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Posts posted by DinoJon

  1. Warhammer Weekly were wishlisting models for the rest of the Dawnbringers books and brought up a sauropod for Seraphon and it made my heart flutter. 

    As much as I want that Fyreslayers, Deepkin, Ogors, Maggotkin and most importantly Skaven need new models.

    Give me Crab Cavalry... Crabvalry

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  2. 18 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    Big pig has a third build option without the guys on the sides:


    Ardboys spears optional?

    I really like the svelt pig with no dudes on the sides. Definitely more menancing IMO. 

    Also hopefully Ardboys have just been showing off spears and still have loadouts for hackas and command. 

    • Like 4
  3. 29 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    I think if AoS mirrors 40k (which I think it does to a great extent) then Gholemkin could be a cool part of refreshed Dispossessed.


    It felt like at least between "Gitslayer" and "Soulslayer" that the Gotrek books were leading up to a retaking of the original Dwarven Cities before they became Dispossessed. Then "Blightslayer" came out and kind of threw that plotline into the dump. 

    In my hope of hopes next Gotrek books sees him working with the Dispossessed and/or Gholemkind to coordinate with the K.O. and Fyreslayers from those previous books to finally claim their grot infested cities. This could lead into either a new Duardin faction or maybe an Duardian expansion for Cities that includes the Gholemkind. 

    As a lore nerd I would absolutely love it even though I have no exceptional fondness for the dwarfs. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Fellman said:

    What do we hope for tonight? with NovaOpen around the corner
    3 days to go

    As others have said, probably Tyranids with a chance of Warcry. 

    They still tend to alternate weeks from 40k to AoS. Skirmish games sometimes thrown in the mix to shake things up. 


  5. 23 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

    Why is Alarith Stonemage “no longer available online”? Did I miss something? Are they squatting LRL?:D

    No, probably a reboxing like it going to direct from trade or it'll be out of stock longer than normal. 

    Lumineth I imagine does pretty well in sales. 

  6. I have no reason to buy the Seraphon Vanguard but my lizard brain is telling me to buy it. 

    I was really hopeful we would be getting a new Sigmar Novel with the launch of the Cities but it's just a collection of stories previously published. It's been a drought for for Black Library post Blightslayer right? 

    • Like 5
  7. 8 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    That's the 8th vampire on foot gw have put out in the past couple of years not counting warcry and Underworlds. Someone on the design team must really love doing them. 

    Yeah would have been nice to maybe seen a new Wizard or a variant Marshall to tie in with the Cities relaunch. I doubt however they were originally planned to correspond in release times. 

    GW makes some cool Vampires for sure but much like the plethora of warscrolls for Stormcast they gotta spread the wealth to other factions. 

    • Like 1
  8. I've been out of the rumor loop lately and glad to see the news coming back! 

    New Ironjawz stuff sounds amazing. The Weird Brutes have me the most intrigued and I really hope that they just have magic artifacts strapped to their hands. 

    I'm curious about the upcoming Gitz box with probably the new Troggoth hero and/or monster in it. I think if it's in one of those boxes it won't be nearly as big as I was expecting? I was hoping it would be on at least a 100mm base and be a couple heads higher than the current dankhold. Those boxes they generally try to keep around the same price so if it's a couple units of rockguts and then the new guy I would expect something around the size of the current dankhold. 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Ok lets talk facts. Is there any way to know how well the Hedkrakkas Madmob sold? Maybe compared to other warbands? Or just sales for each AoS army?

    So at my store in the Underworlds section the only thing left in stock have been 6 Hedkrakkas and they been sitting their since release. We generally sell out of all of the new releases when they come out. I think I went heavier on Hedkrakkas because I thought the models were great, so I ordered ~10. 

    Obviously my store isnt the same as the rest of the world but we are one of the biggest in the Southeast US especially when it comes to Games Workshop. 

    • Like 3
  10. Listening to 2+Tough's harbinger lore videos.. the new Trogg we're getting is sounding really big(?) I mean it's from the perspective of a dwarf but referred to as "the size of a mountain" 

    I'm really curious if it'll be a hero, a unit or a dual kit to make both and how that might affect the GSG book. We have dankhold, rockgut, felwater.. what do we think the theme for this one would be? Could it be the return of the sour breath? Or maybe something fire/life related? 

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

    Parabellum Games has this beast up for Pre Order.

    Please GW give us a Thunder Lizard in 4.0!!


    I very much love this model and their ceratopsans coming out. I hope GW starts a "Big Dino War" with Parabellum so that all lizard enthusiasts win.

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  12. 3 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    The design studio has really liked reviving 90s models aesthetics with their recent releases (Kruleboyz, Seraphon, etc.) so this may not be as far-fetched as it seems


    Synapsids and their weird hole placements. That does line up with a rat skull, now that I've looked at it. 

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