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Posts posted by WeeDaveSoutar

  1. On 4/30/2020 at 1:29 PM, Roark said:

    I hope this isn't bad manners to mention in the StD thread, but I believe I play Slaves units in Khorne allegiance in the way you describe. Slaves units get the opportunity to shine offensively in Khorne. But you need Khorne units too...

    PS: Were you a Khorne-marked Chaos Warriors with Halberds kind of guy? Those were the days. 🙂

    I am aware of the relationship with a similar list in Khorne. In particular, I saw the Blades of Khorne army that won SAGT around a month ago - which seemed similar in many regards. 

    As an option, I'd certainly keep it open. In recent years, I haven't been a fan of moving khorne towards priest and prayer mechanics. As this seems to remain dominant in the book, I aim to circumvent it atm. Nevertheless, I will paint my chaos army to work with any mark or book, as I've suffered to many times investing in Age of Sigmar and then having unit options or books swept out beneath me.

    Regarding offensive ability. I'm quite happy to pin people back and play the objectives game, while using surgical magic or teleporting units to remove key pieces. 

    Regarding 8th, actually khorne halberd warriors were not my game - surprisingly! If tournament comp allowed, I ran Slaanesh chariots as core with crusher support, tanky tzeentch characters and chaff. Trolls sometimes as well. 

    If comp forced me towards warriors, as at the ETC, I gravitated towards tzeentch sword and board. Always felt khorne foot warriors were too slow to apply their damage where needed, while that same lack of speed and their overall cost made them vulnerable to frenzy overrun.

    As it happens, I've slightly updated my list: let me know any further thoughts


  2. Hi everyone, 

    I've been trying to build a series of test lists before returning to Age of Sigmar after a long absence at university. 

    In the past I used to play a Warriors of Chaos army that pressured quickly with multiple tough hammers. Essentially a list that  could put itself in my opponents face, gain board control and make them take tough decisions. I like to place my opponent under pressure with a variety of melee based options as my playstyle. 

    As such, I've been looking to build a competitive Slaves to Darkness army that would fit the bill. If of course this is not possible with the new StD, I could look elsewhere. However, I've made a cohesive attempt with a Cabalists / Nurgle / Marauder centric army.

    Please let me know your thoughts on the list and the validity of running StD in such a manner competitively in the current meta.

    Cheers folks


  3. Hey folks, 

    I'm looking to get back into AoS after a long break and reengage with tournaments once the world goes back to normal. 

    Does anyone have thoughts on this list? 

    Regarding some play: 

    The items are to allow the GuO to act as an offensive blocker or to jump over my lines if needed while the Harbinger can maintain a safer distance. There is the option to swap the Witherstave to the GuO and give the Harbinger the Rustfang, which is a brilliant tool but puts the Harbinger at risk. I may try both.

    Fecula takes Blades of Putrefaction with the Wurmspat ranking wounds before they become chaff.

    The rest of the list is fairly self explanatory. 

    My main concerns are a limited long range threat to snipe key pieces, though this seems to be a problem for Nurgle in general without Thricefold. Furthermore, the army lacks offensive punch without blades and may need to play a purely objective game in several matchups.

    Any thoughts are very much appreciated.



  4. Any thoughts on the following list:

    Stormhost - Hammers of Sigmar

    Knight Vexillor - General, We Shall Not Fail, God Blade, Pennant of the Stormbringer

    Vandus Hammerhand

    Gavriel Sureheart

    5 Judicators (Bows)

    5 Judicators (Bows)

    5 Judicators (Bows)

    10 Evocators 

    3 Vanguard Palladors

    3 Vanguard Palladors

    Celestar Ballista

    Celestar Ballista

    Following units on the ground - 3x5 Judicators, 2x3 Palladors, Vexillor

    Following units in the air - Gavriel, Evocators, Vandus, 2x Ballista

    Vexillor teleports himself to join the strike force from the air and give out the re-rolls. Gavriel uses command ability on the drop, Vandus on subsequent turns. 

    Judicators provide fire support and camp objectives while the Palladors go after further afield objectives or form part of a support wave.

    Ballistas drop to start pressuring support heroes from close range (casters, buffing pieces etc).


    What do folks think?


  5. Tempted by a monster themed nurgle army now that we have the full updates.

    Wrote the following this evening:


    Harbinger of Decay (General) (Hideous Visage) 

    Great Unclean One (Glorious Afflictions) (Witherstave) (Bell/Blade)

    Glottkin (Blades of Putrefaction)

    40 Nurgle Marauders (Axe/Shield)

    20 Nurgle Marauders (Axe/Shield)

    20 Nurgle Marauders (Axe/Shield)

    Nurgle Chaos Mammoth

    Nurgle Chaos Mammoth


    Army uses speed and board control to maximum effect. Swarming the board and putting the opponent under pressure fast. 

    Multiple bravery debuffs should help the Glottkin's -1 to hit work and also cause real battleshock problems. 

    Aim to get models in both territories fast to summon plaguebearers to block or hold objectives if needed.

    Would be great to hear folks thoughts!

  6. Hi folks,

    Interested to hear thoughts on a legion of night army i've written: (Please do give advice)


    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (Deathlance, Chalice, Shield) (General) (Pinions) (Swift Form) (Realm item that makes character immune to rend)

    Necromancer (overwhelming dread)

    30 Grave Guard (Sword and Board)

    10 Skeletons (Blades)

    10 Skeletons (Blades)

    10 Dire Wolves

    2 Morghast Harbingers (Swords)

    2 Morghast Harbingers (Swords)



    I'm new to legion of night so mainly written the list to try and maximise some benefits of the legion while also building a list with flexibility

    Thanks folks! 

  7. So with no more plaguetouched warband, looking at the following maybe:

    Great Unclean One (General) (Tome of a Thousand Poxes)

    Harbinger of Decay (Witherstave)

    Lord of Blights


    5 Blightkings 

    5 Blightkings 

    5 Blightkings 

    30 Marauder Horsemen  (Nurgle)

    Blight Cyst

    Extra command point

    So plan is to use the marauder horsemen to pen the enemy in with harbinger buff and lord of blights buff. If possible, blades too since its amazing on marauder horse. 

    Harbinger trails the horsemen with for the extra save/witherstave. 

    GUO has the bell for movement purposes and the tome to push spells through. Also would look to switch the wheel for extra movement turn 1.

    Blightkings go after objectives as fast as possible 

    Hopefully can bring in a unit of drones mid game for extra support.

    Much of the army will die but I'm thinking it could be good on objectives.

    Interested to hear everyone's thoughts on mostly mortal nurgle now that plaguetouched has gone.

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