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Posts posted by 8bit_Jesus

  1. 3 hours ago, Weazel said:

    Well you can always have your Troggboss do straight up 6 damage via trait if you really want him to hit like a truck. But that's going to cost you a few CPs along the way which has the potential of being a Very Bad Thing.

    As much as I love my Gitz even in their current state, I don't think a slight decrease in variance of certain stats would really break the game nor make Gitz overpowered. A value range of 2-12 in an absolutely key stat (Boingrot Bounders movement) is a bit too much. I already own a horde army (in 40k) so not really going to spam Stabbas any time soon.

    How do you give him a flat 6 damage...? I've only just started using trolls, and in my firs two games, he was amazing and squished everything in sight, the second game I whiffed everything, and then he died

  2. 17 hours ago, Stroke said:

    This post screams "I bought models that looked cool and had no idea how they played and now I want you to change my toys so I can play them how I want, forgot all the other night goblin players who enjoy the army and were not surprised by the "randomness" and enjoy it"  do some homework on the rules before you buy an army is the best advise if your concerned with it being competitive. I think you MIGHT be the ONLY gloomspite player that's surprised/upset they aren't super competitive.

    Absolutely this. I've got a 50% win rate in my escalation league, and I've enjoyed nearly every game. They're fun, frustratingly so at times, like when your Troggboss eats his own artefact after the first 4+ FNP roll. I do envy some factions (looking at you Slaanesh, with your guaranteed movement!) but they're still fun, you just have to work harder to win. I think any faction that has bouncing rubber dice can't be expected to by super competitive. 

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