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Posts posted by Marrdt

  1. I was looking through the Core rules and all the Erratas and I could not find how the "Game rules" are ordered in relation to the player abilities.

    One way to look at it is that the "Game" has its own "abilities" or triggers which always take precedence over any other abilities, which is essentially what you guys did. Its what I would have done as well.

    EDIT: You could argue the other way around as well I guess. Active player - inactive player - game. Something that needs to be agreed upon, by the players involved.

    Maybe someone else can figure out a better answer from the rules resources available to us.

    • Like 1
  2. Core rules, page 13.
    Under Warscrolls, Abilities:



    If both players want to use abilities at the same time, the player whose turn is taking place uses their abilities first, followed by their opponent.

    Edit: Haven't been able to find a reference to whether the end of turn scoring is considered an ability. Will keep looking.

  3. They can be used as part of the old Firestorm allegiances. I would assume they are available in at least some of the new ones as well. The names mentioned in the preview were previously all in Firestorm.

    For those who don't know what i mean.

    To quote the preview:



     Locations like Hammerhal, The Living City, Tempest’s Eye, the Greywater Fastness, Hallowheart, Anvilgard and The Phoenicium are now beloved parts of the setting, and at long last, they have a battletome of their own!


     No fewer than seven sets of allegiance abilities allow you to field mixed forces of duardin, humans and aelves, with a massive roster of units available.


  4. Writing this slightly separately, as a thought about potential warscrolls/rules updates.

    To me, this is a temporary solution, which for  time being, actually lets us play Dispossessed and their artillery in the same army without jumping through crazy loops and bounds. It also means that all the warscrolls of the related armies are likely to be updated so no more weird crew rules which make any sort of competitive use of artillery impossible. I would be very surprised if they didn't update the relevant scrolls.

    Yeah, no race specific rules updates or anything, but Im sure it will come eventually. No sense keeping all the races so distinct and different in the lore books if they plan to erase them. Until then, I look forward to using these rules as a placeholder. Hopefully going to allow us better compositions than the current Dispossessed rules, with artillery etc not being an awkward allies solution.

  5. Has any of you read the Soul Wars book for example? It is clear there that what is called the "Riven Clans" are living separately from the inhabitants of the free city of Glymmsforge. They come to their aid, yes, but they don't live amongst them, not anymore. They used to take building contracts apparently, but now have their own underground solution. They come to Glymmsforge because their own halls are overrun with undead from the Necroquake - and even then reluctantly.

    I am absolutely certain that even though Dispossessed fight in the alliance of Sigmar, they are also doing their own thing and will continue to do so. Considering the plot that unfolds in "The Eight Lamentations" describing how Grungni leaves Azyr and how he is doing is own thing, shows that the Dispossessed and their pantheon (currently one active god) are becoming more independent not more mixed in.

    There is nothing to suggest that the Dispossessed are not getting their own book later along the line. It actually makes little to no sense to NOT make it. You only need to print a book and everyone with an army will get it anyway. Its a lot easier than creating an entire new line. I think Flesh Eater Courts, Skaven, Beasts of Chaos etc are perfect examples of that. The entirety of the Death range is a good example of how the fact that there is a Grand Alliance spanning solution doesn't mean you cant get separate books anymore. Its not like the current Dispossessed allegiance is going to be discontinued or anything.

    Its obviously just a nod towards showing which races WILL continue to be supported. The Ogre Tyrant is obviously a peace offering to Ogres players saying "Guys, we are working on it, but we cant do everything at once. Its on the way, and this single model is a token of it". This is much the same with the Cities of Sigmar.

    Do I know for a fact that we will get our own book eventually? Nope. And neither does anyone know about anything of the opposite. So far, they are just trying to get some kinds of reasonable rules out for everyone, so I  think this is an OK solution until they can get more stuff out.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Forrix said:

    I've seen several Fyreslayer conversion now with the model holding a long stem smoking pipe in one hand. Most notably a 2016 Golden Demon winner by Angelo Di Chello (can't link images at work). Does anyone know what kit this is from? I'm assuming its GW since it was used in Golden Demon.

