the Secrets  of Dinorwic.

    We will be releasing the event pack in this thread very soon and then putting tickets on sale (Sneak peak at the event pack cover). Keep an eye on this thread and follow our Twitter account @WarhammerWitney for all the lastest information.


    wwone pack final_lo.pdf

    Witney Warhammer One - Secrets of Dinorwig


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  2. Not sure if this is the right place for this or the narrative thread, but I'll start here and see how it goes.

    A lot of the books that I have read, recommended by this thread, contain details of vampires fighting on foot so I thought why not? The idea is that the soldiers fight for their house, rather like the house of York and Lancaster during the war of the Roses. Each house is led by a Vampire Lord and their private army comprises Vampire Knights and Vampire Thralls. The Vampire Knights are the elite bodyguard of the Lord while the Thralls are the household troops. I have been working on some custom warscrolls for vampire foot troops, which I have attached below. I'm hoping that they will come in at around 160 points for 5 Knights and 100 points for 10 Thralls. I'm also working on a mechanic called Blood Lust where the Knights and Thralls lust for blood, so they can move, run and charge an additional 1" until they cause a wound but must move towards the nearest enemy unit.

    I need to dig into the detail of the Soulblight traits and artefacts, but the major problem at the moment as I see it is the lack of Alpha Strike or fast movment allowing for fast redeployment if you set up badly. Might try to develop a spell for movement to assist with this or could increase the movement characteristic to 8" (similar to Namarti Thralls).

    What do you guys think? They would only be used in friendly or narrative games at my local club but I think they could be fun. If htey are pointed as I suggest I can make a list of VLoZD, 2x5 Blood Knights, 3x Vampire Lords, 3x5 Vampire Knights and 3x10 Vampire Thralls for 2040 points; should be okay in a narrative game. Next step is play testing to see how it all works, but I thought I would get your opinions first.

    blood thralls v1.1.pdf Vampire Knights v1.3.pdf

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  3. 21 hours ago, Piikalo1 said:

    I think you’re thinking of legion of blood. Soulblight doesn’t have any restrictions Like that I believe 

    Yes you're right, realised I was being a numpty last night when I read the Battletome again.

  4. Hi, Looking at lists for inspiration and I have a question.

    I've seen lists that are soulblight with Blood Knights as battleline with a VLoZD as general, but the list includes Neferata. I thought that if Neferata is in a Soulblight army, she has to be the general.

    Can someone clarify please?

  5. Have started reading Neferata, but will probably stop and go back to the Nagash books. That said I have already met a guy called Vorag Bloodytooth, Champion of Strigos who leads a group of horse mounted vampire warriors, all in light armour. I've been looking for something to use as Blood Knights, I have 10 High Elf Dragon Princes who will be my Sisters of Sandor. They are High Elf princes who were enlightened (some say corrupted) to the Soulblight Curse by Adhema. Now I could use some Chaos Maurder horsemen as blood knights (some conversion necessary) to represent Vorag and his boys. Could also use Chaos Marauder foot soliders as vampires on foot. Couldn't use them at tournaments but could use them at the club I'm sure.

  6. Thanks for the replies, I will look into all the books suggested. I guess I am looking more to the older stuff, where she came from, how she got established, what motivates her. I plan to develop my own story for myself. I currently have a Stormcast army and have written a 32,000 word "history" of the Gregorians stormhost.

    I'm looking to do something similar with my Soulblight army, but want some ideas for converting models to pick up its history.

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  7. Hi All,

    I am starting my first death army this year and it is a heavily narrative army, basically the army that fights the final battle in the novel The Undying King by Josh Reynolds. Once finished I want to expand into a Soulblight army as I love the Neferata model and the vampire vibe.

    I'm looking for any information/lore about Neferata and the Soulblight Curse, be it from The World That Was, Age of Myth, Age of Chaos, Age of Sigmar or Soul Wars. Looking for websites, novels, novellas, anything that may be of interest. I've looked at a couple of websites already and found differences in the inforamtion that they give, hence my call to the ones who will probably know, you lovely people.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  8. I use PVA (Elmers?) straight. I tried to use it watered down but the sand just fell off.

    Paint the PVA on the base, run the base through the sand box set aside and leave to dry for 24 hours, more if you can. Any less and the sand brushes off. I have also tried letting the sand dry and then undercoating the base, but this relies on being able to leave a space in the base to stick the model onto.

    I have some bases that were done a couple of years ago and they are fine.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, AdamR said:

    The tempest blade and stormstave is one attack profile (the 4A/+3+/3+/-1/1D one). The Grandstave (3A/3+/3+/0/2D) is better against 4+ or worse saves and worse only against 2+ saves.

    Sorry misread the warscroll, thought the blade was the first line and the stave was the second.

  10. Hi all,

    Not sure if this has been asked before but just started building my Evocators on Dracoline (Finally catching up with everyone else). In the warscroll it says they are armed with Te,pest Blade  AND Stormstave 2 in every 3 can replace Blade and Stave with Grandstave. Does this mean that if they are amremd with Blade and Stave, they can attack with both in the combat phase? If so is the two weapon combination better than the single Grandstave?

