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Posts posted by portablezombie

  1. In addition to what Overread wrote, water will pretty much dilute Contrast paints while they are still wet - if you ****** something up, just get a wet brush and wipe as much away as you can. Wraithbone and Grey Seer in pots also are good for covering smaller mistakes.

    As for the model you're not happy with, you can try to respray with the Contrast color. It goes on pretty fine, so if you aren't heavy handed, you might be able to get away without obscuring detail.

    If you need to strip, if you're in the US, I recommend Super Clean - it's in a purple jug and you can get it at Walmart or auto stores. Put your model(s) into a (preferably) sealable glass jar or other container and add enough Super Clean to cover the model. Let sit for a few days and you should be able to lightly scrub the paint off with a toothbrush.

  2. 1 hour ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    “Being sure” and having GeeDub come out and tell us are two different things.

    Right now the magic 8 ball says “Reply hazy, check back later”

    So, we wait until they clarify universal cards in warband boxes. :) 


    In the set, you’ll find two pre-made decks for the warbands inside that you can learn the game with, plus a selection of additional cards for when you want to start deckbuilding.

    It says it in the description of the core set and shows photos of some of the Universals, like Snare and Confustion, on the Unboxing page, I'm not sure what additional clarification might be required.

  3. 16 hours ago, Pickle The Hutt said:

    Yes, there will be universals for deck building as always. The difference is that warband expansions going forward will have full playable faction decks in addition to the neutrals. Before this, warbands only had 9 faction objectives so using neutrals was required. The new info posted today about Beastgrave says warbands will come with 12 faction objectives as well as full faction power decks.

    I can just throw all universals in the trash and play with faction cards only with friends with no deck building needed.

    Gotcha - I misunderstood your post.

    15 hours ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    It also will make it easier for them to just keep the warband boxes around because the warband and the cards for that warband will always be viable ... “Warbands will be exempt from cycling, along with any cards printed with a warband symbol.” ( Warbands and Competetive Play Article )

    That wasn’t done with Seasons one and two. Universal cards were in the Warband packs ... along with warband specific cards.

    So... where will we get more universal cards?

    This doesn't say that Universals won't be available with the warbands. I'm sure they're going to carry on the way it's been done previously - Universals will be in the expansions just like they always have been.

  4. Quote

    Even if you’ve never touched Warhammer Underworlds, the new Core Set has enough cards to give you everything you need to start playing. In the set, you’ll find two pre-made decks for the warbands inside that you can learn the game with, plus a selection of additional cards for when you want to start deckbuilding.

    Sorry - you're still going to be deckbuilding. All of the warbands will come with their core deck, as well as the universal cards, just like the previous seasons.

  5. I'm loving the character in that face! You did a great job with your colors - I'm always a big fan when someone uses a contrasting color on an Orc's lip.

    Do you mind telling what colors you used for the skin? I've never been able to nail that look.

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