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Posts posted by Crazyterran

  1. So, heres a 1000 point list i was thinking of playing (for now) using pretty much the contents from the new box.



    Knight of Shrouds - 120

    Guardian of Souls - 140

    Spirit Torment - 120

    Chainrasps - 20 - 160

    Chainrasps - 20 - 160

    Stalkers - 12 w/ Drum - 180

    Myrmourn Banshees - 4 - 80


    total: 960


    I was thinking of changing the Spirit Torment to a second caster, but I should have enough unbinding at this points level to get by. 40 free points should also give a triumph...


    thoughts? Anything is appreciated!

  2. So is the main way to go with these guys Chain Rasp hordes in the future, buffed by the heroes? The fact that they cant get rended down means that 1/3 of the things that hit and wound just bounce off of them no matter what, and they provide a pretty decent amount of bodies for the points. 

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