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Posts posted by RocketMan

  1. 11 minutes ago, WoollyMammoth said:

    you can make a GK +2 so I don't see the point. GK won't lose the casting buff as he takes damage and can know the spells. Arkhan will learn the spells from others but that's a lot of points for a +2 you can already get, and there are no summonable units in FEC for him to heal, so there is a lot of waste.

    @RocketMan What is the point of quoting the whole thing just for a joke? lol. I edited my post to take out the mistakes, so there is still somethings that are not wrong. 

    mate, just wait fot the book... chalice is not as u intended...honestly is nice, but i don't think it'll work well with big unit thanks to general aos rule of the wholly within

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, WoollyMammoth said:

    This book is absolutely insane. 

    Lets say you take the grand court that makes Horrors battleline, take two units of 6 and a unit of 3 (750) and then take 6 Archregents. 6 Archregents means you'll know all 6 spells from the lore. Throw in the mandatory Chalice to turn half the wounds you take each turn into healing. Make one of your Archregents +2 to cast to make sure it goes off, as well as the +D3 attacks spell.

    Put all the Archregents around the Throne at the start and summon four units of 20 ghouls and 2 Vargulf to support the Horror units. Your army is now 3110 points to start the game, if you get the chalice then half your wounds are being restored and if your opponent doesn't fully destroy any Horror unit, you have two Vargulf just bringing back any dead models. 

    Of course FEC often relies on its big monsters, so take Gristlegore and take 4 Abhorrents, 3 on TG and one on a Dragon. Throw in an Archregent and the chalice for 1880 (+2 CP) First turn summon 4 units of Flayers  (680) and turn two summon a Vargulf to back them up for a total of 2,720.

    Or any mix in between. I love my TG but I also love my ghoul hordes. TG are amazing at killing elite units like Stormcast by the dozens. Actually they are great against most things .. except ethereal units. They a small number of powerful attacks which fall short very quickly with some good 4+ saves.

    This is where ghouls come in, the volume of attacks will eat through 4+ quickly, and now with the ability to get up to 7 attacks each (8 if you want to get crazy and ally a Vampire Lord) they will tear through anything. The great thing about a ghoul horde is you can spread out across several units. I was already killing half an army in one turn easy when I only had 120 attacks, now were talking  210 attacks or more?? I don't usually bring a GK on foot but the one time I did and buffed the ghouls to 4 attacks each - the game was such a one sided blowout that it was ridiculous. Even if you don't buff the ghouls attacks, you can immediately attack a second time for 1CP, so basically that is double the attacks.  If you can get a full unit of ghouls across a front line - that entire line is just dead. You will be able to do crazy things like spread across two units of 30 reapers and just delete or nearly delete both of them in one go. Even 5++ Witch Aelf units will die very fast.

    Ghouls and Witch Aelves are similar. Most of you will know the insanity that is Witch Aelves. Ghouls are going to be able to far exceed the number of attacks, albeit with less efficient attacks.  While witches can be burnt down and taken care of, ghouls are coming back via the Chalice, Courtiers and Ghoul Patrol, and they have the bonus of being 40 strong instead of 30. Both units are 6" move 6+ save and typically have 6++ save as well. Witches have much more efficient offense when paired with Mindrazor but that is unreliable. The 5++ (especially re-rolling) makes them very difficult to deal with. Witches have a greater alpha strike potential, if all the things go right for them a lot of armies are just dead on impact. FEC is not going to be so reliant on things going super well, and are going to have much greater ability to sustain without needing to win early on. Also FEC now have a way to counter Witch Elves by sticking an Abhorrent on a monster out in front with the ability to always attack first then double down and attack a second time .. even if the witches kill him they will likely have suffered a great loss getting there which will deflate a lot of their power and put you in a great position to counter strike.

    My only problem with this book is not enough models! Every one of the new models is amazing! The terrain looks kind of like basic old terrain but that bone throne is amazing. The Archregent is beautifully detailed. But FEC desperately needs a GK clampack and a plastic Vargulf. Making a cool custom Vargulf is kind of the rite of passage for FEC players. I thought with how cool they made the Vargulf in Total War that we would see a new one when the book was updated. The Archregent was probably an attempt at a GK clampack but it was so damn awesome they had to make new rules for it, lol.

    Anyway - I would get out there and enjoy it as much as possible because the nerf hammers are likely coming fast for this one. It has great answers for everything, has probably the most powerful summoning, probably the most devastating combat potential of any army and the greatest ability to shrug off and undo all the damage caused to it!!

    https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F21aqbc.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimgflip.com%2Fi%2F21aqbc&docid=7CZuUW8rbp2CwM&tbnid=oLWMPgBupOeJAM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjlwN_ywbngAhVGKuwKHQoRCg4QMwg5KAAwAA..i&w=620&h=349&client=safari&bih=1060&biw=1591&q=everything you said is wrong&ved=0ahUKEwjlwN_ywbngAhVGKuwKHQoRCg4QMwg5KAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8

  3. 12 hours ago, Honk said:

    Well, maybe you need to fix this then, if you’re interested in FEC.

    if you consider the Souza list, for you to activate any of your summoning, one if your monsters had to bite the dust... else you don’t have 160 points to summon. Since every CA is only onetime use, a good sniper will kill the ones who could still summon. 6 kurnoth could get the job done across the board.


