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Posts posted by Nuriel

  1. No faction is safe. If GW will be making money of selling new stormcats then they will se that culling part of their range every five or six years is profitable. If they can sell you miniatures, don't let you use them in competitive scene and you or other people will be still buying your product ....then why not repeat the process? 

    Releasing new Lumineth temple? Discontinue one of the old ones.

    Releasing new Duardins? Make Fyreslayers a legacy army. 

    Making Vampire Counts new core TOW faction? Abandon using those minis in AoS. 

    If they make a profit from doing so, they will totally do it.

    • Like 4
  2. 15 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Maybe the answer is to keep the old models playable for much longer. They promised to balance the older factions for a year.  Why not the whole edition or indeed forever? They can definitely afford to hire a couple more people to the rules team. Doing balance updates for the legacy factions could be part of the training. 

    Exactly. This is the way. Legends like battletomes and codices for a, well "legacy" ie no longer on sale faction. Updated once in a edition. With warlord traits, artefacts, special rules, subfactions, battle formations and whatever will be relevant in the current edition. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    There is no real barrier to this. GW released 3 new factions plus Sons of Behemat in 2nd ed. In 3rd ed, their big releases were mostly expansions and refreshes (Kruleboyz, Cities, FEC, S2D...), but there is nothing stopping them from releasing two or three new armies next edition if they feel like it's worth it.

    From Games Workshop's point of view releases such as Kruleboyz, Cities in AoS and Dark Eldar, Sisters of Battle etc in 40k ARE the new armies. They are mostly miniatures selling company.

  4. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    That's still a very different situation from taking a 40K army and moving it fully to 30K.

    From the point of view of someone that have bought Horus Heresy starter box for 40k "because GW would never squat Space Marines, don't be ridiculous" it isn't exactly true, you know.

  5. 12 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    So mixed feelings about the orcs and goblins reveal.

    one the one hand I am ecstatic about a made to order of the marauder giant and the shaman on wyvern…

    on the other hand I am disappointed that the rumoured plastic wyvern kit doesn’t exist. 

    — got my rulebooks today and the timeline and lore sections have given huge prominence to Cathay. I’d be hugely suprised if Cathay, Kislev and Norse done make factions 10-12 in the long run… (eg next 5 years)


    the rulebooks are beautiful 

    also very happy that my Troll Hag and forgeworld units are getting rules. 

    Heh, I'm still bitter and grudging about "squatting" Greenskiz from AoS. Maybe I do should start that Duradin army after all... ;)

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    Didn’t they already do mercenaries, only to remove them from play a short while later?

    Exactly. I don't trust GW after what they did with Spire of Dawn, Start Collecting Greenskinz and Legion of the First Prince. What's the point of buying "old" duradins if they dissapear in the few months?

    • Like 7
  7. Well, it's historical moment, no doubt.

    The first "full" Old World faction that make into Age of Sigmar proper will be getting new full release of miniatures. (I'm not counting Soulblight Gravelords here because they were rolled into Legions of Nagash at first).

    EDIT: Of course, I forgot about SLaves to Darkness. Well, it's the first non Chaos release at least.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Flippy said:

    Now we know that the "human" side will be refreshed, but it would be, well, naive, to expect that the rest of the CoS stuff will get anything new, aside from new rules to keep them in play - for a time being.

    Then perhaps I am naive. They were honest about Bretonnia and Tomb Kings: you may play them, but they will never ever become real faction and get any new models. It was harsh, but fair. 

    It wasn't like that with the other aforementioned factions ie: High Elves, Greenskinz and now (probably or possibly) Wanderers, Dwarves, Dark Elves and other leftovers. They were properly introducted into setting, they were part of the ongoing narrative.

    It isn't cheap hobby. And you invest not only financially but also temporarily (not native speaker, so I'm not sure if I use that word correctly: I mean your time as you assembling and painting) and more importantly: emotionally. 

    I know that GW exist to bring money to their shareholders. And they do that by selling us books and small plastic figurines.  

    But is it really so impossible standard to demand that you can still play with the minis you have bought in a good faith?

    • Like 1
  9. 11 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

    Not sure what are the chances that they will remove models from the game? Humans I would be okay with since they are being updated and people could just proxy/kitbash. Non humans  have close to 30 units and would destroy me. I also see others point out here that other factions have some models even older and still using metal?

    I'm afraid the chances are pretty high. They've already effectively removed High Elves, generic Orruks and Grots from the game. Yes, they are still in the Legends section, but you don't have any faction or subfaction rules (not even vanilla Alliance ones!). 

    High Elves were part of Spire of Dawn starter set, Greenskinz has a start collecting box... 

    In my opinion it doesn't matter that you have Greywater Fastness and Anvilguard boxes. They have squated those Old World factions from the game, they could do this again. 

    I'm STILL really bitter about it all. And these new annoucment of new Cities of Sigmar doesn't seem to bring any dawn ....

  10. 11 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    They said several times the focus would be very much on humans.

    That sounds to me like a "brace yourselves, Dispossessed and Wanderers collectors."

    I swear to Nagash, Gorkamorka and Malerion - if they squat even one more WHFB faction, I'm done with this game. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    I do love that they've not overly 40k'd these kits so that with little work, they will fit perfectly into AoS. 

    I know some people will be disappointed in the lack of distinction but I am a convertor enjoyer, bathe me in it. 

    Yep. Pure Age of Sigmar 😉


    • Haha 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Jagd said:

    Yea it could do with some spicing up. We get hints at things like Fimir, Grotbag Scuttlers and Drogrukh that could happen for destruction. Or perhaps something as yet unknown in the narrative, to be revealed in the new campaign tome fluff.

    Don't forget about Silent People

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. There is a big chance that next edition of 40k hit the shelves in 2023 so GW will probably publish new Psychic Awekening / Broken Realms style campaign before that. 

    Monthy battletomes for AoS are almost given in that scenario.

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