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Posts posted by DinoJon

  1. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Some people here have been throwing around the theory of the next Warcry season going 'into' the crashed Seraphon ship that the current season has revolved around finding, with Seraphon-themed dungeon-crawling terrain.

    I would love that! That terrain would be an immediate purchase. 

    I'm curious if they go into the crashed ship would we see another Seraphon warband? Maybe this is also where the rumor of the "spawning pool" terrain started. 

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  2. 13 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    They should announce double turn for 40k.

    Even as a joke I could not even begin to imagine the amount of vitriol this would spawn on social media. Not to say it wouldn't be hilarious, I just don't think GW is brave enough to bare it. 

  3. 7 hours ago, EntMan said:

    Although now I think about it, it's Easter Weekend at the end of next week, with UK having public holidays on the Friday and Monday. So who knows if things will be on different days to normal?

    Looks like the GW twitter answered the question earlier today . 


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  4. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    I may be wrong (and often am) but I think this Saturday is still this week. The article says next week. So my guess is: Sunday preview this weekend, actual pre-order the following Saturday.

    "Join the ranks of Katakros yourself when Battletome: Ossiarch Bonereapers arrives for pre-order next week, and bring a touch of order to the undead hordes."

    Yeah, looks like next Saturday to me. I'm curious if we'll get the SBGL too? Seems like they tend to do book and a model releases with 2 armies at a time.

  5. I know this is asking for a lot but we've had Dante, the Lion and now Katakros spoiled... can we have a little bit of Seraphon rules spoilers please?

    Why can't the shipping robot malfunctions work in AoS' favor? 

    For the end of the "Era of the Beast" speculation I think Alarielle's Rite of Life will cause some more unintended consequences and cause several factions to be bolstered IE destruction, FEC, whoever else is getting new models. I think the next edition will be focused on one of two things. First being the Dawnbringer Crusades and expansion of the realms OR it will be Chaos making a big move striking back. 

    AoS 1.0 -  Sigmar strikes back, the end of the Age of Chaos. - mortals can retake the realms
    AoS 2.0 - The Necroquake and Soulwars. - dealing with wild magic and securing the cities
    AoS 3.0 - Era of the Beast - Rite of Life leads to deadlier foes as the Cities/Mortals start to expand past their bastions
    AoS 4.0 - (?) Dawnbringer Cruades - establishing new cities, reaching further into the realms and uncovering new threats. 
    AoS 4.0 - Archaon's Return - Factions of Order are spreading too much and Archaon returns to quash further loss of his territory and once again tries to bust into Azyr, maybe this time successful?

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  6. 57 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    Any ideas what the Seraphon vanguard box will look like? 

    I think it might be closer to 

    Skink Starpriest

    Saurus Warriors x10

    Raptadon Riders x5 

    Bastiladon x1


    I feel like the vanguard will be the only way to get the Starpriest after things get reboxed. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Honestly at this point I'm surprised I don't see them mentioned elsewhere. You'd think sites like Reddit or DakkaDakka (don't they have an AoS section too?) would crosspost everything WF says, as afaik they haven't missed once.

    Any rumors I share from them I try to leave their name out of it. They do a great job of keeping us informed but the last thing I want is a bunch of people pestering them, I'm sure we're bad enough as it is. 

    I also don't know where Whitefang gets their info and the more prevalent their name the more likely they might get cut off from their source? 

    As far as I know I don't think their doing it for internet fame or would have said so? I'm assuming a lot but trying to err on the side of caution. If I'm getting anything wrong please let me know. 

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  8. How am I supposed to get any work done with about 4 hours left til the reveal?! 

    Four AoS videos is super exciting and a bit unexpected. 

    I hope for 

    1. Seraphon full reveal

    2. SBGL and OBR 

    3. Seasons of War Gallet

    4. Cities of Sigmar model teases (at least) 


    • Like 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    The text of the Pyramid says that is a kit that is sell standalone outside the booklet. It is strange that it says the name of the kit.

    Interesting, well that makes it easy for me to get my third(no judge) realmshaper. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Gotz said:

    the books that go with warcry boxsets doesn't share the same name.

    For Bloodhunt, the book is called "warband tome: Predator and Prey".

    This one looks like its Nightmare Quest / Warband tome: Power and Madness"

    That makes sense, thanks for the clear up! 

  11. So looks like this is the summer expansion. The booklet that comes with it translates to Power and Madness. Usually the inside book will have the same name as the boxset right? 

    We could still have a Slaanesh vs. Destruction box for Nightmare Quest to complete the cycle. 

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  12. 33 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:
      Hide contents

    Cawdor riders
    Lady Haera
    Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs & Ripperjacks  (Forgeworld)
    Aranthian Succession

    Age of Sigmar
    Spring Death Battletome
    Spring Death Battletome
    Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more

    Nightmare's Quest


    Horus Heresy
    Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
    Despoilers upgrade kit
    Daemon Assassin
    Sicaran Venator
    The F* Vindicator

    Warhammer 40k
    World Eaters Combat Patrol
    Primaris Lieutenant
    Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum
    Arks of Omen: Tau + Snikrot, Tau Hero 
    Boarding Boxes Grey Knights, Necrons, Aeldari, Drukhari, Orks, Tau, Adeptas, Custodes, Sons

     Kill Team 

    Osgiliath terrain boxes

    Adeptus Titanicus
    New weapons

    Blood Bowl
    Puggy and Cindy
    Skinks duo



    Thank you for keeping up with this list! really helps gauge when things should come out. Looking at this list a Seraphon launch box looks all the more likely as a lot of those releases are going to be forgeworld and not count against the release calendar. 

    No mention of a Monday reveal means rest of Seraphon on Wednesday is also exceedingly likely. 

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