    Maybe It comes from the magmadroth kit (or Start Collecting).  Dont know how long stem you mean.
    Store page
    There is a shot of the sprue. It should be part number 95 (bottom left corner of the top right sector).
    Comparison shot of another model

  7. Just a small note about the video.
    Unlike the other endless spells, the magma beast is positioned among the slayers even slightly behind some of them, rather than in front like the other spells or invocations are. If it was just a wave of magma with the face of a beast, it would make sense to place it in front of the units. As an additional point of meta discussion, the text "UNLEASH THE MAGMIC INVOCATIONS" in the video comes AFTER the beast is shown. The forge is also shown AFTER the text "SUMMON THE FURY OF THE FORGE". So it could be that they just used a different pattern and introduced the first prayer/spell/invocation before the text in one case, or it could have some additional semantic meaning as well.

    That, combined with the text on the preview saying:

    "After all, there are few problems on the battlefield that can’t be solved by a rampaging, magical salamander"

    Makes me wonder whether they were really thinking about magmadroths or its like a clever text based hint (like the ones they sometimes give on rumor engines) as the beast does look a bit like a salamander. I'm thinking it could potentially be something like the "Avatar of Khaine" that the Daughters of Khaine have. 

    But in worst case, we still get some cool endless prayer spells  to  accompany the slayers to battle, so it wouldn't be all that bad either way.

  8. Seeing some of the other posts here, I was also inspired to share some of my conversion plans of the Collegiate stuff.


    It's still heavily WIP, but I would appreciate your thoughts,

    The griffon is  quite a natural fit in my opinion. For the Battlemage on a Griffon,  all I had to do is just take the Runeson from the magmadroth kit with a spear. The riders are a snug fit, but they are easy to swap and I didnt need to glue anything down so I can still use him on a magmadroth if i wanted to. I can also swap to the original riders on the Griffon if It was necessary. The original warscroll for the mage even has an Amber Spear spell :D. I was planning to make the spear look like a spell being cast to reflect that. 

    I laid the Hurricanum's sun down sideways so it would be kind of like a magical "forge fire". The staff is right in front of the anvil and is intended to be a sort of rune casting "focus" for all of those nasty Wrath and Ruin types of targeted things.  In my imagination when he strikes the rune the staff acts like a magical guiding beacon or locus of somekind. The whole thing rotates at the base as well as the dome (the way the Hurricanum normaly does),
    I was thinking that maybe it would be better to cut the base of the anvil shorter? So its about the size of the dome on the hurricanum itself? Something still feels a bit off for now.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, smucreo said:

    By the way, can we use Firestorm allegiance abilities or not? Because depending on who I ask they tell me I can and others tell me that no.

    If you follow the official rules, you can use them in matched play, but you must use Order allegiance alongside them. https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/age_of_sigmar_firestorm_errata_en.pdf

    You cant use them with disspossessed faction rules, if thats what you are asking.

  10. 1 minute ago, stato said:

    I dont know about you but im expecting to face a LOT of nighthaunt for the 2nd half of this year.  In my club, rend will almost become pointless.

    Then Quarrelers would be my choice in that case. I would definately not take irondrakes in that scenario. You lose so many points so quickly if they get targeted. And they will get targeted. With mortal wounds all you can do is ensure you lose less per model. :D

    • Haha 1
  11. Agreed Stato. Its just another example of how dispossessed offers reliablility vs massive but unreliable potential.

    Its one of the reasons Tempest Eye is such an alluring choice as well.
    With any luck, you will only really have to run in the first turn to get in position and you get an extra save during that time when you are a bit more vulnerable.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Double Misfire said:


    The Irondrakes' being able to move and double shoot is huge, and means they're able to pickaxe in at full firing strength. Also the new wording means the unit champion gets to double shoot with his rend -2 D3 damage torpedo, which is a pretty nice boost. ?

    My intention was to say that the quarreller change is mainly in wording only, but I constructed that sentence badly. I wholeheartedly agree about the drakes being stronger now. I will elaborate on that a little bit though.