  11. Another fantastic weekend of catching up with friends old and new, playing warhammer and telling stories in our battles. Awesome costumes from Steve and Jason, added to the atmosphere and the battleplans and narrative of the weekend were as spectacular as usual.

    Not for the hyper competitive player, just a relaxed fun weekend.

    Well done Steve for another great weekend.

    • Like 3
  12. 1 minute ago, DionTheWanderer said:

    I think a lot of people (myself included) have been limping along with armies we love but that get battered on the tabletop, in the hope that they will get a book one day. That isn't really a problem with Stormcast, as they have been doing the ones doing most of the battering (seriously guys, do you have to be good in *every* phase? Give us one phase we can compete in at least.;) )

    To learn that is not going to happen, and that they probably won't appear in GHB20, right after hearing there was finally a book released, was a bit galling.


    I know them feels. Had my first game with 2000pts on Wednesday. Friday rolls round and I'm back down to 1090pts, if you take the legacy models out.

    I love it! Please don't take this the wrong way but I play SCE and won 1 game at a tounament in May. The last game I won before that at a tournament was in September 2018 and the last game I won at my club was in March. The reason I am doing so badly is because I have all the older models from the release of AoS1 (which I've only had for two years) and don't have the time to buy and build the new models that you need to stay competitive.  So I limp along getting beaten up by all and sundry.

    If you read the SCE thread on this website, they are all moaning about how SCE are useless, underpowered and couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Hence my excitement to find that I can diversify my army with Free peoples etc. to make them look good as they get kicked all over the battlefield.

    On another note can anyone point me to the official GW list of models that have been discontinued? Or the email referred to above that says which models are gone? I don't want to start buying models that I can't use.

    • Like 1
  13. Thanks for the clarification.

    I just thought that if models/units/armies appeared in the lore then they would be hard pressed to remove them from the game. But then again, they are GW's toys and GW's rules so they can do what they want with them. The Darkoath Warqueen has been around for a while and she doesn't have an army to lead.

  14. Like I said I'm very naive about all this, but are Ironweld really being axed? and Aelves? GW always point to Black Library books as a source of lore for the Mortal Realms and I love reading them, as do many people.  Does this mean that most of the Black Library books are now going to be binned as well? I'm reading Spear of Lamentations and one of the main characters is Ironweld. Callis and Tull are a witch hunter and freeguild guardsman, are they now canned because the Witch Hunter model is being pulled? One of their books included an aelf relic hunter and a Dark Corsair (both of whom got their own books as a consequence) and now the books are to be pulped and we have to forget these characters and storylines. BTW one of the books has been announced but not published so I'm waiting for the red faced Phil Kelly to go online and say that he messed up by commissioning a book that was never going to be published. Or are GW so stupid that they will write books and create lore for armies and characters that don't exist in the Mortal Realms?

    Personally I think GW need to make an announcement or a release that will clear up all the confusion and set peoples minds at rest one way or the other. I hope they aren't taking the attitude that controversy will drive sales. That will change my opinion completely.

  15. I'm not a free peoples player, I got the stormcast half of the starter box when I shared it with my son and have built a SCE army, currently around 8,000 points. I toyed with freepeoples but thought the models were meh so haven't bothered. Until now.

    The CoS battletome got me really excited and I've been thinking about starting a free city, more on this later. However the down beat attitude coming across at the moment is putting me off a bit. No offense meant, I'm sure if GW cut the stormcast army I have spent two years building, painting and fighting with, building a narrative history that is currently 16,000 words long and increasing, I would be pi**ed off too. But wait for the book to drop and then start complaining, when you know what is happening. I am probably completely naive, I mainly read this website and the community pages and I haven't seen a list of models and battletomes that have been cut with a GW statement to say "You can't use any of these models anymore in AoS so don't bring them to our stores, thank you very much."

    Could it be that the list previously posted are the only models you can select for a free cities army? If you want to use cannons, fine but they are allies or you can't use the free cities benefits. Who knows?

    Please feel free to vent your ire at GW on me, I have thick skin.

    I am still excited for CoS, mainly because I'm hoping for some new models to bring these 16th century Austrian pikemen up to the 21st century, but even so, I have plans to add some freepeoples to my army.

    You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

    • Like 3
  16. Thanks for the replies, complete brain ******!!

    That's the problem of cherrypicking the book with limited time. If only they put a list of what's in the book at the front, like a table of contents, that would be useful. They could call it an In-decks.

    • Haha 2
  17. Hi

    New to Soulblight, came to it via seeing Neferata model and falling in love, reading some books to reinforce that love, then adding Adehma and the Sisterhood of Szandor blood knights to my love list. Have assembled a themed (and totally illegal) death army around the final battle in the Undying King book, and now looking to start a Soulblight army. I have the LoN battletome but can't find the Soulblight abilities, battle traits etc. Can you tell me where they are please?

    Thanks in advance.

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