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Posts posted by I_usually_just_lurk

  1. Just a quick note: I tested a KoS on steed with the trait that allows him to reroll hits and wounds (against non-Death, but who plays Death lol), and the artefact that gives him Rend -4. So that’s 5 attacks 3+ 3+ rerolled -4 2. And if he killed a model, at the end of the combat phase he heals 1 and gains 1 to his wound characteristic.

    I was really liking him as a babysitter to Bladegheists (for the double activation and the free All out attack). I don’t hear ppl talking about the KoS but I find him especially fun to kit out with traits and artefacts (you can make him heal D6+1 every combat phase in which he kills a model, on top of gaining 1 wound characteristic)… he’s just fun. And his high-attacks, low-rend weapon opens him up to shenanigans.

    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, ledha said:

    Bastian in 600 pts is basically a big middle finger. The guy can clear out alone entire PTG armies because most of battleplans have no objective and are basically about killing the ennemy. In PTG most armies are like 1 hero et 3/4 not reinforced units. I run two PTG campaign and someone sending bastian and a knight draconis would basically be a WAAC in my eyes.

    Yeah I won’t bring Bastian, even in our competitive group. For the record, I had to google “WAAC” :)

    I’m painting Stormdrakes for matched play, so obviously I’d love being able to do a PTG with them. I’m now thinking of a KD, a SDG and a single Fulminator @ 600 pts. It will probably go as most very low points games go: if I connect first on the charge, I’m good. If the opponent connects first, I don’t accomplish anything.

    Just not sure how to build around a KD for PTG, to be honest. 

  3. Great points both. My play group is pretty competitive (however I am not). And I totally agree with the comments on small Matched Play games — we tend to play 1250pts max, with big centerpieces (Glotkin, etc.) and it’s really hard to have balanced games.

    If the 300+300 is too oppressive (it might be), I’ll do something else. There are some SC PTG rules where you can upgrade a Knight on foot to a Knight-Draconis; maybe this will be the way to go. A Knight-Judicator might be fun in narrative games (and I love the model!).

  4. Can Path to Glory be discussed here? We’re planning a friendly PTG escalation campaign, and I’m going to try using a Knight-Draconis as a warlord.

    I’ve been pondering going super-elite and playing the KD and Bastian Carthalos as my 600pts list… it would be kind of funny to play a game with only two models. Bastian might have decent survivability in a low-point PTG game, with his effective 16 wounds and his ability to fully heal himself after killing a model. I doubt an opponent would have enough concentrated damage potential to take him out easily. The KD by himself would be OK (obviously his command ability is useless) but I’d plan on adding a single SDG at higher point values (probably swapping out Bastian).

    But thoughts on a Knight-Draconis + Bastian list? Obviously the plan would be to smash face, not play objectives. Would it be too oppressive? Or hopeless as I’d be terribly out-unit’ed?

  5. How do people handle our deploying in the underworld rules in GHB2019 Meeting Engagements (with the Spearhead, Main and Rear deployments)?

    My friends and I have house-ruled it where we count how many deployments were done in the game “so far” (not within each deployment phase). So if I have an army of 6 units, and they work out to be split evenly between Spearhead, Main and Rear, and we’re playing a battleplan that says “Start with Spearhead on the table; end of Turn 1, deploy Main; end of Turn 2, deploy Rear”, I could do something like this:

    Turn 1: deploy my entire Spearhead (S1 and S2); at the end of the turn, setup my entire Main in the underground (M1 and M2)

    Turn 2: in the movement phase, deepstrike with M1 and M2 as per our rules; at the end of Turn 2, setup half my Rear in the underground (so deploy R1 on the table and R2 underground)

    Turn 3: in the movement phase, deepstrike with R2

    The alternative rules interpretation would be to count the “every second unit” rule from within the Spear/Main/Rear only, which is super restrictive. Thoughts?


  6. Hi! I have a 2v2 tournament coming this week-end (1000 + 1000), and wanted to hear you guys' thoughts on the list I was planning to play. My partner plays DoK and is very much an alpha strike / "hammer" list. I tried to make a list that would be complementary.

    - Lady Olynder (General; Shademist)

    - Guardian of Souls (Spectral Tether, Beacon of Somethinganazar)

    - 6x Spirit Hosts

    - 3x Spirit Hosts

    - 10x Bladegheist Revenants

    - Chronomantic Cogs

    The format of the tournament includes at least one round of 1v1's to ensure lists are somewhat balanced and can stand on their own, so I tried to make sure my list would still work in this format. When playing 2v2, the cogs would help my partner and myself (with my Bladegheists) get our turn-1 charges; when playing 1v1, I'm likely to use the cogs in "slow time" mode, to allow Olynder to reroll her saves.

