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Posts posted by spenson

  1. Yes sorry I meant Pureblood. With a bit of conversion it wasn't that hard to make the venomblood with shield look like a second Pureblood (especially since the sculpt was already closer to a Pureblood than to the other venomblood).

    It's the same for the clearbloods with shield. It even gives you a weapon for the trueblood. You can use a tzangoor shield and replace the tzeentch mark with something that looks like the splintered fangs shield.

  2. Right now I'm the same as everyone and plan a list with only 1 box.

    The list is:

    1 Trueblood,

    1 Serpent caller

    1 Serpent

    2 Truebloods

    1 Venomblood with dual blades

    1 Clearblood with dual blades

    3 Clearbloods with shield

    You end up with exactly 1000 points.


    I didn't expect the clearbloods to look this good IRL when I saw them on the box art. I'm not a fan of the venomblood with dual blades/whip because I love those gladiator helmets.

  3. 12 hours ago, Lior'Lec said:

         I remember reading somewhere the cypher lords worshipping tzeentch, but just went back and re-read their intro on community page and guess I must have imagined it. Still the unmade would be perfect for the basis of a Slaaneshi mortal army and hence... EXPAND!

    Ok so I wasn't alone. I'm pretty sure I also read somewhere that they worship tzeentch.

    Hmmmm I smell some warp shenanigans.

  4. I would actually switch tier 1 and tier 2. The nerf really only hurt DoK so maybe they're tier 2 now. LoN really took a hit (and poor nighthaunts that were already not that strong...).

    I haven't read the new Sylvaneth book so I don't know yet where to put it.

    I hope the new orruk battletome will make ironjawz and bonesplitterz tier 2 at least. Same for the gutbusters and BCR.

  5. 13 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    I'm usually running 5 (My usual setup has begun to revolve around a Keeper, Great Bray Shaman, 2 Epitomes, and then a revolving 5th slot). I usually find I'd rather have the points for units over the 6th character. 

    How well do 2 epitomes perform? I have to admit I've never tried that.

  6. 17 hours ago, Saiken said:

    How would you guys scale this kind of list down to 1K point ?

    Even if its sub-optimal, I'd love to get playing before I have a full 2k army ...


    Capture d’écran 2019-07-09 à 23.47.21.png

    So at 1k points the 'core' of the army is this:

    Allegiance: Chaos
    Great Bray Shaman of Slaanesh (100)
    10 x Ungors of Slaanesh (60)
    10 x Ungors of Slaanesh (60)
    30 x Bestigors of Slaanesh (300)
    Depraved Drove (150)

    Total: 670 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 55

    It leave you only 330 points to add some stuff. It's a shame that you can play a KoS but the bestigors are really better at 30 than 20 (the last 10 are half price and the triple exploding 6 when >= 20 models)

    I think the best would be to take 2 heroes (e.g. the epitome and a viceleader) with the remaining points. This list is not optimal at all but you'll be able to play.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Lord Slyght said:

    Winning list is on the Honest Wargamer website

    Thank you very much!

    It's quite interesting that the list with double keeper played godseeker. I have a bit of trouble getting over how good the invaders artefacts are but godseekers look better and better the more I play.

    The comment about the masque being there to guarantee some summoning is... logical. I always thought that it was really meh since it's not a wizard but this use makes sense. 

    I would really like his feedback on the enrapturess. She doesn't seem that worth it on paper, especially in a tournament where you're not guaranteed to play all the turns because of the time limit.


  8. 2 hours ago, Charly2912 said:

    - The new volley of shot can reroll hits of 1 for every shooting unit. Fireglaives got it already in their warscroll (when they stand still)

    - There is also the melee command ability with rerolling hits of 1 in combat phase and the rerolls for our blackshard battalion (still helps a bit)

    - Chaos Sorc buffing a big unit of 12 kdaai or 6 render and you've got a great smashing unit. Those just got charged by olynda, 30 chainrasp and 5 hexwraiths. They took 2 losses from the chainrasp and overkilled olynda and the hexwraith return. The next combat phase they finished those 30 chainrasp easily and continued destroying my opponents army from one flank through the other. In the end ive got even 5-6 left (and 2 fled to battleshock..) 

