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Posts posted by DinoJon

  1. 1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

    Lol no way that is a Tau weapon with the caste symbols on it.............Can it?

    (Quick google search)






    OH SNAP!!!!!! OH SNAP!!!!!


    Makes me wonder if every faction for 10ed will be getting several models since we for sure have some kroot. Wonder if new Age of Sigmar will up the new unit count for every faction?

    Getting hyped for the T'au release. Maybe that blade is an updated Aun'shi? Or maybe named Kroot character. 

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  2. So if Bonesplitterz or Spiderfang are on the chopping block it would make sense. 

    Looks like Ironjawz are moving into some Savage Orruk territory with the new Ragerz. In the lore it looks like Bonesplitterz are very rarely represented in major events and novels. (Correct me on that if I'm wrong)

    Spiderfang are a little more unique and are currently the only source of "Arachnid" faction. 

    Either way it's always bittersweet to see a (sub)faction go away. There are always people that identify with that faction and love their models. However that choice is usually made to work on something new 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Greene said:

    First Book we got 4 harbinger for each GA and almost every harbinger point out a character.

    Destruction: Rabble-Rowza -> King Troggth.
    Choas: Harbinger of decay -> Ruin Queen.
    Death: Marrowscroll -> Summerking.
    Order: Grimhold Exile -> unknow.

    And second Book came with King Troggth as cover with a lot of rule for destruction.

    then we can expect one book for Ruin Queen, one book for Summerking,

    so there should be fifth book for unknow character from order GA.

    Wouldn't Kurnoth fit for Order? 

    I mean. I would love a big centerpiece "Magma Matron" for Fyreslayers but the rumors seem to point towards Kurnoth. 

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  4. Generaly GW uses the Thanksgiving holiday to drop a new "specialist" box set and this year it has to be Epic given the delay and all that. We should see battleforces around that time as well. I feel like the rest of this year is going to be absolutely crammed with stuff if they're trying to keep to schedule. 

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  5. Anyone have any speculation to the size of the Kurnothi release that is coming at some point? 
    I would assume since it'll be a pseudo sub-faction the Sylvaneth that we might see a Maw-Grunta esque size release wave?

    I would like to think we would get 
    -Woodland Aelves dual-kit (similar to the character from Cursed City) I would suspect the design would be similar to archers and blade-dancers from ole WHFB
    -Beetle monster kit, no basis for this.. just hope
    -Elite animal-aelves kit (this could easily be a Warcry Warband too)
    -Hero on foot

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    This is really off topic, and everyone here has probably read it, but just wanted to shout out how bloody amazing Godeater's Son has been. I saw a Reddit post stating Noah Van Nguyen is Age of Sigmar's Dan Abnett, and I couldn't agree more.

    I'm a few hours in through the audiobook, who Timothy Watson also makes for beautiful listening, and the world building is just phenomenal in my opinion. The history and cultures Aqshy has been given, I am absolutely loving this book. You really get a sense of how this portion of Aqshy has changed its inhabitants over the course of history, and how it's inhabitants have changed Aqshy. 

    And there's little mentions of Kurnothi, Hashut and even Djinns so far and even more mysterious sounding things.

    Definitely recommend this book if people haven't read it yet. Timothy Watson is a spectacular narrator for this one. 

    Upon reflection Godeater's Son has been my favorite AOS book to date. Van Nguyen really does a good job of making the world feel lived in. Most of the time when I read GW books I can feel the constraints of the authors to not add too many new things that they don't have models of or things that aren't already established in the lore. It doesn't feel like that's the case in Godeater's Son, while we probably won't see a majority of the things covered in the book on the table top, it does make for a better story. 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Well since people are speculating that StD might get some stuff with Dawnbringers, I might say maybe new Temple Guard for Seraphon? Probably not but can dream.

    I would love new temple guard or a new monster. 

    However I think it's more likely for some other factions to get stuff... my prediction for the 7 remaining

    1. FEC
    2. Nurgle
    3. Khorne
    4. Idoneth
    5. Ogors
    6. Soulblight (it's been a couple months since their last character foot hero... time for another. 
    7. Daughters


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  8. Warhammer Weekly were wishlisting models for the rest of the Dawnbringers books and brought up a sauropod for Seraphon and it made my heart flutter. 

    As much as I want that Fyreslayers, Deepkin, Ogors, Maggotkin and most importantly Skaven need new models.

    Give me Crab Cavalry... Crabvalry

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  9. 18 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    Big pig has a third build option without the guys on the sides:


    Ardboys spears optional?

    I really like the svelt pig with no dudes on the sides. Definitely more menancing IMO. 

    Also hopefully Ardboys have just been showing off spears and still have loadouts for hackas and command. 

    • Like 4
  10. 29 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    I think if AoS mirrors 40k (which I think it does to a great extent) then Gholemkin could be a cool part of refreshed Dispossessed.


    It felt like at least between "Gitslayer" and "Soulslayer" that the Gotrek books were leading up to a retaking of the original Dwarven Cities before they became Dispossessed. Then "Blightslayer" came out and kind of threw that plotline into the dump. 

    In my hope of hopes next Gotrek books sees him working with the Dispossessed and/or Gholemkind to coordinate with the K.O. and Fyreslayers from those previous books to finally claim their grot infested cities. This could lead into either a new Duardin faction or maybe an Duardian expansion for Cities that includes the Gholemkind. 

    As a lore nerd I would absolutely love it even though I have no exceptional fondness for the dwarfs. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Fellman said:

    What do we hope for tonight? with NovaOpen around the corner
    3 days to go

    As others have said, probably Tyranids with a chance of Warcry. 

    They still tend to alternate weeks from 40k to AoS. Skirmish games sometimes thrown in the mix to shake things up. 


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