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Posts posted by DinoJon

  1. 1 minute ago, YoghurtKobold said:

    Those warbands, should we expect new models or just mix of older models in a box with tokens and rules?

    I was just thinking that. I hope, we'll see all new kits but more than likely it'll be a mix of new kits and reboxed units. That being said a lot of the factions featured there don't have kits that can make a wide variety of builds, minus the Ironjaws and Bonesplitterz 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    I'm a bit sad its chaos v chaos again, having a nurgle warband is a slight variation, which is nice, but pretty soon the StD book will be nothing but warcry and underworlds kits. Having it set in ghur gives so many interesting alternatives too.
    I do like the scenery though, it'll go well with my thondia box so I can paint all of it up and have a pretty cool ghur themed table.

    Even the leakers don't care about our armies 😢

    Yeah I'm with you on the Warcry Warbands, the Chaos battletome is going to be so bloated with those units. Having a couple of them is cool but when you start to catch up to the Necromunda Gangs and it all goes into one faction? 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Neverchosen said:

    I keep thinking Warcry would be such an amazing setting to reintroduce Oxyotl and a retinue of Chameleon Skinks and maybe a Kroxigor!

    If that box ever came out I would faint. We do need more Seraphon named characters especially since many of them made it off the Old World alive. 

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  4. I like the Scaly Skin change, it is effective, makes it slightly less oppressive and keeps it thematic. I much prefer playing coalesced from a lore standpoint and glad I still get to do so in a competitive environment. 

    If this all points to a Saurus/Kroxigor resculpt coming I will lose my mind. 

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  5. 5 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    My usual source has hinted that 2023 will be a big year for AOS. Not to expect a new army until later in the year, but expect the remaining Battletomes to get flushed out with some getting new hero and other getting a few units similar to Sylvaneth. 

    Seraphon will get more than a hero. Didn’t specify outside of rescuplts. I’d imagine Kroxigor and/or salamanders.


    OBR and Soulblight will both be getting new units not just a hero, sometime next year. 

    Khorne is getting a much needed hero rescuplt….I’ll assume Valkia whenever they drop that Battletome. 

    The perceived plan is to flesh out the rest of the armies and get everything up to date for 3.0. Then expand into other armies.  Similar to what 40k has been doing this year. 

    How accurate has your source been in the past? I'm super hopeful for Seraphon getting some redone kits. 




    kroxis and salamanders.... i really hope u are right since those are the most nedded resculp. yes saurus are old but at least in plastic.

    a release box with nakai hero! coupled with 2 kroxi units and salamander... i would kill for it lol


    If we got Total War Kroxigors with a Nakai hero to unlock them as battleline I would be in lizard heaven. 

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  6. Anyone see the warscroll changes? Trying to figure out if the rumored Seraphon losing Scaly Skin happened or not. 

    Found Seraphon point changes:

    Stegadon +5

    Astrolith Bearer -10

    Skink Priest +10

    Razordon +10

    So far nothing on warscroll changes or allegiance ability changes. 

  7. 47 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    So I'm really hoping for a bigger Seraphon wave besides a single model or a Underworlds Warband. I feel like Seraphon suffer (in terms of Rumor engine) being so distinct from other factions that they don't do a lot of RE for them. Did we get any Rumor Engines from the new Kroak model? 

    I doubt this is a Catachan model because of the other Seraphon rumor we got and there wasn't any word of Catachans from the big 40k leak.

    I'm hoping this is all pointing towards a new Seraphon book and model(s) Q1 2023.


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  8. Losing Scaly Skin for Coalesced as a whole would be pretty painful for the Seraphon book. I don't think it would drop the faction to unplayable, it would just be a big change in how people play with it. I would like it to change rather than a removal, either go back to the old "ignores -1 rend" or change it to the Chaos Dwarf ability of "ignore the first damage each phase".

    Seraphon have been at the top since their new book so a change is welcomed and I'll roll with whatever it ends up being.  

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  9. Don't mind me just been reading into things way too much trying to gleam any information for Seraphon from the new Warcry teaser. So in the trailer we have the "comets" falling from the sky as well as trailer saying folks are there to "uncover ancient secrets" all are in theme for Seraphon. The Gnarlwood is however super close to one of the Ogor mawtribes area. 

    It would be beyond amazing if warcry had warbands for some of the factions that have been waiting on new models for awhile. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, SirSalabean said:

    I’ve been told that non human cities units may be moved to legends if not souped into other books 

    I would hope that's not the case since those kits are newer than some of those still used by factions like Skaven and Seraphon. Would be a shame to discontinue them. However in the reveal and days after there were some questions asking about the multi-species nature of Cities and they seem to shy away from it. So I would assume something is happening with those kits one way or the other. 

  11. 29 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Seraphon had a good chance of a refresh anyway since they got Kroak during BR and I don’t they would have made such a centerpiece model without concurrent designing other Lizardbois at the time. Also it you look at it, army that have gotten models during BR Kragnos and Be’lekor where the armies that had more bigger releases ( NH, Sylvaneath, CoS in the future, SCE and Slaves)

    probably why Skaven didn’t get anything too since they had nothing from BR

    I like those words you have typed. If it's a whole range refresh, I'll lose my mind. 

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  12. Pretty sure the Seraphon Rumor Engine is for a Warcry warband. The setting and theme of the new Warcry set coming out seems like a perfect fit for Seraphon. Dense forest/jungle near Mekitospar and things crashing into Ghur? Hopefully the Warcry warband is just a new multikit Saurus/Guard kit that has enough customization to make sense as a warband.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Matrindur said:

    For anyone interested, the Magmadroth doesn't show up in this weeks pricelist nor the product code document so its probably going to be webstore only so no third party discount

    I just got to see some trade sheets and the Auric Runefather on Magmadroth is on that for 112 USD. 

  14. Seraphon warband possibly? Talking about things crashing into this region of Ghur... like Koatl's Claw. I'm curious if what Be'lakor did to the realms is affecting some of the temple ships that or in the skies of the realms. Maybe this is a new temple ship, a new constellation crashing into Ghur. Also with the proximity of the Gnarlwood to Mekitospar it's not out of the question for Koatl's Claw to send a warband as well. Anyways this is one frog's wishes for more new sculpts. Also that animal in the picture does kind of like like a coatl... 




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  15. Going with Soulblight Gravelords and it being from a cursed city expansion. It has some rat motifs with it similiar to Kritza. Also they refer to it as a "little blighter" and if it's not skaven the only other thing with "blight" references is....


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