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Posts posted by RoyalDachshund

  1. Oh my,

    guess with the new IJ models on the way, I'll need to wait before making some purchases.

    Or just get some Brutes, as they are a) good b) lookin good c) battleline, a Swampcaller Shaman and 3x Crossbows to close around 1K points and have a nice base to build into the 2K points later on.

    My mind is telling me "no", but the wallet itches...

  2. Hija ladz,

    recently I was given Maw-Krusha as a gift to celebrate me being even older ******.

    Issue is, I had not played AoS since the dark times of first edition, and no longer have any models - but, given the model is so cool, I've figured that making a 1000 points army won't be a bad idea.

    Is a list with Krusha in 1000 points valid? I was hoping for some Kruelboyz mixing to avoid pure Ironjawz (I dislike the Aardboyz models).

  3. Any idea how to incorporate Forgeworld's Skaven Warlord on Your Mom in the army list? Got this model lying around, about to start it but I'm not sure wheter to paint it as a piece of army or for display purposes with some wacky colours.

  4. With my megaboss on cabbage coming soon into my household I'm thinking - Megaboss with Ironjawz or Gordrak in mixed destruction troll stampede? It's more of an army approach question rather than miniature one (but I want to use this cabbage), Both armies got the look and the tactical approach I like so...

    It will be a fun army - like any destruction army although I'll like to stand a chance in local tournaments.

    Your vote goes for...?

  5. You pick "A" unit and need to roll more than a number of models in "A" unit. The wording is pretty clear; in your mates scenario wording would be along the way "if a roll is greater than the number of models in Rockguts Troggoths unit".

    More Troggs - more rocks sound good but do not work like this. More Troggs units tho...

  6. Was talking about Norba Miniatures since I did not come around a lot of information about them. And their dwarfs look solid.

    Forgeworld during the recent year took a huge nose dive. Baneblade with gaps, Skaven Warlord on Broodmother that was so soft on the edges and bloated that I've spend few hours grinding his crotch down so he can fit in the saddle. Worst then Chinese recasts.

    Ścibor is a glorious sculpture if one likes more grimy looking miniatures instead of "fantasy dwarf with a skull in beard" one. But it is a matter of taste. Going off brand is not an economic issue - I simply feel that, at this moment, FW is extremely overpriced and underperforming. And I want an army that looks good to me, not an army of price tags and receipts. 

    • Like 1
  7. Dear God,

    After months of convincing myself, I've decided not to start another army, especially Chaos Dwarfs. No new army until I finish all my projects.

    Ścibors Tzar on Warbull is coming my way :X

    I've decided to avoid FW as much as possible - due to their recent abysmal quality I've seen (7mm gaps on WH40K Baneblade) and pricing that does not go hand in hand with said quality, so I went with other producents.

    Norba miniatures caught my eyes with their Infernal Dwarfs miniatures - they are dirt cheap and look good.

    Does anyone have any experience with that product? 

  8. The list I've used in last two local (16 and 22 players). Ended respectively 1st and 3rd

    Allegiance: Chaos
    Great Unclean One (340)
    - Plaue Flail & Massive Bilesword
    Great Unclean One (340)
    - Plaue Flail & Massive Bilesword
    Rotigus (340)
    10 x Plaguebearers (120)
    10 x Plaguebearers (120)
    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    3 x Nurglings (100)
    3 x Plague Drones (200)
    Thricefold Befoulment (120)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 125

    You can swap Nurglings for Endless spells should your tournament allows it (mirror and cogs)

    Once you do a bell+cogs+tree and sit on the objective, no force can move yours from there.
    The added bonus of MW flying across the table, 3D3 MW off Thricefold and overall nurglines

  9. Wasn't spamming the only semi-competitive way to run this poor ******? I can't think of a command ability that will benefit from Archaon's one, hence a reason to use him. But on the other hand, competitive community never ceased to amaze me.

    Good thing rest of Nurgle looks as good as ever.

  10. Harbinger was an odd choice and a relic of old build that I did not somehow remove 

    I thought that Poxbringer could bring even more damage to the table but...

    Swapping those two out and maybe putting Drones + Nurgligns for some faster object play would work?

    I try to stray away from more Plaguebearers, painting 30 of them already broke my spirit :)

  11. I've calculated "what I have on the shelf" and came out with a list - how does it look to you guys? Durable and MW all around. How about spells, items etc? Any suggestions?

    Allegiance: Nurgle
    Great Unclean One (340)
    Rotigus (340)
    Great Unclean One (340)
    Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120)
    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    10 x Plaguebearers (120)
    10 x Plaguebearers (120)
    Thricefold Befoulment (120)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 110

    On the side note, I also have Nurglings, Plague Drones, Archaon and Varanguards in case you have some swapping suggestions :P

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