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Status Updates posted by Tomlandy

  1. So today I made 30 #Clanrats 20 #PlagueMonks & 24 #SkavenGiantRats #Skaven #AoS https://t.co/abPSOnS70E

  2. Sorry about the bad photos but my Knight is basically done... #SilverTower #AoS https://t.co/5TJv3REIsl

  3. The start of another 5 bases... https://t.co/k6cWZUlT5o

  4. This guy is a ******! Great game vs @WargamerDonal and his ****** #AoS army https://t.co/zoMQxozH1E

  5. This might sound stupid but why is Battleline so complicated? We have been discussing it with new players for weeks!

  6. This morning's #SCGT17 plotting started at 07:00 and involved this... https://t.co/kDYGpMHxr1

  7. This weekend I'm going to be in Nottingham at #WarhammerWorld getting so ****** excited by everything! #AoS #RoadTrip #OnlyTheHATEful

  8. Trying to gauge interest in a 1 day 30K event in South London some time early next year? 30 players #HorusHeresy #30K

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