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Posts posted by Keldaur

  1. My biggest gripe with hold objective cards is that they require one full activation and doesn't synergize with our intended (as i had experienced, this is obviously just my opinion) role. The biggest limitation are the 12 activations, every single of them should have a purpose to fit overall. Funnily enough i had been using desecrate often to remove objectives from my opponent's board after charging to negate them the possibility of the 3 objective glory or an early point from one of this cards.

    I don't know i still think there is a lot to experience and juggle around witht the warband instead of going for a more standard way of playing.

  2. i will have to heavilly disagree on objective cards. Yes we need upgrades, so do everyone else, except upgrades on a stormcast or ironjaw provide a better return from the investment than for us due to the quality of their warriors. 

    The bigges problem is that if we allow our opponent to gather objectives while we are doing the same we are gambling on them not having the right objectives. Moreover even if we find ourselves equals in glory, we are alreadt behind because they get more from their glory than us, and we "wasted" X number of activations to already be behind.

    That's why i ditched them. Yes you can score them early but neither our warband, ploys or upgrades are fit to be played seeking a third turn dominance where we can score quickly enough to justify giving up room to breathe for our opponents if we aren't already ahead. We are a fast aggro deck, we just attempt to roll over the opponent, force them to stop from gathering points from objectives and using as many ploys as possible that can force opponents to charge at us (side step for example) ,to waste actions (landfall, insensate, blood rain) or anything that provide the means to have succesful attacks (sidestep, landfall and any card that gives us extra dice or free damage/extra attacks).

    The three successful attacks in one turn is actually not hard to achieve if you set it up for it. If i get it first turn, plus the charging one and some play to guarantee attacks i am pretty much golden.

    I think people in general are too conservative with Garrek's warband, and against the warband i have the most experience against (stormcasts) this is a exercise of futility.  

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  3. I removed all the hold objective cards once i started deckbuilding. In my opinion at least for Khorne they are not reliable enough and you are spending 5 card slots for them and most of the time you are only scoring 1 if any. 

    About power cards. Obviously insensate is amazing, but it's not the only one. There is also the one that allows you to perform a free attack when a warrior dies, Also any card that gives you guaranteed damage (1 free damage from a warrior who dies allows for Saek to one shot an stormcast early for example), or that helps to guaranteed that damage by giving you extra attack dice. 

  4. Not exactly. When you activate a model, you can perform an action. Charge is considered a single action. When you have performed the action, then the warrior ends its activation. 

    Activation =/= action. Therefore a warrior would be eligible for the card because it doesn't say that you activate a warrior to perform an action (that's something you do in the activation phase), you just perform an action.

    Yeah i guess activation/action is going to be somewhat tricky sometimes.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Attackmack said:

    Yes but a fighter never takes an activation, fighters take actions. PLAYERS take activations. Im guessing its a miss on the card and that the card should actually say "Action" instead of "activation".

    Not really, doing an action is the same as activating the warrior (check it out in the little box "activations").

    I have one question about "Slaughter fed" (however it is called in english, khorne exclusive, card 15. The one that gives a reaction "that if an action or power card would kill a warrior, a friendly warrior could perform an attack".

    Does this include warriors that already charged ?

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  6. There is also a card that makes the opponent's next attack to deal only 1 damage, this allows you to try to twoshot a stormcast before you lose somebody. This is best done in your 3rd and 4th activation. Also in my games i had been abusing our high movement and pushes to get the opponent trapped, specially early stormcasts that charged, so i bring them closer to my other models and then go full hooligan on them. 

    Obviously the starter decks have to.be changed, we really need one glory point objectives to get the ball rolling, specially if they don't involve rolling dice.  Anyone has a link for a list of the neutral cards coming with the ironjaws and skellies?

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  7. In the website you see them as liberators and bloodreavers which is what i expecting. Do you think they will grt their own warscroll as.a unit? i find it unlikely and i really hope it does not. 

    @Killax oh yeah the bloodsecrator... i had to pin it.

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