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Posts posted by Lord_Vithiss

  1. Hi all, 

    I was thinking of taking a Mortals list in friendly games and potentially to local tournaments when they start up again. My list idea was centered around an affliction cyst and a blight cyst. I despise maurader models and would never purchase them so ruling that out how would I improve this list?

    Which subfaction should I take?

    Lord of Afflictions - Genral Witherstave

    Lord of Blights -Rustfang

    Lord of Plagues 

    Fecula and Wormspat

    3x5 PBK

    3x2 PGBL

    3x nurglings

    Blight cyst/affliction cyst


  2. 6 hours ago, Gistradagis said:

    Well, if those are the units you have, that's what you gotta play with. A couple things I'd recommend are:

    • Plaguebearers in a unit of 20 and another of 10. A single of 30 is just unwieldy, and you only need them to screen and absorb charges (with the Munificient Wanderers CP to deal D3 MWs if a demon gets charged).
    • The GuO and Poxbringer should always stay slightly behind the front line, buffing and casting spells. Don't know which ones you are picking, but I'd recommend giving the Favoured Poxes to the Poxbringer (debuff the enemy's key piece and just sit still, close enough to let plaguebearers re-roll saves), and Glorious Afflictions to the GuO.
    • Speaking of the GuO, you want to have a Bileblade and Doomsday Bell, to make your army somewhat faster (get to the objecties you need, then stay put). Then just keep casting your chosen spell and arcane bolt, or mystic shield on some Blightkings.
    • Speaking plain and fair, Plague Drones and Nurglings are terrible. They'll either be a minor nuisance, or just do nothing at all. So... you invest on being a nuisance. Nurglings can "deep-strike"... sort of. You must come out on your first turn, and in cover. Still, that allows you to sit on some objectives, or close to them, for some sneaky points. Conversely, you could make them pop somewhere in the enemy's deployment zone to start getting those 3 Contagion points. The Drones should be around the front lines, ready to intercept smth with their decent movement range or simply limit the space for the enemy to charge you. Something good here is that they are multi-wounds, so you can have them tank with their save and Disgustingly Resilient, then with the GuO cast Plague Wind and heal them while also dishing out some MWs to the Orruks.
    • No idea what's your second artefact, since your list doesn't say, but I'd recomend the Witherstave on the GuO or Poxbringer. Sit behind the frontlines and give all enemy units within 12" a permanent "re-roll hit rolls of 6."
    • Summon as appropriate. Either to reinforce your frontline, or to threaten objectives.

    I appreciate the feedback, the 2 artifacts were mucktalon and then endless gift on the great unclean one. If I were to pull out the drones and drop in horticulous would that be a better option?

  3. Hey guys,

    I have been playing AOS with my brother in quarantine these past couple weeks. I play a mixed Rotbrinber and Daemon list and he has his Orruk warclans.  He has been trying out the big waaaagh allegiance that I am struggling fight. Do you guys have any good tips or strategies to fight the list. It is primarily Iron Jaws with a bone splitter shaman. I find that his multi damage just burns through my blight kings and leaves me with very little damage out put.

    I have the following units in my list :

    Using the Munificent Wanderers

    Lord of Plagues (muck talon)
    Lord of Blights
    GUO (endless gift)

    30x plague bearers
    3x5 Blightkings (in a blight cyst)
    3x Plague Drones
    3x Nurglings

    1980 pts

    I then Have the following remaining units to build and paint - Horticulous, Gutrot Spume, the wormspat.


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