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Posts posted by discoking

  1. 2 hours ago, Acrozatarim said:

    Most people could get the boxes they wanted from GW due to them actually producing a decent stock for once, so as a result much fewer folks need to look to LGSs, and you'll then get any scalpers who did buy a pile of Dominion boxes facing the reality that they can't actually sell 'em for high prices so need to offload them.

    From GW's point of view, things probably worked out fine. Most LGSs are probably fine as well - they take registers of interest etc ahead of time. As the guy in the Battle Bunker pic admitted in that thread, he gambled on high demand and bought loads of boxes, presumably assuming a similar shortfall situation to Indomitus and Cursed City. And given they did all sell out at the reduced price pretty quick...

    I'm Battle Bunker and it was a calculated gamble based off Indomitus(I shifted 90 copies in 2hrs). It didn't pay off so rather than having 4k sitting about doing nothing and taking up huge amounts of space I decided to get rid. Money has to work for you and sitting about selling 1 or 2 a week is not working. I've got my money back now and can invest in other things. if someone wants a Dominion then I can just order one as it seems GW aint gonna run out anytime soon.  

    As for taking a register of interest, some might find it useful but it doesn't work for me. next weeks pre-orders are revealed on a sunday evening and I have to order the monday morning to guarantee I get what I think I'll need before  pre-orders even go up. My gut told me 30 copies of Dominion but incase demand was high I opted for an extra 30 as I could absorb that if it went pear shaped. And as it happens it did go pear shaped but I've got my money back so I'm happy.  

    And I'll also add the reason I sold them so cheap was to ensure I sold em fast and second so when other stores(who have lots of unsold copies) inevitably follow suit people don't cancel their pre-orders and buy the cheaper box elsewhere....as I've already witnessed, getting in 1st was important. 



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  2. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    Many firms will have to payback and GW is famous for not holding debt - this is a debt so GW is working fast to clear it so that they 've a clean slate. FAR too many companies have rose fast on loans only do fall hard in times of economic slowdown due to the continual repayments on debets. 

    I suspect it's not debt at all they are paying back as you only got the debt if you applied for it and I don't think they would have applied for a business interuption loan. I think GW probably got the automatic grant for each property they have where they pay business rates or  furloughed some staff but are now paying that back which again is not a debt (and were perfectly entitled to it like every other business).  

  3. If you've been able to order it then your good. The only time I know of them canceling pre-orders was a few Made to Orders like Morathi etc.   As soon as they run out of stock you get the message that it isn't available before the web store entry is updated. 

  4. Players loved the format so I'm putting another free to enter AoS event on

    The Golden Age of Sigmar 2  is a 3 game Age of Sigmar tournament which goes back to the start of AoS by using only Warscrolls and the Core rules. 

    Players will build their armies using the Matched Play rules set out in GHB2019 for 1200pts armies however the only abilities a player can use are those on the units warscroll and those found in the core rules. This means the following will not be used:

    Warscroll battalions
    Allegiance abilities
    Spell lores
    Command traits
    Faction terrain
    Endless spells/prayers
    Realm features
    Realm spells
    Terrain rules
    and any other rules that aren't on a unit's warscroll or in the core rules.

    Details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/431753787428586/

  5. previous list was:


    Covern Throne

    3x5 Bloodknights

    6 Vargiests

    6 Fell Bats

    1 command point

    Current list is:


    3x5 Bloodknights

    2x6 Vargiests

    4 command points

    In both lists Legion of Night has been my goto. 

  6. It lets my units operate independently of my characters and thus not rely on them and keeps what little models I have on the battlefield alive a little longer(it's like having a extra bloodknight and vargiest in each unit )

    The extra movement and fly I think is not that big a deal in an already extremely fast and mobile army and half the ability is only useful to Bloodknights.

    Martial might is what wins me games,+1 to cast is neither here nor there  imo and while -1 bravery is nice it's not as good as the deathless save. 

    Reroll 1's on charge is nice granted and I've taken it a few times in the past but it kinda makes your command abilities usless and again  I prefer the extra protection of the deathless save.

    • Like 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, Overread said:

     Remembering that Stormcast are not human. 

    Genuine question. If not human then what are they? They have human anatomy,human faces,normal hair-do's....they look pretty much human to me albeit dead reforged humans.

    If it looks like a duck,swims like a duck and quacks like duck then it's a duck. 

  8. Event Title: Battle Bunker 2017 AoS Championship
    Event Author: discoking
    Calendar: Events UK
    Event Date: 12/09/2017 09:15 AM to 12/10/2017 04:00 PM

    Not to be outdone by 2017 40k Championship I'm excited to announce the Battle Bunker 2017 AoS Championship!
    Players will battle thru 5 games over 2 days with 1 becoming the Battle Bunker 2017 Age of Sigmar Champion!

    Generals Handbook 2017
    Matched Play
    5 Games/2hr30mins per game
    5 of the 6 GHB2017 missions
    Fully painted armies are not required 
    Armies must be on round bases

    Round 1 will be randomly determined thereafter the Swiss scoring system will be used

    Win - 20pts
    Minor Win - 13pts
    Draw - 10pts
    Minor Loss - 7pts
    Loss - 0pts
    Each Favourite Game Vote - 10pts
    Painted Army - 10pts

    2017 Champion - Awesome Forgeworld Trophy
    Best Army on Display - Trophy + certificate
    Favourite Game - Trophy + certificate
    Best in faction - Trophy + certificate*
    Butcher Award for most kills - Trophy + certificate*
    Tactical Genius Award for most VP's scored - Trophy + certificate*

    Awesome spot prizes throughout the weekend!

    Included in your ticket is entry to a AoS Skirmish campaign on Friday night and a Path to Glory campaign on Saturday night.

    Timetable of Events:
    AoS Skirmish 7.00pm - 11.30pm

    Registration 8.45am - 9,15am
    Game 1 9.30am - 12.00pm
    Lunch 12.00pm - 12.45pm
    Game 2 12.45pm - 3.15pm
    Game 3 3.30pm - 6.00pm
    Path to Glory - 7.00pm - 11.30pm

    Game 4 10.00am - 12.30pm
    Lunch 12.30pm - 1.15pm
    Game 5 1.15pm - 3.45pm
    Awards 4.00pm - 4.15pm

    Full details will be in the event pack.

    Entry into the tournament is £25 and can be paid on the day or beforehand instore. 
    Alternatively you can secure your spot by paying a £2.50 deposit via PayPal at this address battlebunkeronline@gmail.com and putting your name and AoS2017 in the notes.

    Facebook event page:  https://www.facebook.com/events/189161761626068

    * trophies for these catagories depends on number of entrants


    Battle Bunker 2017 AoS Championship



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