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Everything posted by Tomlandy

  1. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  2. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  3. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  4. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  5. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  6. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  7. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  8. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  9. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  10. RT @The_Barwick: This after watching a mourngul in a 1000 point game yesterday. https://t.co/EjPO5NVzDO

  11. New bases vs old bases... #AoS #skaven #SCGT17 https://t.co/LYbzAZhVdh

  12. 201 days until #SCGT17 #AoS #Excited

  13. All the basing happening... https://t.co/Yd5y0Ul13c

  14. The start of another 5 bases... https://t.co/k6cWZUlT5o

  15. This morning's #SCGT17 plotting started at 07:00 and involved this... https://t.co/kDYGpMHxr1

  16. Trying to gauge interest in a 1 day 30K event in South London some time early next year? 30 players #HorusHeresy #30K

  17. @Russ_Veal @HeelanHammer probably early but are you going to impose max wounds on units for #SCGT17 ??? I want to take some dragon ogors...

  18. Messing about... https://t.co/sxhX7if4zV

  19. @AgeOfSigBrah say hello to people who have cool toys and tell them your name!

  20. @The_Barwick https://t.co/b0GEcMR8Dw

  21. Proposed trip to WHW...somebody reach out to @Sixdiceskills and tell him be can film a great bit about best friends having a super fun time

  22. @JabberTzeentch he isn't what he looks like...and he has friends... https://t.co/TXKTkACaF6

  23. Really enjoyed finishing building these for my #AoS #GrandAllianceChaos while watching #Warlords this weekend... https://t.co/DgHrn31oUG

  24. @TerryPike84 amazing Sunday morning TV happening... https://t.co/s35j22WYoV

  25. Bases almost finished now #40Kkillteam https://t.co/dzVzGgT29y

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