    -Others like Gutrot Spune + Blightkings for "fast movement". I bet there are some more allies which we can benefit from 

    - we do ignore the first wound in each melee and range unit (which can be also MW?)

    -i like all 3 of our battalions. Ofc the artillery (btw can you take the same battalion twice?) one is the best, but i see uses for the blackshard too. The bullcentaur one is kinda cool for meeting engangements 

    We don't have any way of generating CP and the battalions are a bit meh so you'll usually have to save them for emergencies unless you buy them. Fireglaives are nice but if you're within 16" at the beginning of the turn, you better make sure that everything dies

    The blackshard battalion is awful because you don't get the bonus if you pile in during combat phase. It also requires you to play a castellan and I'm not a fan of his rules. The artillery train is not that bad, but it forces you to play a daemon engine (I'd rather play a skullcraker) and it basically costs as much as an additional war machine. The centaur one is tricky and I had a hard time making it work against opponents who know it.

    A chaos sorcerer makes our units noticably stronger but it doesn't address the (relatively) slow movement+lack of flight of the centaurs.  Giving some rend or a slightly better save to the fireborn would make them way better than rerolling 1's. I'm not a fan of your example because your opponent evidently made a mistake.

    Sure we can use allies to compensate for our lack of mobility and we can take basically everyone except the skaven.  I think Kairos may be a good ally idea.

    We can't cancel MW with our battle trait, only regular wounds. Spells will hurt us and you can't cancel the MW from'More power!'.

    To address some other comments: the castellan requires you to be within 12" during the hero phase. This is a huge problem as it is really telegraphed and can be dodge quite easily. IMO it would be an awesome ability if you could use it whenever you want for a phase. He doesn't really bring anything other than that.

    Of course I stack the LoA against the best armies since it's what you're going to play against in any tournament. As I said in my first comment, they're ok for casual play. I love this army and I won't stop playing it but it's not good enough for tournament play. If a good player with a lower tier army can win, they'll probably do even better with a stronger army...


  9. My biggest issues with the army are that the battalions are meh at best so we usually won't decide the first turn. This can have a lot of impact on the game for a kinda shooty army.

    We don't have any teleportation or an easy way to travel accross the table in 1/2 turns (except for an overcosted character).  If you play a timed game and can only do around 3 turns, you'll have a hard time capturing the objectives if your opponent played first and moved his screens half way across the table turn 1.

    We are also not good at dealing with MW. We basically only have Drazoath (in close combat) and an artefact that may negate MW.

    The fireborns are pretty nice with fliy and run+charge but they will struggle against anything that has a moderately good armor and they get destroyed by hordes with their poor save. You have to be really careful when you use them.

    The centaurs deal a respectable amount of damage but they are overcosted when you compare them with what other armies can do.

    We have almost no way to make our magic more reliable. Sometimes your wizards will be useless because they will fail to cast, will be dispelled or your opponent will have some nice bonus to cast their spells.

    I have to admit that our warmachines are pretty good but random (last game I played, my magma cannons either did nothing or the MW were almost all saved during the first 2 turns). The problem with shooting is that right now there are so many way to make it useless (teleport/summon/deepstrike/etc and then charge, idoneth buff, sylvaneth forest, etc.). you need to invest a lot of ressources to make your shooting units worth the points; ressources that aren't used to play the scenario.

    Finally, we only have 2 sources of rerolls in the whole army. The first one is Shar'Tor but can only be used on ba'hal units. The second one is the standard bearer that only gives rerolls of 1's to wound wholly within 18". The bravery bonus is nice because we really have a poor bravery despite being dwarves.

    Being polyvalent is nice but what we can do well isn't that interesting in the context of most scenarios.

    I've played quite a few games against hard tournament lists and sometimes there really isn't much that we can do.

    I know I'm not being totally objective right now but I have a lot more difficulties winning with my LoA than when I play a higher tier army (Slaanesh, DoK or Legion of sacrament).

  10. Skullcracker is back but this is confirms that we're stuck with those point costs for a year. FFS, even the devoted to Sigmar received some cost reductions. Most armies getting updates indirectly nerf the armies that didn't.

    I guess I'll use them now and then for casual games but they're really not good enough if you want to play in a tournament.

