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Posts posted by Bulldoze

  1. Got an idea for Mollog + fellwater troggs for a pain in the ass combo.

    Mollog has an ability to give a model -1 hit on a 4+/4+ attack

    Another 5+ chance to give -1 hit

    Fellwater have natural -1 hit

    Potential -3 hit the fellwater is ridiculous!

    Mol has 4+ Ignore save for spells and gives +1 bravery to the troggs so he’s hard to spell snipe / his troggs bubble wrap less likely to lose models to battleshock.

    At 11 wounds with 4+ save and 2 attacks that can do MW I don’t think he’s half bad when combined with a decent chunk of fellwater.


  2. 53 minutes ago, stus67 said:

    As much as that's true I'm not giving my friend that much credit haha. Is there really any way to deal with swamp lists like that?

    Evos with mystic shield + azyrite halo

    For example I had my evocators with azyrite halo + mystic shield on against nighthaunt. He attacked with 30 chainrasp, 12 attacks got through, with the mystic shield re rolls I ended up with 5 rolls of 6 killing 6 rasp whilst I suffered one wound. I attack back and then clean house with 10 x 2d6 for celestial lightning arc effect.

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