    I'm hesitating between Olynder as general (so that she can burn Command Points to return slain models to units) or the Guardian of Souls as general (giving him Lord of the Spirit Hosts to return D3 models to a unit). If I go the Olynder route, 3 units of 3 Spirit Hosts might work better than 6 + 3 as far as her command ability is concerned, but units of 3 are a lot easier to "delete" than units of 6... and they need to survive in order to benefit from her ability. I'm not sure what's the wisest approach.

    I'm obviously low in model count and definitely low in hitting power, but I feel this might work... Thoughts?

  7. I playtested 1k of LoG with a friend tonight. My list:

    - Reikenor the Grimhailer. Spell: Shroud of Terror (8+, -D3 Bravery at 12’’)

    - 3x Tomb Banshees, one is the General. Artefact: Grave-Sand Gem (heal 1 in hero phase). Trait: Tragic Emanation (-2 Bravery within 12’’)

    - 10x Skeleton Warriors

    - 10x Skeleton Warriors

    - 5x Dreadscythe Harridans

    - 5x Dreadscythe Harridans

    - 5x Dreadscythe Harridans

    - 5x Dreadscythe Harridans

    - Chronomantic Cogs

    It was pretty hard for my opponent to manage (he was playtesting new Sylvaneth stuff). Reikenor was there to drop Cogs (at +3), allowing him to reroll his saves and to cast two spells per turn (and thus snuff candles twice per turn). He could manage flak using his own spell, and do the bravery debuff at +3. The skeletons were there to give an additional -1 Bravery (at 6’’) and act as shields.

    It worked out the way I figured: the banshees were able to snipe even Drycha (2D6 vs a modified bravery of 4, three times), all his stuff had -1 to hit because of the Harridans, and I was able to bring back 3 units of Harridans during the game. The healing of one unit for D3 (grave sites) was also a nice bonus; I had deployed my sites in a cross formation 18’’ apart. The Harridans were surprisingly blendy btw (I had never played with them). 16 attacks at 4+ 3+ -1 for 1 (or 2 on a wound of 6) is decent for 90 points... especially when they can be brought back!

    My verdict on LoG is that as a NH player, I appreciate having different options opened to me for list building. This list wasn’t “good” per say (it’s easy to snipe the 4-wound General), and it would need tweaking, but I feel there’s some interesting possibilities with LoG.

    • Like 4
  8. 6 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    TBH, The reapers can't do everything and they need some other stuff to shine.

    Maybe your mileage will vary, but I’ve found a unit of 10 Grimghast Reapers to be exceedingly effective in my 1K games, and I’ve been deepstriking them to attack flanks / take back objectives. No buff, just the ‘ghasts on their own. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    Dangit. I was excited to try that idea out. Still 20 points for 3 bases of chains isnt bad

    Yeah I’m going to try them next game. We’ve outlawed the Geminids in our basement games because they tend to be too significant in MW output and debuff impact for 40 points. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Congratz said:

    Have you guys had any success in 1k and 1,5k games? if so can i see your lists :D


    Had great success playing against DoK in a 1k battle (with proxies) with this list: 

    - Guardian of Souls (general). +1 to casting rolls artefact.

    - Lady Olynder

    - Spirit Torment

    - 1x 3 Spirit Hosts

    - 1x 10 Grimghast Reapers

    - 1x 10 Bladedude Revenants

    - Geminids of Uhl-Gysh

    We played the scenario where an objective appears on the center line on turn 2 and an additional objective appears in each player’s zone on turn 3, and the objectives are worth more points the later in the game you are.

    I basically deployed my three heroes and my Bladedudes as a Death Star, and kept them hidden / uncommitted to avoid spell sniping by my opppnent. Got the Geminids down which did crazy damage (hit four units with the two balls, so 8D3 MW). I let my opponent commit and capture all three objectives, then immediately grabbed the two side objectives from him (deep striking my Grimghasts, chomping through units with my buffed Bladedudes, and holding up mobile units with my Hosts). I then converged to his center with everything. My opponent quit before getting tabled. I only lost one hero (Spirit Torment).

    The spells I used were the two healing ones (the one that heals D3 and the one that siphons D3). My GoS had the trait where you bring back D3 models. 

    One of our biggest strengths is mobility, and it’s not an intuitive advantage — but our combination of reliable deep striking, flying, moving 6 and 8, and teleporting (through our Command ability) makes us crazy mobile and flexible. I was able to keep my units away from his hard hitters, was able to debuff and focus on specific units... it was a joy to play. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  11. My FLGS is doing an escalation league for AoS. I’d like to use it as additional incentive on assembling and painting my new NH army. It will be over four weeks, with a 500, 750, 750 and 1000 cap for each of the weeks. Battleline requirement at 500 is 1. We are allowed to change the makeup of our lists from week to week (for instance, you’re not committed to using the same general for the duration).