  11. So I will be playing my first 2k game tonight against the blades of Khorne (gore pilgrims/murderhost IIRC).

    i will be using this invaders list:

    Allegiance: Slaanesh
    - Host: Invaders Host
    Keeper of Secrets (360)
    - General
    - Trait: Skin-taker 
    - Artefact: Icon of Infinite Excess 
    - Spell: Slothful Stupor
    Shalaxi Helbane (340)
    - Spell: Progeny of Damnation
    Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (220)
    - Host Option: General (Invaders Host)
    - Lore of Slaanesh: Pavane of Slaanesh
    The Contorted Epitome (200)
    - Artefact: The Rod of Misrule 
    - Lore of Slaanesh: Hysterical Frenzy
    30 x Daemonettes (300)
    30 x Daemonettes (300)
    5 x Hellstriders with Claw-spears (100)
    Supreme Sybarites (120)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 115

    I know shalaxi isn't that great but I love the model and I want to see how well it will do. I only took 2 generals because the epitome will stay at the center of my army and I can't use the command ability of the KoS on Shalaxi if they're both generals. i don't really know what to think about the chariot. 

    I first though of a list with a depraved drove but I don't have enough ungors yet.

    What are your thoughts on the list?

    • Like 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, Congratz said:

    Loonsmasha Fanatics Vs Sporesplatta Fanatics? What do you prefer?

    ¿Por qué no los dos?

    I'll play both of these units: sporesplatta between my units of stabbas and my characters and at least 1 unit of loonmasha ready to destroy everything during any turn. I think the skulkmob is way better with a big unit of 60 than with 3 units of 40 (or less) so right now I'm not sure I'll use it.

    • Like 1
  13. I don't think it's as good on this leader as it is on a big unit of stabbas with the MW on 6+ to wound from a loon boss or a unit of bounderz. And if you need it you can use it twice on a unit of stabbas + the bonus from sporesplatta for 4 attacks / grot.

    Damn, now I want to do 60 stabbas with spears + 2x5 sneaky snufflers + 5 sproesplattas + a loonboss...

    My maths may be wrong and of course you will never get a everyone from a unit of 60 grots to hit, but against a save of 4+ they would deal between 90 and 110 wounds (including MW) against a 4+ save depending on how many you lose from the sneaky snufflers. I included 9 netters in the unit and the rerolls of 1's to hit from the moon.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    Now i wonder if that is 1 extra attack per weapon or just 1 extra attack in general, if it is the former then my god... Mangler Bosses will be insanely good, even more so then they are now.

    It says "Add 1 to the attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by that unit until your next movement phase". I wouldn't use it twice on the mangler though because the 2D6 MW hurts too much.

  15. I still haven't read the artefacts and I'm not sure about the battalions but right now my first list looks like this (I'm basically still updating it every hour...) :

    Heroes - 670
    Loonboss on Mangler Squig - (300)
    Skragrott the Loonking - (220)
    Loonboss  - (70)
    Madcap Shaman - (80)

    Battleline - 780
    40 x Shootas - (260)
    40 x Stabbas - (260) 
    40 x Stabbas - (260) 

    Units - 510
    15 x Boingrot Bounderz - (300)
    5 x Sneaky Snufflers - (70)
    5 x Loonmasha Fanatics - (140) (or some sporesplatta)

    Endless Spells - 40
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh
     - (40)

    Total - 2000/2000
    Command Points - 1
    Drops - 10

    They nerfed the geminids, but I still like that -1 to hit on enemy units or -1 attacks combined with the netters.

    I was also thinking about a list with the battalions that gives a bonus to the deepstriking spiders.

    • Like 1
  16. I'm not sure I understand the battle trait: does the moon starting in a corner and moving on the second round mean that we don't get the effet of the moon on the first battle round? Seems quite unfortunate. It malso makes skragrott very interesting on the third round.

    • Like 2
  17. 9 minutes ago, BWG Cannonball said:

    Hey all,

    Quick question with regards to Fireglaive and Ironsworn units.  Is a Deathmask required in the unit?  Just thinking I'd much rather just have a unit of 10 Fireglaives than swap one out with a pistol and axe.

    I too hope it isn't mandatory. It's a shame because we'd lose 'at least' (since the deathmask used to reroll 1's to hit) 1/10 of their firepower.

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