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Posts posted by DinoJon

  1. 3 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Hypothetically speaking, how crazy would it be if GW moved all the non-Thunderstrike Stormcast to Legends?

    If it mirrors the Space Marines and Primaris Marines transition... it'll probably be a couple of books before non-thunderstrike gets retired. 

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  2. 8 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    Stormcast are not allowed to ride horse 😃

    I think Stormcast have already anykind of mount : dracoth, stormdrake, tauralon, gryph charger, dracoline, stardrake !!!

    We hope for something fancier !  

    I do hope they unify the Stormcast mounts if they're redoing the line. Like give them the flying stormdrake and maybe a non winged version for the ground? Basically make the dracoth look closer to the flying drakes. 

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    So, any leaks about 4.0 rules?

    I need a burst of hype but, sadly, the duardin side of AoS seems to be sleep...

    I'm also hankering for 4.0 leaks. I need a hit of serotonin that only new Seraphon info can provide. 

    I'm hoping that they change battle tactics, *remove* summoning as a faction mechanic and make sure subfactions aren't overtuned. 

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  4. I would love to get a 3D animated series of a Dawner Crusade. I like the 2D animation but it seems like they only do full series with CGI. 

    Just seeing the realms brought to life would be great. Have it set somewhere we haven't seen before in animation/games like Chamon or Hysh. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I’d like this especially if it heavier pushes them into their own distinct factions instead of recolors.

    That way down the line we can get more advanced Starborne units with a better ethereal star-daemon flavor and unlocked in the star-vessels above-

    While Coalesced continue to separate as the primal off-shoot to the space Dino’s catching bigger Dinos in the Realms and attuning closer with the Realmscapes for models to show Aqshy variants spewing flames and swimming through lava.

    I long for this as well. I think the AoS writers have put themselves in a bad spot by not separating out the 2 main factions of Coalesced and Starborne. 

    I wish we could get separate point values for each and some better parity in rules. RIP my coalesced loves. 

    • Like 4
  6. I know Terrain doesn't do well.. or the margins aren't there but I for one am loving all the terrain they've been putting out. The fact that Warcry has had so much Seraphon themed terrain has sent me over the moon and I can only hope we some day see the Cities of Sigmar buildings that were hinted at in the Dawnbringers books. 

    The Rumor Engine today reads as a banner to me? Maybe some pulsing heart of chaos? I wouldn't mind seeing some more chaos themed terrain like Altars or deity specific pieces. 

    • Like 1
  7. I really hope GW puts out a roadmap for AoS when 4th releases. Anyone  remember when we got the 40k roadmap after the 10th launch? 

    btw I love hearing about new Troggs and I am still tempted to this day to pick up Troggs again after selling my first army. 

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  8. I work in the tabletop industry and unfortunately the cost of doing business overseas is only going up and without an increase in quality or service. I know I've heard of a US company trying to get a factory built locally to produce plastic minis and that would be huge as a lot of companies here are looking for other venues other than relying on production in China. 

    GW cutting Chinese production makes a lot of sense and especially with them building a new factory as well it seems like they have a plan on continuing the same output... eventually. 

    The big question is does GW still get books made overseas or is that done in the UK now? 

  9. 17 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I agree mate. I can see 4.0 being a 'Catch Up Edition' small rules changes with big releases.

    Updating most of if not all the remaining WHFB Factions.

    Ogor Mawtribes. Skaven. Beasts of Chaos.

    And giving range refreshes or Wave 2s or even 3s to a lot of the 1.0/2.0 Factions.

    Fyreslayers. Idoneth. Kharadron. Ossiarch. Lumineth. Kruelboyz. Stormcast.

    And on top of that releasing Chaos Duardin all in a big lead up to 5.0 having the return or Tyrion and Malerions Aelves.

    In a dream world this will happen.... OR we get you a position at GW as AoS King (it would be president normally but they're a UK company). 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  10. Don't forget Saurus Guard/Temple Guard for Seraphon. It is really awkward having the new Saurus Warriors next to the older Saurus Guard, really looks they're from different armies at this point. Outside of Warcry I don't see Seraphon getting a resculpted unit in the next couple of years though. 

    From the list you made I think Clanrats are a given with the supposed 4th Edition launch. 

    Also don't forget both Gors and Ungors for Beasts of Chaos they are all miserable to put together

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