    If you like the look and are excited about the army, just go for it an you can figure out the house rule stuff later. It is true, that pre-ghb death has burned many bridges and a lot of players are scared or have wrong impressions about the summoning rules as they are right now (seraphon summons way more, beastmen , tzeentch...) 

    I‘ve played the FEC punching bag through whole ghb16/17 and have not regretted it. even managed to kick some serious butt with a „low-tier“ army.

    i have to see some other warscrolls before reporting the group this problem though :D

    • Haha 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Well, sounds like a fun group...*coughing dust* 🤣

    Group is nice, we try to work together as a group when some fix is needed. We play not hyper competitive so this rule was introduced to avoid tournament with too much tight army lists 

  5. 25 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Same here


    I am sorry to point that out but that house rule is utter BS. Most factions with summoning (FeC for example) need it and it‘s an important part of their playstyle.

    I know old WHF players might think it‘s broken but in truth those factions with summoning really need it in order to be able to win.

    if you want to play FeC without summoning your opponent should grant you 30% more points.


    sth. Actually warranted to restrict via house-rules is the buff staking of DoK armies, apart from that I don‘t see anything broken apar from insanely good rolls 😄

    I understand that, but I don’t make the rules :/ 

    So with this house rules you don’t suggest starting a fec army right ? 

  6. Wait, I’ve been playing aos since d1 With stormcast and beastclaw so I’m new to summon mechanics in ghb2018 but not new to aos in general.  We use some house rules to balance some armies. So rule of 1 on command ability and evocations only is you don’t go over starting army point. 

    Btw I really like the monster list, and is also easy to make with just 3 start collecting but what about a 1500/1750 list? 

  7. 2 hours ago, CanHammer-darren said:

    Ben Souza and Alan actually won large GTs with monster mash FEC 

    i did a quick rundown of that list here:



    Seems good but we play with some house rule to make some balancements. Like rule of one on command abilities and no evocation over starting point. So this list will be probably ineffective till some Geist dies 


    34 minutes ago, Honk said:

    Ben souza (spelling optional) placed pretty high with a 2xgkotg, gkozd, 3x10ghouls plus arkhan list (if I remember correctly).

    FEC was pretty devestated in the past, but the new GHB18 with the revised summoning rules opened up a lot of crazy options for us.

    still not an easy army to play, but definitely playable 

    Revised summoning rules? I looked into the ghb but I didn’t find new rules for fec 

  9. Hi guys, old old vampires player here! 

    I looked at the nex box and was thinking about a fresh start. 

    Lot of my friend told me they’re not competitive right now, what do you think? Could be a good opt to buy the new box and a start collecting before the price raising or they will still be nerfed without a new codex? 

  10. 27 minutes ago, AdamR said:

    I find that 10 Evocators and a Celestant on Drake combine really well - it's two horrendous things your opponent has to deal with leading to either one or the other being unmolested, or they split their attentions and don't do much to either.


    EDIT - if no realm artifacts, I'd probably go either Armour of Destiny or Armour of Silvered Sigmarite instead. Probably Destiny, as vs hordes you kinda want to be hit with the azyrite halo and thundershield combo.

    or i can drop on disc and libs, doing 3x5 to add a second incantor. what do u think? too much magic? 

  11. 2 minutes ago, AdamR said:

    How about

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Lord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)
    - General
    - Celestine Hammer
    - Trait: Staunch Defender 
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales 
    - Mount Trait: Storm-winged
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    Lord-Castellant (100)
    Knight-Heraldor (100)

    10 x Liberators (200)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 2x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers

    10 x Evocators (400)
    - 5x Grandstaves
    - Lore of Invigoration: Speed of Lightning

    Endless Spells
    Dais Arcanum (40)

    Total: 1740 / 1750
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 102


    can't have ignax's scale on drake cause we play w/out realm... i don't know, i really like the new battlelines... 10 evocators are big though...


  12. 8 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Ballista is good stuff, choose rapid shooting if in range even if they are 5+ to hit, they do more damage in average than the single shoot through math calculation. You can try to bring 3 and use the points left to bring something like a unit of skinks to help capture points or preventing DS.  Just personal suggestion from a new SCE.

    i just own sce!3 ballista are already 300pts, no space for other

  13. 3 hours ago, RocketMan said:

    i'm trying to build a 1750 pts list with drake+castellan+heraldor ...i'm not sure if is better to add arcanum to get sequitors bl or going with a normal mage, 3x5 libs and put some dracolines ... 
    1750 no realms:
    Arcanum on gryffcharger General stanuch def




    10 sequitor

    2x5 libs

    310pts left

    dracoline? to put some more pressions? maybe in the sky realms... or 3 ballista ? i know without the ordinator they are worst at 5+ . or i can go up to 20 sequitors but then i'll have spare 150 pts to do what ?just one ballista won't make any sense :D

    no other suggestions?

  14. i'm trying to build a 1750 pts list with drake+castellan+heraldor ...i'm not sure if is better to add arcanum to get sequitors bl or going with a normal mage, 3x5 libs and put some dracolines ... 
    1750 no realms:
    Arcanum on gryffcharger General stanuch def




    10 sequitor

    2x5 libs

    310pts left

    dracoline? to put some more pressions? maybe in the sky realms... or 3 ballista ? i know without the ordinator they are worst at 5+ . or i can go up to 20 sequitors but then i'll have spare 150 pts to do what ?just one ballista won't make any sense :D

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