    Interestingly, the pickaxe's new wording would have allowed the pickaxe + double-shooting anyway. As well as a line from this FAQ, top of page 3: 


    Q: Some abilities allow you to remove a unit from the battlefield
    and set it up again, and say that this ‘counts as their move for
    the movement phase’ (or words to that effect). Do these units
    count as having made a move for the purposes of any other rules
    or abilities?
    A: No, it simply restricts them from making a move later on.

    Sorry If im nitpicking, I just wanted to be clear that we would have been able to do the pickaxe teleport anyway, without this change to the Irondrakes.

    With the current state, to explore another avenue of thought, I would say that thunderers still are the best ranged unit we have for cost and reliablity, They outshoot quarrelers and also have a less steep drop off below their respective breakpoint of models or being in combat.

    That is to say, they only suffer a -1 to hit penalty for losing models or being in combat -which everyone will aim to do even more in the new edition -, instead of outright losing 50% of their damage output. Quarrelers only outperform thunderers vs low saves or saves which cant be rended.  Yes, it's possible to avoid melee with good placement, but sometimes its good to have a unit which doesn't lose half of their damage output for holding the line somewhere, which I argue that shielded units are decent for and is one of the great reasons why Dispossessed is such a reliable faction. Consistent performance and holding the damn line, not giving an inch. 

    A unit with more wounds with less cost will always perform more consistently, though obviously you will have less insane board sweeping turns. Given the status of Dispossessed runic lore at this point in time, we can't properly defend expensive units with the heavy magic/summoning meta looming on the doorstep. Our unbinding is very limited in number and while powerful with the +2, needs to be used on the right spells. Ironbreakers might be cheap enough now so they are truly worth exploring, but I think that a mass of cheaper units is still the way to go with mortal wounds almost being more common that normal wounds at this point (Perhaps its just my local meta). 

    Irondrakes obviously do better than thunderers per model from ranged, but they used to cost too much. Perhaps the reduction and rule change is enough, but in the end, I currently believe you just lose too much per model and the better armor wont matter with all the endless spells that are going to be thrown around . I don't think my ranged army composition will differ much with these changes  unless they rework the ironweld crew rules.

    But with all that said, I agree that Irondrakes are a lot better now. Im just not conviced they are good enough.

    Do you think there will be a wave of updates to bring all the scrolls up to a newer standard? 

    9 hours ago, Furuzzolo said:

    Good lord, first the endless comet, now this.... Are they trying to push Dispossessed over Kharadron and Fireslayer? ?

    Joking aside the Irondrakes Captain is now an antimonster, better then the "oneshot stormcast winged guy". 24" of d6 damage..... I dunno about this. Seems crazy. 

    Are Dispossessed becoming competitive...?!?

    Are we sure that the endless comet can be used outside the stormcast allegiance? They were pretty clear in the FAQ that spell/priest lores are limited to their original factions, are we sure that this does not extend to faction specific endless spells? I also would like to think that as long as a Stormcast Wizard is casting it, you can take it in any army, but I wouldnt be surprised if its limited to stormcast allegiance.

    P.S I dont intend to sound pessimistic. My main point is that I don't think there will be a massive change in the way Dispossessed plays at this point in time. And that is not a bad thing either. There is a lot of hidden potential in Dispossessed and I have been doing very well with them so far. 

    • Like 2
  13. 19 minutes ago, stato said:

    I don’t get the need to put in the 3” rules? They already cut shooting strength by only targeting units within 3”, now they reduce the effectiveness of those units further. When were Dispossessed smashing up tables?

    That was actually present before. The only thing that really changed about our shooters is that irondrakes can move now and quarrelers have a different wording (twice becomes +1 attack) which has little bearing in most cases. 

    Its a shame about the Warden King and Longbeards though.

    • Thanks 1
  14. https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/age_of_sigmar_firestorm_errata_en.pdf

    Page 64 – Greywater Fastness, Organisation Add the following keyword to this list: Dispossessed

    Gives us a few options to play around with I guess. Im not too happy with the changes either. Especially given that Ironweld artillery still seems to have the normal crew rules. Unless there is going to be a wave of Warscroll updates separate from the FAQ?

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