    Based on my NH plans, on the models I currently own, and on the models with no current release date (looking at you, Bladegheists and Guardian of Souls), I’d be playing with a very low model count 500-pointer of Olynder, 6 Spirit Hosts and the Shackles spell (20 points left over).

    Thought? My only objective is to pressure myself in painting stuff. But at the same time I don’t want to go through the trouble of registering and scheduling games if my Week 1 games (500 pts) are all hopeless...

  12. 14 minutes ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

    Yeah I agree. If you don't like your Battleline, you really shouldn't be playing the faction. The Battleline are your core, you should really build around supporting them and getting them onto objectives.

    I agree with the comments on battleline selection and not treating them as tax, but please don’t assume that is my intent :) I am simply trying to build a 1k list around a unit of Bladegheists, which are not battleline. I own Spirit Hosts and like playing with them, so it was kind of a natural. And I do want to play with Olynder, she was fun to play with in my test game.

    I agree with you guys’ comments on the size of the Bladegheist unit though. Very valid points.

    I will play test the following list:


    - Guardian of Souls (general)

    - Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief

    - Spirit Torment

    - 10x Chainrasp Hordes

    - 15x Bladegheist Revenants

    - 3x Spirit Hosts


    As an aside, I think people will misuse the Chainghasts / Spirit Torment 12’’ bubble to reroll  hits of 1... both warscrolls mention “for units wholly within 12’’ ”. I don’t think you’re meant to use the Chainghasts to create arbitrary “shapes” of that bubble — RAW, you couldn’t cover a large unit by having part of them covered by the Spirit Torment and part by the Chainghasts, for instance. They might FAQ it. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Nevar said:

    I love her model.  I love her abilities.  I will likely never use her in a list.

    She is cheap for what she does and is very good so this is not an inditement of her as a unit.  It's just her Command Ability like you point out requires a command point to bring back models.  Key word is models, so it is amazing if you have a swarm of Spirit Hosts, and your opponent is dumb enough to not focus their fire on one unit at a time.  With the new rules we can kind of control that because they no longer have the option to not pile in and fight, but our opponents can also just fall back if they think they can't do more than kill a spirit host or two they know you will just replace.  It is alright on Hexwraiths as they are 2 wound models, but she is not really fast enough to keep up with a headlong cavalry charge.

    Lady Olynder is at her best up in the front lines of a massive scrum dealing mortal wounds out to multiple enemy units and keeping as many friendly units inside her bubble.  The problem is the units best at that kind of fighting are Chainrasps, Grimghasts, Spirit Hosts, Bladegeists, Harridans, etc.  Nearly all of those are 1 wound models.  Returning 1 of them is not terrible, but is it worth a command point?  If you have a bunch of under strength Spirit Hosts, the answer is heck yeah!  If you have a bunch of dead Chainrasps or Grimghasts? No, not really.  You probably want to use the Command Point on your mKoS or someone else.

    She is still awesome doing what she does, but I would not use her as my General, and since I will be playing mainly a speedy list I will be relying on the mKoS and The Grimhailer most likely.

    Very insightful, thank you. 

    I’m trying to design a 1k list for a casual environment (basement games, occasional FLGS tourney). This is what I have so far, barring traits and artefacts:


    - Guardian of Souls (general)

    - Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief

    - Spirit Torment

    - 2x Chainghasts

    - 10x Bladegheist Revenants

    - 3x Spirit Hosts

    - 3x Spirit Hosts


    Pretty straightforward: Spirit Torment for healing and his buff; Chainghasts to spread that buff and for some shooting (albeit with only 2 models it’s minimal); Bladegheists for the synergy with the Spirit Torment and Chainghasts (RR to hit); Spirit Hosts to deepstrike, get objectives, flank, etc. and teleport back if wounded / needed. Olynder is a Drycha equivalent, GoS is there to heal and would either take the +3 move Artefact or the addtl. 3 wounds healed lantern.

    Would this work? It feels a bit top-heavy...

  14. What are people’s thoughts on making Lady Olynder your general?

    Her Command Ability is very nice: bring back one slain model to each summonable unit within 12’’. Can only be used if she’s your general. I used her in a proxy game and it’s nice, but not overwhelming (if you have lots of units, you could assume they’re smaller units, hence easier to wipe altogether). I liked it for my 2 units of Spirit Hosts.

    But, she’s a named character, so your army goes without a Command Trait. And it seems that we have access to a trait that’s similar to her ability: bring back D3 slain models to a summonable unit within 9’’.

    I’m trying to figure out what’s best between using Olynder as a general vs. a Guardian of Souls with that trait. Advantage of the GoS is that you’re not burning your command points to rez models, and you can potentially return more models to that one unit that really needs it (on top of his spell, if it goes off).


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