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Posts posted by Ratrek

  1. On 8/2/2019 at 6:36 AM, CB42 said:

    Heavy shooting armies with good screens can just keep killing keepers as they get resummoned.

    Sorry for the side related question, but what does such an army look like?

    I've been playing Nesh lately and one of my mates loves shooting armies but seems to think they're all garbage. I'd like to help him out even if it's to my detriment.

  2. On 7/29/2018 at 3:46 PM, Sception said:

    Yeah, i think I'm going to be "that guy" for a while.  Will maybe switch to a zombie based list for a couple weeks as penance.  ?

    Don't suppose you would be willing to share a list? I'm guessing, but it seems that your build is more magic heavy which would be an interesting change of pace when I get bored with my mass horde approach.

  3. On 2017-05-04 at 6:32 AM, Chris Tomlin said:

    Yeh man, I feel your pain. Running pure Ironjawz is tough work at the best of times. Both myself and other long time Ironjawz tournament player @Sangfroid have discussed our frustration with them at times. I think in certain groups an arms race is really common, happens in my in every game we play. Still, you can usually find a level and it makes the wins you get all the more sweeter. I'm quite confident I could take a super strong list and compete well, but a sick part of my wants to fight on through the pain of being a pure Ironjawz player haha! I do properly love the army and have a good time playing it which helps.

    Adding some Savage Orruks is a solid plan for sure. It's something I've been meaning to do for the longest time now. I think I'll probably hold off until GH2 now before investing a bunch of time into converting and painting them to fit my theme.

    Oddly, I've heard a few newcomers mention their disdain for shooting into/out of combat in AoS of late. It's strange, as I don't play with shooting often, but it really doesn't bother me...it's just part of the game. You'll learn to live with it man, it's fine.



    Greetings good sir!

    I think the bit about not liking shooting out of combat, is that no other game that I've played lets you do it. Even in the games where you can shoot into combat, there's a risk involved that you might hit your own people. That's something that I accept when there's a risk.

    The reason I really don't like it nowin AoS as it allows shooting units to get away with sloppy positioning. There's almost no risk for them to get bogged down by fast moving units as they can still shoot their target AND fight off the pinning unit at the same time. Tactically, this is incredibly irritating. I will get use to it and pretty much have but it's my number one pet peeve about AoS. I love that positioning matters in wargames. It's the main attractor to me playing them instead of just playing a tactical card game like MtG. This rule/ability goes against everything I love in games. You can be sloppy and just dice your way out of the problem. Fleh.

    Oh well. At least I know what's what now and can adjust my expectations.

    As to GH2, I really wonder if that's going to help IronJawz at all. Even if there's a huge point drops on the Cabbage like 100 and 20 from every other unit, that's really one extra unit to the army. I don't think that's enough really. But we'll see.

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  4. On 2017-04-27 at 1:22 AM, Chris Tomlin said:


    @Ratrek - Hey man, that's such great feedback and really nice of you to say. Genuinely makes the time that goes into the thread worthwhile. Are you doing Ironjawz yourself?


    I started off as pure Ironjawz but I've been rather irritated at how easily I was getting blown off the table. Our group is only jumping back in to AoS but everyone played Fantasy for ages before that and everyone is a ex-tournament player of reasonable to really high skill. So it took all of 5 days for the arms race to begin. Hah!

    So I'm branching out from pure Ironjawz to add in Savages. I'm hoping the extra wounds at the lower point cost will actually keep me in games.

    I had high hopes for the Gorefirst, until I realized the bit about shooting out of combat. Sigh. Which incidentally is the only rule in AoS I really don't like. Oh well.

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