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Posts posted by Doomhowler

  1. Quick question, for games with friends (not tournament orientated), does the current Start Collecting Box work well, together with Kagras Reavers (from Underworlds) and a Box of Gresh' Idolators?

    Assuming that I own every Chaos Warband from Warcry which can be used as marauders.


    The question would be, if I should buy the Box with 3 chariots, or invest in other models.


    Greetings, Doomhowler

  2. I for one, am also glad that there will be a bit of pause in the releases.

    Not because I do not want it, some faction boxes are nice and since I collect Chaos, OBR and had started a DoK project with the shadow and pain Box I had to get them...

    Now Cursed City and that new fancy stuff for Adeptus Titanicus ripped a hole into my wallet (and my wife almost tore me a new one...).

    Broken Realms as a campaign is something I really was looking forward, the moment it was announced. But you all can feel, how GWs schedule is effed up with container shortage, brexit, stuck freighters and an ongoing pandemic.

    On that point I also see us as customers an essential factor in this problem, because albeit the situation we still demand products.

    Don't get me wrong, it's okay to hope for stuff you like, but the world is not dying on the Lack of plasticmodels and gw needs to satisfy their shareholders. But I find it utterly wrong that they have to bang put all their projects in such a short time, I can't even enjoy it. Yes, warehouses and store space also eats money and the products need to be sold...

    But within half a year 3 campaign books... I live in germany/austria and we have something which is called "Buchbindepreis". It is essentially a fixed price on every books sold in our countries, to support book-manufacturies. That means, every books sold in that area has its price which will never Chance (no discounts or Flash sales) except it is remarkably damaged or old. So 30 to 50€ for each single book hurts a lot on top of the plastic we buy.

    Hypetrain works well, but I am getting tired of the constant flow of 'do want'-releases.

    • Like 1
  3. Tripple Post: like i have posted on social media, here's the finished Questoris Knight.

    Took me about 7 or 8 hours, not including the time to wait for letting the paint dry. It was kind of relaxing, painting a bit more relentless. In its essence, there is a lot of inks and drybrushing involved and very few fine details which had to be layered the classic way. Next thing on the table will be Garrek Reavers.




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  4. Lads and ladies!

    everyone of you, who posted an idea, a doodle or an entire conversion plus painted model: you are amazing!!!


    It was really refreshing to see all the different kinds of ideas and also a little bit of a reminder, that one does not have to create the same stuff to go "in line" with the rest of the hobby. 

    Beeing a wargamer/hobbyist for almost two decades and often influenced by the people or groups i played with, my creativity almost always have been limited by either the rules and a stupid wysiwyg-mindset. Plus a bit of angst or fear of to "not wanting to ruin my models" by doing clumsy conversions or a bad paintjob.

    Alltough loving the AoS Setting and its power metal vibes, i miss a bit of the weird doom and gloom from the old world. Especially the artwork of the armybooks for example always had some weird but lovely details which enriched the context between written content and the models you might have used for it.

    And now i've found the x28 project... still have to read the mag28 issues, but this thread already got me so far, that i want to paint existing models in a different way than before.

    But where to start?

    In the upcoming holiday, lockdown and so on, i might be able to grab some paint, some underworld warbands, the models from silver tower and some... wait, i will just start with a knight questor probably.


    Happy holidays, whoever celebrates it!!!

    Thank you for the inspiration, Doomhowler

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  5. Hey guys, i had the luck of obtaining the content of a Raiding Party Armybox (Tidecaster, 10 Thralls, 10 Reavers, 2 Allopexes and 3 Morsarr Guards), with an additional Soulrender and the battletome. 

    My friends and i are playing mostly games around 1k to 1,5k Points. Beeing on a budget (new necrons...) doesn't allow me to go over board with buying additional units, but i would like to hear your suggestions, what models would be a senseful addition to have a variety at 1k Points, up to 1,5k Points? 

    Typical enemies are stormcast, sylvaneth, bloodbound, skaven, nighthaunt and bonerreapers. possible upcoming armies are Ogres and DoK. 

    Greetings and many thanks in advance, Doomhowler

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