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Posts posted by thousand_sons

  1. Only a day away from my store's (delayed) Armies on Parade and, while not perfect, my 4 Beasts are done!

    One of the benefits of having two extra weeks was I could try out the new GW Texture snow paint. And I have to say I'm quite happy with the result.


    And here's a shot of the final display:



    And my Huskard Torr:

    Let me know what you think.

    Not sure when my next update for them will be, hopefully not too long but certain Tizcan sorcerers are calling...

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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  2. Thank you very much for the lovely comments Double Misfire and Johan Mars! Glad you like the look of it all.

    Vasshpit - thats exactly the conversion I'm thinking! The faces of the vargheists I think match some of the new artwork so well and with some sculpted fur they'll hopefully look quite good...

    And that Ironjawz conversion sounds awesome! Love those models, I'll keep my eye out for them.

    Booah - nothing stops you from doing them as well! Two rival trides. My friend has already got his Beastclaw army sorted, and when I've sorted mine we'll have a game to decide who is the dominant tribe and then join up for a doubles game against a pair of brothers using Stormcast and Sylvaneth, should be epic!

    Cheers for the comments everyone, look out for more soon!

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  3. Thank you very much Vasshpit! Took a lot a work (and hacking with a pair of clippers!) but I do think the diverisity was needed.

    Well today is Armies on Parade day all around the world...except in my local which has pushed it back two weeks!

    So just enough time to do the final details like blending the ice on the horns in with the stone and doing the bases (with the new texture paints).

    Here's where I stand at the moment:


    And a close up of my Frostlord:


    My Huskard:


    And my two Stonehorn riders:



    And after Armies on Parade has been sorted I'll still have 8 Mournfang, 6 Yhetees and another Thundertusk to do -unless I'm tempted away by certain sons of Tizca...

    Let me know what you think!

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  4. Only a few days left to go until Armies on Parade but fortunately my Games Workshop has pushed their event back to the 29th! Giving me much needed time to get things sorted.

    It may not look like things have progressed too much but sculpting has been completed on the Huskard Torr and the two new Stonehorns are almost finished, with just bone and metal really to do (and then bases...)




    Let me know what you think. And wish me luck!

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  5. I followed the Warhammer TV guide that Duncan did for the Thundertusk:

    Exposed Skin:

    Thunderhawk Blue

    Nuln Oil into recesses

    Russ Grey layer

    Fenrisian Grey highlight

    Stonehorn's Face and Mouth:

    Bugman's Glow

    Druchii Violet

    Kisley Flesh extreme highlight

    Hope that helps!

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  6. He's some from the trees:


    And a shot of a different board tile that has the same effect done to it as well:


    There's a guide in the Beastclaw Raiders book and Duncan has done a video about it recently as well. Easy and I really like the effect too.

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  7. Been a few weeks without an update!

    Been working on getting my Nurgle Daemons finished for the Warlords event at Warhammer World - but now thats out of the way I can back to finishing the display off.

    Here's a shot at the board with my lone painted Stonehorn and my converted Thundertusk hiding in the background (more on him later).


    The plan is to paint up one of the beasts every week and that leaves me one last week to do my mournfang as well.

    Let me know what you think!

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  8. Cheers for the comments guys.

    Mirbeau, I do kinda like the purple looking teeth but its just spilled over from when I was washing the gums! So the teeth will be painted a more normal colour soon.

    Ansuz, I followed the Warhammer TV tutorial for the most part but it was:

    - Mechanicus Standard Grey Undercoat

    - Administratum Grey Basecoat

    - Thunderhawk Blue made into a wash and put in the really hairy areas

    - Wrack White Drybrush

    - White Highlight

    And now for my list. I usually play Narrative Play with points values so have made a list that includes some cool painting and conversion potential but doesn't blow my opponent off the board turn 1:

    - Frostlord on Stonehorn

    - Huskard Torr on Thundertusk

    - 4 Mournfang

    - 4 Mournfang

    - 3 Yhetees

    - 2 Stonehorn Beastriders

    2440 points

    More photos soon of my converted Thundertusk and some more WIP of the Stonehorn.


    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  9. Hey there everyone, welcome to my first Plog on The Grand Alliance forum which shall follow the journey of my Beastclaw Raiders!

    Now that the Season of War has finished I thought it was time for a new project and the release of this new Battletome combined with the upcoming Armies on Parade gives the perfect excuse to finally scratch my Ogor itch.

    After reading the battletome and falling in love with the concept of the Everwinter in all of its guises I knew my force would have to focus on that winter theme and as such I am going with a veeery white colour scheme, with lots of cool blues thrown in as spot colours.

    Starting off with my Stonehorn test model, fur and flesh finished with horns and trinkets still left to go.


    Let me know what you think!

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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